66 humorous classic sentences of tired dog
Lone ranger
2023-08-01 14:35:11
Complete sentences

1、 The person you love most often hurts you the most.

2、 Don't take medicine if you are sick. Aren't you sick?

3、 I thought you liked the sea, but you liked the waves.

4、 The highest level of ignorance is two words: pretend to understand!

5、 All kinds of small talk, all kinds of songs, all kinds of tunes.

6、 How much emotional debt can I bear with my two inch shoulder.

7、 In what age, there is no sense of hooliganism.

8、 You remember, all the lovelorn is to make way for true love.

9、 The cashier said that there was no change, let's change you two plastic bags.

10、 The best time is on the way, and the most beautiful self is far away.

11、 I never speak to people, and what I say is always a myth.

12、 Don't linger when it's time to leave, and don't be gentle when it's time to fight back.

13、 Growing up is really boring, even happiness is wrapped in a layer of bitterness.

14、 Look at that cloud in the sky. It looks like you owe me 500 yuan.

15、 But I'm afraid that once I turn around, you will pass me by forever.

16、 Frustration experience is too little, only then can feel that trivial matters are troubles.

17、 The real pretend force, dare to face their own lack of thickness.

18、 My warmth is not much, all left to those who are good to me.

19、 Some people say I am handsome, and I smile because I am more handsome when I smile.

20、 When you touch my bottom line, you will know that I am not kind.

21、 I will smile, look back and greet, and borrow 800 yuan from you.

22、 Commitment is like farting. It was earth shaking at that time, and then it became powerless.

23、 Sometimes, caring too much is a kind of torture for oneself.

24、 I'm really comfortable that people who don't like me can block your heart.

25、 I only need simple company, unconditional trust and visible care.

26、 Before the summer vacation, I vowed that I would lose weight. After the summer vacation, I was not thin but fat!

27、 The least needed, inexplicable indifference, and overdue warmth.

28、 Don't say I am fat, or I will think you are jealous of me and eat better than you.

29、 So I like him hopelessly, and keep falling, as long as I go to hell.

30、 The best feeling is that when I look at you, you are already staring at me.

31、 Only you can have the right to hurt me in this world. I gave you that right.

32、 The wind this winter is so bad that it hasn't blown you to me yet.

33、 In fact, it is very simple to be a man. People's hearts change. You are more true to me, and you fake me to turn around.

34、 The left brain is full of water, and the right brain is full of flour. It's all paste when you move.

35、 It's better to think a thousand times than to do it once. Gorgeous falls are better than useless wandering.

36、 I have a high rate of turning heads. I almost look back at every handsome guy.

37、 My family is not worth much. I'm the only one who can get it. I'll give it to you. You don't have to pay it back.

38、 My heart is not a 24-hour restaurant, there is no welcome at any time.

39、 I envy people who have stories, unlike me, who has lived for more than ten years and used a handsome word to describe them.

40、 Boil the stars into sugar, dip them in the goodnight you said, and eat them with a big mouth.

41、 Every foodie is using his own efforts to save the economic crisis.

42、 When your hair reaches your waist, I will open the double sabres, cross cut and violent walk, and take away all your hair!

43、 If life kicks you a lot, don't forget to slap it twice. Resistance is better than tears.

44、 Play and play. Don't look at my mobile phone when you are in love. Don't ask my name when you lie in your arms.

45、 Many things in life are like wisdom teeth. The best solution is to pull it out. Instead, endure.

46、 I have only one cigarette, but I still have one night to live. I have only a little love, but I still have a lifetime to live.

47、 I used to be proud that no one would bow his head, but later, I learned to use rhetoric to face different dogs.

48、 I want to sleep happily at night and wake up expectantly in the morning.

49、 The purpose of striving and making progress is not to show others, but to live up to yourself and this life.

50、 The greatest power of effort is that you can choose the life you want, rather than being chosen by life.

51. One day, you will calm down and look at your story like an outsider, smiling and shaking your head.

52. The older I grow up, the better I feel than complaining about my grievances and unwilling to be silent; Anyway, you go, I live!

Fifty-three, be a plain but not mediocre person, not confused in the heart, not trapped in love. He is upright, dissolute and free. Don't talk about the debt, not meet.

54. Kindness should have a bottom line and generosity should have principles. Regardless of everything, only knowing how to be nice to others will betray your kindness.

55. Don't be reckless with tolerance. Some people seem to forgive you, but in fact, it is because you are not so important.

56. You give me enough money. I don't mind you looking for other women outside. If you give me enough love, I won't leave you because of money.

57. You have to contend with me. I will never be generous. You have to be very generous. I'm definitely brighter than you. You change my heart, true to true.

58. You have your background and I have my story. If you don't understand my story, don't give me unnecessary comments. Don't look at me yesterday.

59. Girls should not quarrel casually. It will show that you are very uneducated. You should slap her in the face and let her know what is power and what is civil and military integrity.

60. What a woman needs is a sense of warmth that is patient and clings to you in every way, and a sense of security that she always thinks of when she lets you out.

61. After all, women are emotional and have no immunity to various small animals, such as Bugatti Veyron, Hummer, Jaguar, Land Rover, BMW, and of course Tmall.

62. Green and true love are given to one person, but finally life is given to another person. The order of appearance in life is really important. Deep love and good love are not as good as just love.

63. I was misunderstood before. I wanted to grab the collar of the other person and explain for three days and three nights. Now I can't. If you can't understand me, we will go separately. Although I'm thirsty, I don't drink all kinds of water.

Sixty four. When the New Year is coming, I order takeaway. After taking the takeaway from the little brother, I said, "It's hard. You have to give it away when the New Year is coming.". The younger brother smiled and said to me: You are also working hard, and you have to eat takeout when the New Year is coming!

65. I still remember the first time I saw her delicate facial features, beautiful face, pure and clean breath, like a fairy who doesn't eat people's fireworks. That day, my mother told me that it was the first time I knew, my child, this is called a mirror.

66. When I was young, I was always afraid that others would not like me. I tried my best to ingratiate myself. When I was misunderstood, I wanted to grab the other person's collar and explain for three days and three nights. The more active I am now, the more I am. If I don't like it, I don't like it. I walk along the road separately. I'm so cute and interesting. I pity that you can't be friends with me.