Let's talk about Jane on the first day of September
Lotus Picking in Jiangnan
2023-07-15 11:22:29
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. At the end of August, I went out of the door. There were gains and confusion. See you in August, hello in September, and September will usher in a new start

2. Be cruel to yourself and force yourself to work hard. In a few years, you will thank yourself for being cruel today. After hard work, I know a lot of things. I insist and come here. See you in August, and hello in September.

3. If things go against your wishes, I believe that God must have other arrangements; All lost things will come back in another way. Believe in yourself and time will not treat you badly. See you in August, and hello in September.

4. In life, acceptance is the best gentleness. From today on, be a person with independent personality.

5. See you in August, and hello in September. Autumn is a gradual process, just like life, it comes out step by step. Even if there is wind, frost, rain and dew, we should move forward firmly and face the baptism of wind and frost bravely.

6. Harvest is a proof question. The realization of dreams is not in the end answer, but in the process of struggle.

7. One day, I will see through all the sceneries, and I will see you again in August.

8. Please be nice to me in the coming September. See you in August, and hello in September!

9. Next September, the classroom will still be that classroom. The teacher may still be that group of teachers, but that group of people will never be that group of people. See you in August, and hello in September!

10. Hello, September! Give yourself a smile, let your mood suddenly brighten, don't be upset about yesterday, don't be confused about tomorrow, be happy and contented, and be quiet and farsighted.

11. Whose light must be relied on. See you in August, and hello in September!

12. I hope that everything I want to do can be insisted on, and everything I want to insist on can be realized. See you in August, and hello in September.

13. On that day, there was no running under the setting sun, only a silly smile, saying goodbye to the past, hello, September.

14. May someone hold an umbrella for you in the wind and rain, and may you become a hero of your own world, facing thousands of troops bravely.

15. Today is the last day of August. I wish myself every success in the next month, even if it won't happen, I wish myself well. See you in August, and hello in September!

16. You are young and kind-hearted. You are afraid that nobody will love you. Don't worry, you will eventually meet such a person, good is always at the bottom of the box, all the unexpected, just to meet you. Hello, September!

17. When you embark on a different road, you will be able to see a different landscape from others. See you in August, and hello in September!

18. September is golden. One piece of golden yellow comes into people's eyes. Even the clear stream at the end of the evening reflects the golden color. Hello, September!

19. In September, the memory began to embellish some people's stories with the falling leaves, under those blue and somewhat excessive skies.

20. The rest of your life is very long. I hope you can embrace yourself and grow hard. The sun is in your eyes and your smile is full of frankness. Hello, September!

21. The broadest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the mind of people is broader than the sky. See you in August, and hello in September!

22. Those who go farther than you are not smarter than you, but go a little more every day. See you in August, and hello in September!

23. People always compare with others to see who is better than themselves and who is inferior to them. In fact, it is your own attitude, not others' misfortunes and sufferings, that is the bottom of your troubles and sorrows. See you in August, and hello in September.

24. There are some unacceptable parts in everyone's personality, even the most beautiful people. So don't be critical of others, don't blame yourself. Roses have thorns, because they are roses. See you in August, and hello in September.