Beautiful sentences describing the passing of youth
Sunny mountain stream
2023-03-02 08:22:37
Complete sentences

1. Our youth will eventually pass away. And those things that have been carefully screened by time, called beautiful things, will accompany us through the long road of life.

2. We don't need to answer, just let the warm youth flow in our hearts and in the quiet years.

3. When it comes to the youth that has just passed away, there is always too much to say. But I don't know how to say it. It is a history that we can never forget. Our past is full of too much youth. How can I describe the story of the Tang Dynasty with only a few words.

4. As time goes by, we will eventually grow up. Will we cry because of the parting we have to do in our lives? Will we cry because of the youth we are going to lose and the years we are going to grow old?

5. No one knows that I have always loved you. I carry my love for you, just like a thief with stolen goods, and never expose myself in broad daylight. Nobody accompanied me through that period of youth, but I really loved it.

6. Youth is a mirage, no matter how beautiful it is, it will always be fleeting. The so-called immortality may only end in tragedy like Ruan Guan.

7. Youth is the deep spring of life. Youth is full of vigor, courage and boldness outweigh timidity, and enterprise prevails over restlessness. Such determination is born in the late twenties, and more common in men of sixty. Age is not a sign of old age. Only when we discard our ideals can we fall into old age. Years go by, and decay only touches the skin.

8. Those belong to our youth, stories, happiness, now, all live up to it, now what do we want?

9. In this world, no one can really feel the pain of another person. You pierce your heart with a thousand arrows. You are in agony. It is only your own business.

10. Dazzle, youthful vitality; Sweet, the taste of youth; Beauty is the essence of youth. Now we have a youth full of zz vitality. We are sailing in the sea of books, flying in the sky of life, walking on the road of life, and slowly tasting the truth, goodness and beauty of the world.

11. Youth should be regretless, and youth is fearless; Youth should not be mature, youth should be hope; Youth should not be wasted, and youth should not be depressed; Youth means power, and youth means creation! Let's shout: Long live youth!

12. With the breath of youth, we bid farewell to the ignorance of youth, stepped on the mottled happiness, happiness and inexplicable sadness, and with the infinite expectations of our family and teachers, we gradually grew up on the journey of youth.

13. Youth is the pillar of zz. Youth is the defender of zz fruit and the force to accelerate history to a better world.

14. We may meet many people in our life. Sometimes when we happen to be on the same road, we will walk together for a while. Until we meet the person who really wants to spend our life together, we will give the rest of the journey to this person, and we will go to the end together.

15. At this time, I will not yearn for the green and pure things, and will not enjoy the carefree and beautiful life. Now I can only commemorate the lost youth, and write down the beautiful memories in silence with this light words.

16. But life is a gray humor. Many people are very good, but not lucky enough to meet the right person. Because even if you are willing to make do, it is not that simple.

17. We used to think that we could die for love, but in fact love can't kill anyone. It only pricks a needle in the most painful place, and then we want to cry without tears. We toss and turn, we become a doctor after a long illness, and we become steel after a long time of tempering. You are not the wind, and I am not the sand. No matter how lingering you are, you will never reach the end of the world.

18. Friends always shelter you from the wind and rain. If you are in the distance and I can't do anything, I will pray to let those storms fall on me.

19. Youth has no rules. No longer playing games crazily, but like to observe the world quietly; No longer immersed in the fun of childhood, but lively to explore the philosophy of life; No longer snuggle up in her mother's arms to listen to the story, but eager to fly. Too many thoughts float into our hearts? We have high aspirations.

20. Youth is a beautiful time and freedom. But I can't have it. I don't have the pure memories of my school days, nor the freedom of my youth. The only thing left is the longing for the future and the desire for freedom.

21. I decided not to cry, just as you decided to leave me. Just one day after leaving you, you look like a child who only needs my comfort.

22. Youth is the sun in the morning. Her face is radiant and dazzling. All gloom and gloom are expelled by her.

23. It turns out that the children who have something to do with words are always unhappy. Their happiness is like a playful child who wanders to the sky, but still refuses to return.

24. In the world, there is nothing more precious than youth, but youth is also the easiest to disappear. The most precious things are not treasured by people, but the most perishable things are promoting their disappearance. Who can maintain eternal youth is a great person.

25. The ground is littered with leaves. The desolate place is originally life, things are different from people, and the desolate place is emotion. It is a memorial to the lost youth and love. Youth, however, can only be used as a memorial ceremony, rather than a memory, because it buried the memory of the past and yesterday, silently!

26. Some people say that youth is the source of happiness; Happiness flows here, and pain lingers in the opposite direction. Someone wrote that youth is a rainy sky; The rain and dew spread here, and the sun was waiting in the horizon. Some people sing that youth is the field of sprinkling; Freedom walks here, and closure is waiting next door.

27. Any wise man in the world is pathetic when he meets a brave man. Of course, the more acceptable version is that any normal person in the world is pathetic when he meets an abnormal person.

28. Youth is the spring of life; Youth is the ideal torch. Youth is the spotlight of a person's life, full of color and dreams; Youth is the bud of the flower of life, which is gorgeous and eye-catching. To cherish youth, there is nothing better and more precious than youth in the world! Youth is like gold. You can be what you want to be.