Short food in the circle of friends (30 sentences)
Walk alone in the wilderness
2023-07-31 16:30:28
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. It's hard to find water after a long time of experience. Fish flavored shredded meat with chicken legs

2. I haven't lost weight since you took care of me many years ago

3. There is no endless milk tea, only an unforgettable past

4. Love can be talked about slowly, and meat must be eaten while it is hot

5. Only when you eat can you feel that you are the happiest person.

6. Live up to the delicacy of delicious food in the best time

7. Love and food, of course, I choose food, and my boyfriend can't be a meal.

8. If you eat or not, the meat will grow. You'd better eat it.

9. The highest level of eating: seeing is eating!

10. The worst thing in the world is that a person who eats food has stomach disease.

11. People who pay attention to spiritual food generally pay attention to their own food

12. Let's keep company with the world of mortals and eat freely

13. Please take a 128 G stomach and follow me to wander around the world

14. On the road of no return, human beings are never alone!

15. Eat what you want to eat and go where you want to go

16. People who want to lose weight every day have a greedy mouth.

17. For food, the only thing in the world that cannot be eaten is loss.

18. The only thing I can't afford in my life is chopsticks

19. I like to eat when I am not happy. I get fat when I eat. I am not happy when I get fat.

20. I have a heart to lose weight, but I have a mouth to eat.

21. Indulge in the sea of delicious food, unable to extricate oneself.

22. Why do you suffer from supermodels if you don't earn the money of catwalk.

23. The motherland has not yet been unified, and we will discuss another day to lose weight

24. There is nothing that cannot be solved by one meal. If there is, it is two meals

25. If you are not happy to sleep, let it go. It's OK to be sad, but it's not good to hurt your stomach.

26. It's good to be a foodie. I forget everything I eat.

27. There is no feast that never ends, but if you treat

28. My dream is to live in the Shijia Village, enjoy the beauty of total eclipse every day, and keep making dishes night and night

29. I have suffered from an inappropriate amount of food at this age

30. Life is about eating! Wear it!