After reading college
have a blurred vision
2023-10-20 16:00:35

As one of the four books, The Great Learning is a compulsory subject for the ancients. A thousand years later, if you read the Great Learning again, you can also feel the ideological trend at that time. It can be said that it influenced thousands of ancient people, and also constituted their unique Chinese way of thinking and principles. Some of them are still used today, and our way of thinking is still affected by them. The Great Learning put forward: "The way of the university is to be clear about virtue, to be friendly to the people, and to be good at the end. After knowing the end, you can be calm, calm, secure, secure, and secure. Things have their roots and ends, things have always been, and if you know the order of things, you will be close to the way." In short, the three principles (clear about virtue, to be friendly to the people, and to be good at the end) The eight principles (i.e., character, knowledge, integrity, sincerity, self-cultivation, family, state, and the world) and seven certificates (knowledge, stop, calm, peace, concern, and gain). This is its core. More frankly, what he said was to be a man and learn. Everyone knows that human nature is inherently good. Different people have different behaviors just because they grow up in different environments. But what we advocate is to be a gentleman with morality, culture and character. The foundation of being a gentleman should first be integrity, sincerity and self-cultivation. First of all, we should put our mentality right in different environments and on different occasions, so that we can have an honest heart. In this way, even if the external environment is so complicated, you can't disturb your decision and shake your correct attitude. As the saying goes, a good foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. In fact, they lack money and are greedy, but they have no integrity and are confused by desire. Blind pursuit of fame and wealth, face. He believes that taking bribes is a reflection of his own power and has a sense of achievement. Besides, many college students are addicted to the Internet, or games, or novels, or bad movies. This is obviously a sign of dishonesty. Of course, the most important task for college students is still learning. Learn theoretical knowledge, learn how to behave, rather than learn how to spend parents' money for entertainment and recreation. The rest take second place. Secondly, we should be sincere. "Sincerity is self deception. It is like evil and fetid, like lust. This is self modesty. Therefore, a gentleman should be cautious." A man should be sincere, but it is difficult to cultivate morality with sincerity. It not only requires people to have a deep understanding of the importance of sincerity and be willing to live a sincere life, but also gradually develop the habit of taking sincere life as happiness and violating sincere morality as pain. Only in this way can we really pursue sincerity. It is a requirement for a gentleman to change from good to wrong, to constantly improve himself, and to remain unmoved in the face of various insincere temptations. For college students, sincerity is even more essential, because college students are the successors of the motherland. If even college students are not sincere, then what future does the whole country talk about? Finally, learn to cultivate oneself, and achieve progress and perfection. Although we cannot be perfect and think about the world like saints, what we can do is to cultivate our morality, which is more for the sake of living a more noble life than for the sake of our country. The other is learning. In learning, we should pay attention to knowledge and things. "The so-called knowledge is based on the nature of things. People want to make me know. When things come to hand, they will be poor in reason. There is no spirit that can cover people's minds but there is no reason why things in the world are not good, but there is no reason to be poor

Therefore, his knowledge is endless. " The nature of things refers to the principle of striving to be poor. When people understand the truth of things, their knowledge will be complete; Knowledge acquisition is a natural result of knowledge acquired by human beings in the process of cognition. It is impossible to talk about knowledge without matter. Therefore, for our college students, internal training is about knowledge through matter. Spiritually, sincerity must start from self-discipline, and righteousness requires a continuous and peaceful attitude. Finally, let's briefly talk about the family, the country and the world. First of all, we need to unite the family. Just as a leaf knows the autumn, so a small leaf sees the big. How can you govern the country and make the world peaceful if your own family can't manage it well. As college students, in the process of striving for our own goals and ideals, we should start from small things, do every small thing well, and eventually we will be able to achieve your great goal. The Great Learning contains too much information. In a word, "The Great Learning is the book of the ancient university, so it is the way to teach people".