Sentiments of men and women's lost feelings Sentimental ancient poems 2022 (selected 50 sentences)
Old Walled Desert Eagle
2023-06-01 08:43:27
Complete Poems

1. The body is full of leisure and sorrow, and the eyes are always full of joy—— Yan Jidao, "Immortal by the River, Worried and Empty Outside"

2. The high city is full of sorrow, and the reeds and willows are like Tingzhou—— Xu Hun's "East Tower of Xianyang City"

3. It's just that when I return to a person, it's no big deal.

4. Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, and people will learn to grow up by themselves for some time.

5. At noon, no one was seen by the railing, and the chiffon covered its tears and thought about it all over—— Feng Yansi's Ten Thousand Pieces of Magpie Stepping on the Branch, Plum Blossom Falling and Multiplying the Branch

6. Seeing off guests is self injuring and easy to get old. I don't know where to treat you—— Liu Cang's The Giver of Tao

7. I'm not really a fool, but I used to be willing for you. Now, I also learned to disguise you, neither hot nor cold, neither salty nor light. Then listen to you gently, you have changed. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

8. If you don't tie the willow in front of the carved saddle door, you will see the shame of flowers when you are lonely, and the cold wind will blow the rain after dusk—— Qiaoji's Grievance in Spring, Not Carving Willows in Front of Saddle Gate

9. The first addiction is really addiction, but also want to be really depressed.

10. Comfort others, comfort yourself can only smile bitterly.

11. You didn't give me a reason to selfishly walk away, let me alone to bear lonely betrayal.

12. No one crosses the fence for a long day, but dragonflies and butterflies fly—— Fan Chengda's Four Time Pastoral Prosperity

13. In detail, it is not a poplar flower, but a tear from others—— Su Shi's Water Dragon Chant, Yang Hua's Ci Poetry

14. It's a pity that all the songs are paid for at dusk—— The Moon on a Spring Night in Hunan, Near Qingming, by Huang Xiaomai

15. Shaohua is not reserved for young people. If you hate it, when will you stop—— Qin Guan's "Jiangchengzi"

16. We must experience some betrayal and some heartache to understand people's hearts.

17. My heart is tied to your tears—— Liu Yong's Remembrance of Imperial Beijing, Cool Weather with Thin Bedding and Little Pillow

18. Don't say goodbye to drunkenness when drinking—— Gao Shi's "Qi Shang Send Wei Si Cang to the Sliding Platform"

19. I still love you; What I can't hide is that I still miss you.

20. When you are sad, forgive yourself. You are just a person. There is no need to look at yourself as indestructible.

21. You should learn to jump and run, or you will be tired, whether your body or your half dead heart.

22. Acacia is as deep as the sea, and the past is as far away as the sky—— Le Wan's Divine Operator

23. The Pengmen did not know the fragrance of Qi Luo, so they intended to hurt themselves by good media—— Qin Taoyu's Poor Girl

24. Worry about the day and night in the weary horse mountain, and fear the cold spring on the lonely boat river—— Zhang Yu's "Du Shi Yu Delivers Tribute and Gives It to the Opera"

25. It seems that I am never important, only occasionally needed.