Blessings for 2021 (45 sentences)
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2023-07-05 19:18:25
Complete sentences

1. The 2020 season is over. The 2021 season starts next month.

2. Hello, the new year 2021! We are eager to succeed. First, we should aim at success.

3. It's time to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021.

4. Mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, even though thousands of miles away, I still believe that the future is foreseeable. Hello, 2021.

5. Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021, New Year's message from the circle of friends, 100 beautiful sentences

6. In 2021, I made a fortune for myself, and the salted fish turned over to enlighten me.

7. May all the people I meet in 2021 come to me with the attitude of never leaving.

8. As long as the backbone is not bent, there is no mountain that cannot be carried! Goodbye 20202021 Hello.

9. Life is in your own hands, not let life control you! Goodbye 2020, hello 2021!

10. With the "Fortune and Longevity" Samsung to cheer you up, I believe that everything will go smoothly in 2021!

11. 2020 is gradually leaving us, and 2021 is also coming. Everything is a new beginning, a new hope.

12. Finally ended the single life in 2020, so happy! Then prepare to start your single life in 2021.

13. As long as you become the top of the industry, your money will flow in like a wave. 2020, goodbye; Hello 2021!

14. Say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021. Whether you are male or female, we will bid farewell to the past and welcome the future at this moment.

15. Regardless of the vicissitudes of the background, 2021 should be a beautiful smile, the past is clear, love and hate are random, the south wall has been hit, and the story has been forgotten.

16. Only hope that can be realized can produce love, and only hope can maintain love. 2020, goodbye; Hello 2021!

17. With the support of a lofty goal, if you keep working, even if it is slow, you will certainly succeed. Goodbye 2020, hello 2021.

18. The world is vast and time is changing. I hope you don't look back or make do with it. It's the best arrangement to enjoy every moment. See you in 2020, and hello in 2021.

19. Time will tell us that simple love, the most long-term, ordinary company, the most reassuring, the people who understand you are the most warm. See you in 2020, and hello in 2021.

20. 2020 has given me sunshine as well as wind and rain, and I keep them in the box of memory. The splendid time of 2021 is coming. Please be nice to me.

21. If the heart is there, the dream is there. If the dream is there, the hope is there. As a person, you must have a dream. You can't give up at any time. 2021 is still on the way.

22. Men, remember that no matter how powerful your opponent is, you can't fall down. Remember that there is a woman you love behind you. Goodbye 2020, and hello 2021.

23. Yesterday has passed, and there is no value except memory. Today is still in front of me, and tomorrow is expected by me. Come on! New 2021, new self.

24. Look at the world with a pure heart and live with a joyful heart. No matter how beautiful the garden is, there are also unclean things. No matter how happy the life is, there are undesirable things. See you in 2020, and hello in 2021.

25. I wish you the future: wear the clothes you like, get along with people who are not tired, get along with everything you like, and live an imaginary life of 100 kinds. See you in 2020, hello in 2021~

26. Don't be confused, live a well-off life, have a bright career, have a humble family, and strive harder; 2021 If you have a goal, you should never worry. Good luck will come. Happiness will surround me.

27. Life is not all hardship and difficulty, but comfort and joy exist at the same time. Just like the seasons we experience, spring follows the severe winter, and sunny days follow the wind and snow. See you in 2020, and hello in 2021.

28. I hope you will let go of your persistence and unwillingness, and from now on, you will only be responsible for your own wonderful life. The past does not turn back, the future does not make do, if you are in full bloom, the breeze will come. See you in 2020, hello in 2021~

29. When the grass withers, it will continue to sprout and flower in the next year, and will bloom again next year. But people have only one life. What is the happiest way to live? In 2021, just remember one sentence: love yourself!

30. The hardworking water irrigates the successful seedlings, the power of wisdom attracts bees and butterflies to fly, and we work together to win the fruitful garden. Wish to make new contributions in 2021 and welcome a better tomorrow!

31. In this snowy season, enter the new year with a grateful heart. Let's go together! Learn from the best others and be the best yourself! come on. Goodbye, 2020, hello, 2021!

32. A greeting can make your New Year taste thick; A word of encouragement will make your 2021 New Year full of vitality; Care sentence by sentence, make your body and mind warm; Message by message, let your life go as you wish!

33. Even in the darkest time of life, there must be a light that can illuminate it. You are the light. Everything that happens to you, whether beautiful or ugly, is a gift. See you in 2020, hello in 2021~

34. The wind has passed, the rain has gone, and 2020 is over; There are joys and sorrows, and 2020 has become gray; Too sour, too sweet, 2021 more brilliant; Look past, show future, 2021 new stage; I wish you a good life and a high salary!

35. Looking back on the years, we can see the horn of hard work, the sweat of forging ahead, the regrets that have not been exhausted, and the fear of walking on thin ice. In the new year 2021, dreams will burn in our hearts and the future will rise in our hands.

36. There are more disturbances in 2020. Fortunately, they are not off the track. They have worked hard and achieved fruitful results. 2021 is coming, make sincere wishes and pray: the elderly and children are happy to be Taotao, the family career is free of trouble, and the future life is better!

37. Don't let the pressure of life crowd out your happiness: no matter what happened yesterday, no matter how embarrassed, helpless, and bitter you were yesterday, you have passed, won't come back, and can't change. 2021 Refueling.

38. The year 2020 will soon be the past. Let's get rid of the loss quickly, defeat the troubles, make hesitation disappear, and let the troubles go. Welcome the new year 2021, and let everything return to the original point. I hope you are ready to start from scratch. Happy New Year.

39. A greeting can make your New Year taste thick; A word of encouragement will make your New Year full of vitality; Care sentence by sentence, make your body and mind warm; One by one, let your life go as you wish. Goodbye 2020, hello 2021!

40. We have worked hard for a year. Today, we are reunited to reward ourselves. We should eat and drink to our heart's content. We should be happy with our achievements in 2021 in 2020. We hope that in 2021, we will be healthy and have good luck in everything. We will continue to work hard to achieve better results.

41. Looking back on the road we have gone through, we can't stop our struggle. In 2021, we will continue to pay, start from scratch, not admit defeat, painstakingly, the sky will not fall, the dawn will come out after our efforts, and the song of the future will be today!

42. One day of hard work, one day of achievement, one month of travel, one year of harvest, one year of dedication, one year of harvest. Looking back in 2020, the wheat field of life is glittering with gold, and 2021 raises its head to look forward to the road of the future, bright with happiness! I wish you a promising future and a fruitful harvest.

43, 2020, the full stop is coming. To sum up a few words, make persistent efforts: be busy with your studies and see your achievements; Busy with work, have harvest; Busy family, full of warmth; Busy bless, keep friendship. I hope you will make great efforts to achieve good results in 2021.

44. At the beginning of 2020, I set a small goal, which was not ideal. In 2021, I didn't set a goal. All I have left is some ideas for work. I will innovate and work hard in the new era, and will continue to grow with you.

45. There are many blessings at the end of the year to welcome the New Year with joy, but my wishes have nothing to do with the New Year. I wish you to delete all difficulties, carry your life's peace, close all worries, and live happily every day! Goodbye 2020, hello 2021.