Fire safety slogans (80 sentences)
Get rid of vanity
2023-06-25 06:18:28
Complete set of slogans

1. Early treatment and careful fire prevention

2. Cherish life and stay away from fire

3. Watch out for fire and cherish life

4. Everyone is responsible for fire prevention

5. If one gets angry, everyone will suffer.

6. Pay attention to fire control and care for life.

7. Hold the safety blessing in your hand

8. Eliminate disasters and difficulties, and make sincere contributions.

9. Fire rescue, save people first

10. Cherish your home and eliminate fire.

11. Investing in fire protection is a benefit.

12. The weather is fine and the things are dry. Be careful of "fire blessing"

13. Safe production wakes up the spirit of twelve points

14. When the mind is distracted, the fire will happen instantly

15. Eliminating fire is the best precaution.

16. Fire is not difficult to prevent. Focus on abiding by rules

17. Learn the Fire Control Law and take the safe road

18. We must nip the fire in the bud

19. In case of emergency, call fire fighters.

20. Fire knowledge can save you from danger.

21. The fire fighting company has thousands of families, and we are safe.

22. Actively carry out safety day activities in primary and secondary schools

23. Comply with fire regulations and combine fire prevention with fire fighting.

24. Two taboos of fire prevention: paralysis and carelessness.

25. Everyone wants to prevent fire, and every household is peaceful.

26. Fire prevention should be paid attention to from time to time, and we should be happy.

27. Everyone participates in the fire fighting, and the safety is passed on from generation to generation.

28. Protect fire-fighting facilities and maintain fire safety

29. Do a good job in safety precautions, and happiness will accompany you

30. Do a good job in fire prevention and make the whole family happy

31. Labor creates wealth and safety brings happiness

32. Wise people choose safety, fools curse misfortune

33. Pay attention to fire prevention and improve the awareness of fire prevention.

34. Eliminate fire hazards and ensure family safety forever

35. Do not smoke in bed to avoid fire

36. There is only defense but no truth.

37. Wise people choose safety, while fools curse misfortune.

38. Eliminate fire hazards and ensure family safety forever.

39. Cherish life together, and never forget when people go wrong.

40. Strict is love, loose is harm, and good fire fighting benefits three generations

41. Anti violation, fire prevention, safety protection and production promotion

42. If you don't kill a snake, it will be a disaster. If you don't kill a fire, it will be a disaster

43. Alarm early, less loss, and remember the fire alarm number

44. Take part in fire safety and rely on everyone to prevent fire

45. Fire control regulations are life, and conscious compliance is the guarantee

46. Fire fighting connects you, me and him. Safety and happiness depend on everyone

47. The stumbling block is not high, and the violation is not small

48. It is the duty of every citizen to comply with fire regulations.

49. Everyone should guard against fire and ensure safety.

50. Safety is the increase of production. Cell fire is the embryo of accident

51. Pay attention to car refueling. Do not smoke or use mobile phones.

52. There is oil stain in the oil fume hood, which shall be cleaned regularly without accident.

53. Fire fighting knowledge comes to my home and we firmly remember it.

54. Never forget the common sense of fire control, and never panic in case of fire.

55. Fire fighting knowledge will accompany you, me and others safely when you come to Wanjia.

56. Fire drills are often held, and fire losses will be reduced.

57. Don't move the fire-fighting equipment. It is very useful for fighting fires.

58. Enterprise benefit is the most important, and fire prevention should be the first.

59. Enhance the awareness of fire safety and improve the ability of self prevention and self rescue

60. Multiple fire prevention preparations can reduce the loss of life and property.

61. Do a good job in fire safety. Establish enterprise safety image

62. A single spark can start a prairie fire, and small hidden dangers can easily lead to big disasters

63. If weeds are not removed, the seedlings are not strong, and if fire is not removed, the benefits will be difficult to improve

64. Fire officers and soldiers are for the people, and we hope you will abide by the Fire Law

65. Implement the production safety treaty and ensure long-term social stability

66. Enhance the awareness of fire safety and improve the ability of self prevention and self rescue.

67. Regularly organize fire prevention inspection and eliminate fire hazards in time.

68. Fire safety and disaster reduction are related to the happiness and tranquility of the whole people

69. A small hole cannot fill a large one to bear hardships, so as to prevent trouble from "burning"

70. Implement the fire safety laws and regulations, and do a good job in safe production.

71. More rain and less fire education

72. Fire safety is a kind of responsibility, for oneself, for home and for others.

73. Fire energy lighting can also destroy forests; Keep in mind and be careful at all times.

74. For the safety of you and others, please pay attention to the fire around you.

75. Hidden danger is better than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai

76. Use all the blood and life to write the glory of contemporary fire dancers.

77. Hidden danger is better than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai.

78. Don't take risks because of small hidden dangers and large profits

79. Smoke is the cause of fire, so it is necessary to take precautions as soon as possible; Tears are the water in your eyes. It's too late to frown.

80. Even the smallest hair has its shadow; No matter how small a fire is, it also has its seeds