Facilitate the reading
Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall
2023-07-28 08:00:34

"Facilitation" is an excellent chapter in "Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio". Its theme and artistic achievements have reached a high level, which can be described as a literary masterpiece. I remember being selected as a text in high school, but my cognitive ability was not high at that time, and I could not find the unique artistic charm of this text. Recently, I read it occasionally, and intended to appreciate it from three aspects: plot, language and characters.

First, the plot is tortuous and the design is rigorous. Chinese novels originated from ancient myths and legends, so the artistic tradition formed is to pay great attention to the plot of the story, and be good at creating ups and downs of twists and turns and the integrity of succession. The article "Facilitating Weaving" takes "Facilitating Weaving" as the clue, which is clear and tortuous. Its plot can be summarized as follows: identifying insects - looking for insects - seeking insects - getting insects - losing insects - transforming insects - fighting insects - offering insects. Among them, "identifying insects - finding insects" can be seen as the beginning of the story, "seeking insects - getting insects" is the development of the story, "losing insects - transforming insects - fighting insects" is the climax of the story, and "offering insects" is the end of the story. In this way, the plot characteristics of the full text have been clear at a glance. However, the twists and turns of this article are also reflected in each development process: when you become famous for the first time, you can't find insects; when you turn to the bedside, you only think about suicide. When you reach the end of your life, it is a wave; The timely appearance of witches makes it possible to become famous according to the plan and get insects after the Big Buddha Pavilion in the east of the village; When I just got the worm, the whole family congratulated me. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin was killed on the way. Cheng Zizi was curious and "stole the hair basin". The worm got and lost again; He became famous and became "angry", but unexpectedly, his son also jumped into a well and killed himself. His characters were both empty. It never rains but pours; After that, Chengzi unexpectedly "recovered in the middle of the night", and became a real weaver. Although it was unimaginable, the article was able to make a sharp turn from then on; Since then, the novel has tried its best to contrast the lightness and fighting ability of Chuzhi with its unattractive appearance, highlighting its strange functions, such as fighting insects and chickens, which are invincible. It can also "dance in accordance with the festival when hearing the sound of zither and zither", which has also been written in waves and exciting; Finally, the happy ending can give people a long sigh of relief after they are nervous, but after a calm smile, they can't help but think twice. The plot is tortuous, but the design is rigorous. Throughout the full text, the structure is complete. As for the transition, the above has already been described. As for the response, there are at least two very good places to take care of. One is that the story originated from "the play of promoting weaving in the palace during the Xuande period, and the people were attacked at the age of". The end of the story is "to be great and happy, and to give the caretaker a name of horse dress satin", which echoes the old saying that "it is also necessary to tie the bell people to solve the bell"; Second, he started his career as a boy, never sold for a long time, and was a pedantic person. Moreover, his family was "exhausted with small production", and finally he was able to "enter the city". Moreover, "there are thousands of acres of land, thousands of pavilions, thousands of cattle and sheep, and thousands of hoofs and stilts; once he goes out, his horses and horses will pass the family". It can be said that good deeds will pay off.

Secondly, the language is refined and vivid. "Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio" has been written for ten years, and has been constantly revised and supplemented. Its language comes from the folk and is refined and vivid by art. The refinement of words is mainly reflected in the use of verbs, which is very appropriate and economical. For example, the third paragraph: "When a wife pays money, she burns and worships as before. After eating, the curtain moves, and a piece of paper drops. When she looks at it, she draws instead of words." More than 20 words clearly describe the whole process of a wife seeking insects. Another example is the fourth paragraph, which reads: "When you are amazed at the success, you should hurry to take advantage of it, and the toad will enter the grass. When you creep around, you can see insects attacking the roots of thorns. When you rush into the cave, you will not come out with sharp grass; when you irrigate it with water, you will come out with a very handsome appearance. After you chase it, you will get it. When you look at it, you will have a huge body and trim the tail, and you will have a green head and golden wings. When you are overjoyed, you will come back with a cage." This is a detailed description. The author goes to Wuhu to store miscellaneous things, and highlights the action "Tiao", "Pu", "Xi", "Guan", "Shi" and other words depict the whole process of becoming famous and catching insects in a delicate way. The article is as delicate as gold in the refinement, but as vivid as water in the image. For example, the sixth paragraph: "In the near future, I will return to my home. Hearing my wife's words is like being snowed by ice. Anger leads me to my son, but I don't know where I am going. Now that I have a corpse in the well, I will turn my anger into sorrow, and I am desperate to rob him. The husband and wife are facing the corner, and the cottage is smokeless. They are relatively silent, and don't talk anymore. Cheng Gu cricket cage is empty, and he will lose his breath, and he will not think of his son as a thought. He will be blind when he comes to dawn. Again, his demeanor is described in detail. The characters are lifelike. As I have said before, the ancient novels of our country attach great importance to the plot, even to the extent of deliberate, but the characterization is slightly inadequate. However, not only is the main character portrayed successfully, but even the secondary characters are portrayed vividly, which is truly unique.

The success of the characterization of this article mainly lies in the description of the manner. As for the description of the manner of becoming famous, I have already mentioned it, so I will not repeat it. Let's have a look at the description of "rangers". The seventh paragraph: "The young good doers in the village tame an insect. They call themselves' Crab Shell Green '. They are invincible with their disciples. They want to live in the house for profit, but they are tall and straight, and there is no one to sell them. When they visit Chengcheng, they look as if they have kept it. They laugh under cover. Because they are out of their own worms, they are in a cage. When they look at it, Pang Ran is tall and dignified. He is ashamed of himself and dare not compare with them. The young people are strong. Try to tease the worm whiskers with the pig hyena, but still do not move. The boy laughed again. After repeatedly teasing him, the insect became furious and ran straight to him, then he leaped to attack each other and cheered up. I saw the worms leaping up, their tails stretching out their whiskers, and the Zhihe enemy led them. The young man was so shocked that he ordered to stop. " In this passage, the teenager has three smiles: the first time he saw the famous "short, black and red", "shaped like a local dog", he couldn't help but "hide his mouth and laugh", which vividly depicts the teenager's arrogant and frivolous look; The second time he saw the famous promoter "as stupid as a wooden chicken", he couldn't help laughing again; The third time, he used pig hyenas to tease and weave, but "still did not move", so he "laughed again", extremely proud. Through the description of "three smiles", the image of a chivalrous person who is idle all day long and has nothing to do can be vividly seen on the paper.

In a word, "Facilitation" not only inherits the excellent tradition of Chinese ancient novel creation, but also attaches great importance to the creation of plot structure; They can also deliberate on the language and make it concise and vivid; And it has made some breakthroughs in the characterization of the characters, making the characters in the text lifelike, leaving a deep impression on people. It is a high-quality short story with strong artistic charm.