Cold Dew Solar Term Classic Greeting Sentence
Always on the road
2023-06-01 09:22:12
Blessing words

1. The autumn wind blows, the autumn feeling is cool, and the thick blessing is hidden in the cold dew. Moisten with a happy autumn heart, embellish with happy ripples, only let happiness shine, physical and mental peace and health. On the Cold Dew Festival, when the temperature drops, send warmth to drive away the cold. I wish you all the best.

2. When the cold dew arrives, the autumn wind and rain gradually increase, and the weather turns from hot to cold. Health tips: Eat less spicy food and more warm food; Strengthen exercise and drink more water; Eat less cold drinks and more fresh vegetables and fruits. Treat everything with a peaceful attitude.

3. When the cold dew season comes, I will give you a warm coat embroidered with an arrow through the heart, two smiles, three blessings, four wishes and five blessings. May you be happy and happy. It will be happier to forward this message. Cold dew is happy.

4. When the cold dew is a little bit, remind us to wear more clothes to keep warm; Exercise more and get better; Be happy and worry less; Work harder and make a better career; Bless more and deepen friendship; I wish you a happy Hanlu!

5. Cold Dew, short messages reveal the truth. May you be happy, happy, and lucky. Money will expose your wallet. In cold Dew season, I wish you more health.

6. The weather is cold, but my blessing is warm; The flu is strong. Fortunately, my care is accompanied; The temperature difference is big, but fortunately my hug is ready; The cold dew arrived. Fortunately, my greetings were timely. Cold dew solar term, cold comes, sunshine is still warm, wish happy every day!

7. When the cold dew arrives, the dew is cold, frosts, adds clothes, and the temperature drops, be careful not to catch cold, prevent colds, drink boiled water, drink soup, send a message to warm your heart, and wish you good health and happiness in the cold dew weather!

8. The cold dew fruit is ripe, and each one contains blessings. Send pomegranates, a thousand seeds and ten thousand hearts wrapped with good luck; Send hawthorn, sour and sweet, full of happiness; Send persimmons. The big red fire heralds success. Wishing you a wonderful sentence and passing it to your friend. Happy cold dew!

9. Fire like passion, fire like love, fire like cold dew everyone loves! I wish you to be different. People are as cold as ice, but you are as hot as the sun, and you are as warm as spring!

10. Today, there are three marquis in the cold dew: one is the guest of the wild goose, and the other is the clam when the bird enters the flood; Three chrysanthemums have yellow flowers. No matter how the seasons change and the scenery changes, as long as you are here, I will have enough warmth to go through the late autumn and winter!

11. When the cold dew comes to the jade like dew, the silver light is shining, overflowing with the auspicious light of human happiness. I urge you to walk around in the morning, not to brush dew in the countryside. The weather is cold and the hands and feet are cold. May your cold dew be radiant!

12. The weather is getting better and faster, and the cold wind is coming quietly. Because you are cute, I will give you care. At night, the blanket should be covered. Don't freeze the pig's feet. If you have nothing to do with it, you can take a bone. That can supplement calcium! Don't scold me again. Today's cold dew, I wish you a happy day!

13. Wear more clothes in the cold dew season. Don't forget to keep warm in the cold dew season. Drink more water in the cold dew season. Moisturize and guard against dryness. Be more cheerful in the cold dew season. Be calm and healthy.

14. Write a short message, send a blessing, remind friends to keep warm, pay more attention to sports, and enjoy autumn fun.

15. The red leaves all over the mountains are my missing for you; The crystal dew is my blessing to you; Gently send a greeting and sincere care: friends, the cold dew is coming, the weather is cold, and more clothes!

16. When the cold dew comes and the weather is cold, I will give you a pair of gloves to protect your hands; A cotton padded jacket to protect you from the cold? I wish you good health and prosperous business in the cold dew season!

17. Smile can melt the cold winter, greeting can relieve sadness, space can separate you and me, friendship makes us infinitely close, no matter how busy we are, remember to contact, I want to say to you in the cold dew season: remember to add clothes when the weather is cold.

18. There is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey acts as the overlord. Before the small snow arrives, the cold dew jumps out first to show her authority. I will drive it away with three fists and two feet. I wish you peace, health and success; I wish you Pepsi Cola and prosperity.

19. When the cold dew arrives, let the flame of happiness bake you and make you happy again and again; Let the sunshine of happiness wrap you, happiness is infinite; Let the small hand of friendship hold you, friendship is infinite; Let the heart. Sincerely greet you, every warm heart: I wish you well!

20. Cold dew contains dew, cold autumn frost, clothes and quilts are added to keep warm and prevent colds. I wish you happiness and good health in the cold dew season.

21. The cold dew is happy at home. Happiness and health should be emphasized. Health preservation should take advantage of the present. The autumn wind is suddenly cold. Blessings will be sent to your home. May you be happy with the cold dew.

22. Why is the cold feeling so strong? It was cold dew. People who know the cold and know the heat, and know the cold and know the heat, remind you to add some clothes and exercise more. May you warm every day!

23. In the cold dew season, when the weather turns cold, I will send you a warm message, representing a scarf and gloves, to give you warmth and needs. Silly boy, SMS is useless. Go to the wardrobe to find scarves and gloves.

24. When the cold dew arrives, the temperature drops again. Freezing away troubles, running cold and busy, gathering happiness, laughing heartily, let success accompany you every day, good luck accompany you every second, and happiness will surround you from now on. May you be healthy until old, and life will be more beautiful.