After reading Heilibu, the hunter
I hope you come back from the snow
2023-10-31 05:00:46

I like the story "The Hunter Heilibu". After reading it, I was very moved.

Hailibu saved the little white snake, so he got a gem that can understand the animal's words. But if he told others, he would become a stone man. Later, he heard that the birds said that disaster was about to happen, so he ran back to the village and asked the villagers to move. The villagers were puzzled. In order to save the villagers, Heilibu told the secret, but he turned into a stone.

In order to save the villagers, Heilibu lost his life and turned into a stone. He sacrificed himself to save others and thought of others. His unselfish spirit is touching. I should learn from him. Halibu clearly knew that if he told others what he had heard, he would become a stone and would not revive. But he still lost his life to save others. How great he is! We cannot be selfish, stingy and inconsiderate.

In life, there are also such examples. For example, when a fire broke out in some places, firefighters never thought about it, but rushed into the building without hesitation to save people. They thought that even if they lost their lives, they would also save those trapped in the building. Some firefighters lost their lives in the fire. Isn't their spirit of sacrificing themselves to save others the same as that of Heilibu? They deserve our respect.

Looking at myself, when I was young, I thought that if there was a fire in our house, I would first escape by myself and then let my family out. But after I read the story "The Hunter Heilibu", I regret what I thought when I was a child. Now, whenever I see a disaster on TV and some people risk their lives to save those people, I think of the story of "The Hunter Heilibu".

After reading the text, I felt sad for Heilibu's experience and moved by his spirit. We must learn from Heilibu and be unselfish and mean.