The Best Confessional Sentences Complete Aesthetic Confessional Sentences (Selected 50 Sentences)
Tianya Traveler
2023-04-05 19:43:12
Complete sentences

1. The first couplet: Even coax and cheat, even kneel and persuade, to leave you in my courtyard. The second couplet: Let's work and run, let's bad and good, because you are the treasure in my heart. Horizontal scroll: For you. Hey hey, I miss you.

2. The dry river appears in the most beautiful chapter of the poem, because the sweet thoughts flow into your heart, and the starry night sky appears in the most romantic melody of the songs, because the love for you flickers in your time of intoxicating smile.

3. It is difficult to find a bosom friend, a bosom friend, an unstoppable loneliness and depression, a loss and frustration; Until I met you, my sighs became thanks! Thank you for the care of fate, thank God for his mercy, and thank you for your presence.

4. I am rich if I have you all my life; Our love for you is rock solid, that is the spring of our love.

5. Let me accompany you. God gives you gifts. There is no gorgeous words to express sincere friendship. There is only one heart that will always jump for you. That is my true feeling. I care about you all the time, day and night.

6. Shy, I dare not say a word to you all the time, but today I finally got up the courage: when do you invite me to dinner

7. We are parabolas. You are the focus and I am the guide line. How deep you think I am, how true I think you are.

8. The world is like a book. I prefer you. There are so many people in the world, I met you.

9. Your vines, my saplings, are winding and winding; You fly sand, I walk rocks, and fly all over the sky with a crack; Your remote control, my TV, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

10. Morning and evening, I don't have that ability; I have no interest in two boats; Love you is my highest ideal. You are the only expectation in my life. Please release your love for me and open your heart!

11. I don't want temporary warmth, as long as you stay with me forever.

12. The love line is only hot for you. It is open 24 hours a day. It is available on call. It is just waiting for you. I am willing to stay connected with you all the time and interpret the happiness of love more perfectly!

13. You have everything I love and expect from women. Everything about you has formed an irresistible attraction for me.

14. Every time you are depressed, every time you are unhappy, you accompany me through every bit of life. Remembering everything about us is our most precious memory. Now let me tell you, thank you for accompanying me through everything, baby, I love you.

15. The eyes look at your face, the nose smells your smell, and the ears listen to your voice, but there is no you in my head, because you have always been imprinted in my heart.

16. Although we are temporarily separated, our hearts are interlinked.

17. I want to say that I love you, eliminate all worldly constraints and vision, and join hands with you, free and carefree, wandering the world.

18. There is a kind of pain that I dare not see. This kind of love is still buried in my heart, which makes me miss you more and more, but I can only put you in my heart.

19. I am willing to abandon your self-esteem and put down my reserve for you, no matter whether it is worth it or not, no matter how humble the love is.

20. Smiling, I fell in love with you deeply. In the world of two people, my heart beat fast to be lucky for three lives. Thank you for every day in my life, four generations together, which is our future goal. My dear, I want to shout out loudly: I love you!

21. The birds in thousands of mountains will never die of my love for you. The people in all walks will not die of my heart for you, December 12. On the day of love, take my thoughts and love away, and let our love become eternal, forever.

22. Hang a vast blue sky beside your window, so that you can watch the clouds and forget the noise of the city; Send the bright stars quietly into your dream sea, and let the Milky Way see you sleep soundly. Give you a fresh one every day, and love you forever.

23. I will tolerate your capriciousness and be the man of your life.

24. I have thought about summer, the bubbles in Coke Sprite, the beer and barbecue on the roadside, friends talking and laughing, watermelon ice-cream and you.

25. I don't want to wait. I want to tell you now: I love you.