The slogan of the 2021 high school entrance exam (88 sentences)
Happy heart
2023-06-04 04:18:28
A complete set of slogans

1. We can win

2. It can be used for a thousand days

3. Bold and careful, steady grasp and steady strike

4. The gratitude of his alma mater can only be rewarded by winning

5. The gold medal title belongs to me

6. Gongs and drums resonate and a hundred flowers blossom

7. After a hundred days, we are proud and smiling.

8. Work hard, everything is possible.

9. The eight dragons in the sky make the Jianghu proud.

10. A hundred days of accumulation, a hundred days of brilliance.

11. Year sharpens a sword, eight classes cast brilliant!

12. Don't give up easily, try bravely

13. A gentleman should strive for self-improvement.

14. There is no end to learning, and you will win only if you love to fight.

15. Better to suffer for a hundred days; Never regret for life.

16. One dream, one sweat.

17. Cut through the thorns, and step through the rough mountains of books.

18. The eagle strikes the sky and the wind is strong, the roc flies and the sea waves spring.

19. Nothing is difficult, as long as Ken Ba (VIII) is pretty!

20. Sprinkle the sweat of today and create the glory of tomorrow

21. The sword is sharpened for a fight in the year, and the real person will appear in June

22. Nian Hanchuang sharpens a sword only when he wins the championship!

23. The list of heroes and tigers; Elite Wins Phoenix Platform

24. How can plum blossom smell without a cold bite

25. The horn of the senior high school entrance exam sounds loud. Who is it that urges the students to take the exam

26. Today, we are brave enough to climb the Dragon and Tiger List, and we will surely build a beam in the future

27. The drums of winning the first place are high. Look at me

28. Sharp swords are sharpened in the cold window of the year, and sharp swords are tested on the battlefield in June.

29. Bleed and sweat without tears, compete for time and position

30. Prepare for the middle school entrance exam with warm blood, and succeed with full knowledge.

31. Hundred day sprint test; Strive for glory.

32. Don't be obsessed with Class 8. It's a legend after the high school entrance examination.

33. Waste a minute today and regret it for a lifetime later.

34. Restrain yourself with the heart of defeating others and guests with the heart of being guests.

35. When studying hard in the cold window, I am happy to be behind the golden list.

36. If the heart is there, the dream is there. As long as you do it, you can do it.

37. If my heart is there, my dream is there. My future depends on me.

38. "Prepare for the high school entrance exam, and get a complete victory"

39. Recuperate your energy only when you are buried in the head

40. Three Years of Cold Window: Soldiers and Soldiers of the Present Era Break Buses and Sink in the Boat for Middle School Entrance Examination in the New Century

41. The ideal high school entrance examination started, and the talent of colleges and universities remained

42. Class 1, won the championship; Pass the pass and kill the general. The more you fight, the stronger you will be!

43. Class, not short of fighting spirit, 100 days of hard work, not afraid of danger.

44. Five Years of Hard Struggle: Successive Teachers and Students Lie on Hardship and Taste Gallantry to Create Brilliance

45. Strive hard to sharpen the will, unite and stick to the end.

46. Through hardships and hardships, you can achieve success.

47. The class is invincible, killing the same level with seconds; Make concerted efforts to achieve good results forever.

48. Strive for another hundred days, and success is in sight! Believe in yourself!

49. Hope is realized by us; Miracles are created by us!

50. Class 1, Grade 3, not short of fighting spirit, 100 days of hard work, not afraid of danger

51. Teachers and students should not wait and work together to create new brilliance.

52. I will succeed if I study hard and practice hard.

53. One class, no lack of fighting spirit, 100 days of hard work, and no laziness.

54. Class will win, never fall behind, fight forward and stand out from the crowd.

55. In the third day of the junior high school, Class 8 was the most handsome, united and friendly, all powerful!

56. Struggle hard and swear to the key points; Strive against time to create brilliance again.

57. Sail and steer the ship and fight bravely. Look at Class 8. It's magnificent.

58. "Strive hard", "Defeat yourself", "Challenge the limit"

59. Race against the clock, fight for a hundred days, and sprint for a hundred days. Success is in sight.

60. Strive against the clock to achieve success and create brilliance.

61. Confidence is 100 times higher, fighting spirit is high, and I will break through all difficulties to make myself brilliant.

62. It is extraordinary to be diligent, well grounded, and in the third class of junior high school.

63. It is extraordinary to be diligent and well grounded.

64. Cherish time, create miracles, and see no rainbow without wind and rain.

65. Use diligence to make up for congenital deficiencies, and let hard work open the way to the day after tomorrow.

66. One hundred days of hard work, one dream will come true. The good news is flying, and the title is golden.

67. Keep forging ahead and create brilliance together.

68. Keep forging ahead and create brilliance together.

69. The wind is rising and the clouds are surging, and the water is full of dragons. I am the only one in nine classes, standing out from the crowd.

70. The wind is rising and the clouds are surging, and the water is full of dragons. The only one in the eight classes is me.

71. Strive hard and make progress bravely; Sail for yourself and cheer for tomorrow.

72. I am not afraid of difficulties; I'm not careless.

73. With a firm hand and 59 passionate hearts, we will create a miracle in this high school entrance exam!

74. Reclining on hardships and tasting gall in the year to pay high aspirations; One hundred days of hard study and vow.

75. Fight several times in life, keep high morale and do your best, and you will win only if you love to fight.

76. The hundred day oath, youth like fire, vows to take the red flag of the middle school entrance exam - ambition Chongyun.

77. Draw a complete life with "confidence" as the dot and "hard work" as the radius.

78. Our ultimate Class 8, Xiaoduan, came back from challenging the high school entrance exam, and the World Expo cheered me.

79. Strict discipline, race against the clock, dare to make good achievements, strive for self and honor the school.

80. Surpass your dreams, fly high and be invincible, and kill your peers in seconds; Make concerted efforts to achieve good results forever.

81. The golden rooster heralds the spring, and the people with lofty ideals struggle against the clock to achieve a great leap forward; The battle drums hasten the battle.

82. There is no end to learning in Shushan; When the sea reaches the boundless sky, I will climb the mountain as the peak.

83. Strive hard for a hundred days to target key high schools; Break through all hardships in March to fulfill my dream of entering a higher school.

84. The right or wrong of success or failure is uncertain. The princes, generals and ministers are willing to have seed. They will try their best to win the day.

85. There is no end to learning in the book mountain; When the sea reaches the boundless sky, I will be the shore, and when I climb the mountain, I will be the peak.

86. The firm belief of "sharpening the sword in the year" and "indomitable" will encourage this strong and fearless team to go to the glory in the year!

Class 87, Class 1, youth is infinite, charm is eternal! Unite and forge ahead and climb the peak bravely. Class of hard work, class of miracles!

88. If your heart is there, your dream is there. As long as you do it, you can do it. Go out with a hundred day dash, a hundred day dash, and a laugh. How can we be Penghao people.