Classic Quotations of Literary Maiden Wallpaper of Literary Maiden (Selected 70 Sentences)
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2023-04-21 03:43:15

1. The forever maintained relationship will only appear in the innocent fairy tale. If you easily believe that this kind of thing has been betrayed, it will only hurt people.

2. No matter what is painful or sad, tomorrow, which is different from today, will come. In this way, perhaps people will gradually change between repeatedly welcoming the new day! Even the pain that could never be healed may gradually improve.

3. What you lack is not words, but enthusiasm to convey your mood to the other party.

4. People can only be born in this world if they cut off the connection between their mother and themselves. If you don't try to cut off the past, you can't move to the future!

5. Half of the soul has fallen into hell because of sin, and the other half still needs to be kept? How can only half of them be saved and enter heaven?

6. In the future, I will still wear a clown mask and continue to deceive the world!

7. Truth is not always beautiful. There are also ugly and painful realities that people cannot bear to witness. However, the night will contain everything, and the moonlight will be shed on us as usual. Things that never change and beautiful things still exist.

8. Writers do not just describe the reality, but should light up the lights in the reality and imagine a new story from it!

9. You know what? Heart leaf, not everything can be said noisily. The really important thoughts must be kept in the bottom of my heart until death. Only when you shut up and endure can you feel the sad and beautiful atmosphere!

10. The figure that never turns back. A tender voice that echoes deep in the cochlea and makes people feel heartache. Goodbye. You were me, the most important person.

11. There are still many kind-hearted and gentle people in Taizaji's works. Although ordinary and cowardly, there are many characters who try to become strong.

12. All the stories will be infinitely extended in our imagination, and those characters will continue to live.

13. You are sure to succeed in the future, and the price of success is that you must first bear this failure now.

14. No matter how hard we try, there is nothing we can do. No matter how hard we try, there is hunger that cannot be filled. It really exists in the world we live in.

15. Unable to bear people's disappointment, blame and rejection, I am both mean and fragile, and I can only continue to play the clown and live in this world all my life.

16. I'm so angry. Next time, I will write your name on my notebook a thousand times, and then tear up the paper and eat it all. I will curse you.

17. Everyone will be afraid of the wind and rain, will be lost in the dark, and will cry over the reality exposed in the morning light.

18. The forever maintained relationship will only appear in the innocent fairy tale. If you easily believe that this kind of thing has been betrayed, it will only hurt people. If this relationship will be destroyed one day, it is better not to start.

19. Don't do that again! That's enough, isn't it! Why must it be so painful!

20. I always thought that I was the same in the daytime, that what happened at night was only a nightmare, and that I was the real me when I woke up. However, recently I occasionally think this way. Is it possible that I am the real one at night and I am just an illusion during the day?

21. If one feels lonely, read books. Imagine what the person is thinking and trying to convey. In that case, you may find a beautiful treasure.

22. I am really attracted to you, which I admit. However, I must not become a more stupid person.

23. Although in the future, I will sometimes become cowardly, useless, standing still, and excited by the words of my beloved girl. But our life will be full of poetry.

24. Beautiful music is equal to the audience, but not to the person who created it. That talent can't last forever.

25. Even if it is painful, sad, or uncomfortable, you must use your own feet to walk down and find out the answer.

26. Even when I am looking at you now, I want you to continue those gentle words. I hope our relationship can continue for a long time.

27. People will be defeated by the rainstorm and the gale. They will be confused in the darkness and mournful in the reality revealed by the dawn.

28. The strongest human emotion is hatred. Hatred lasts longer than love. Because there is still love, so can hate, because hate, so can always love.

29. She believes in hope and the future, and continues to turn the next page of the story.

30. I will think that it is the love letter that I like best and wrote to me with all my heart. Because that is the only important treasure in the world, only belonging to yourself!

31. If you continue to stay here, you will become a character in the story. But I have become a higher level, the story itself.

32. Sometimes you have to destroy everything and get hurt to know something, see some scenery and feel some feelings.

33. All people are ignorant. In that case, at least I can be a fool who sticks to my ideal.

34. However, love letters are the best. It must be a sweet and tempting taste of happiness. Hey, what do you think of the most delicious story in the world, Xinye?

35. Since we are all fools, let's always be fools with lofty ideals in mind, fools who are fearless of failure and dare to move forward!