Short 63 sentences of WeChat signature
Plain is true
2023-02-11 01:35:09
Complete set of signatures

1、 Living in my heart, did you pay the rent.

2、 How can it be satisfactory, but I want to be worthy of my heart.

3、 You are a guilty minister, and I am a stupid king who dotes on you.

4、 Like to go out at night, a feeling of drift.

5、 Let's make friends with the world of mortals and eat freely.

6、 Things in the world are easy to be happy without ambition.

7、 Don't bow your head, double chin is too obvious!

8、 Hot water can't cure all diseases, and love talk can't live a lifetime.

9、 Please remember your identity, you are a single dog.

10、 If life betrays me, I hope it is selling by catty.

11、 If you don't want me, please let go generously.

12、 What a joke is, it's what I tell you now.

13、 It is not terrible to hide a knife in a smile, but it is difficult to prevent the dark and cheap.

14、 Don't discharge electricity to me, because I have caller ID here.

15、 Being single is good, being single is good, and being single is good for who you want to be with.

16、 If the heaven loves you, you will die early, live great, and die under flowers.

17、 We don't know each other well, but you can get close to me with money.

18、 What is difficult to extricate oneself from in the world is not only teeth, but also love.

19、 People who have no ability to do things must be good at making cold remarks.

20、 Learn to live alone, no matter whether someone loves you or not.

21、 I don't live well myself. Why should I please others.

22、 Perhaps love, like falling leaves, seems to fly but fall.

23、 I hold you in my hands and close them. I can't hold you alive.

24、 When the wind blows away, the love words will be hoarse after all. People who go far may not love them.

25、 When I was a child, I would sleep after crying. Now I have to go to work after crying.

26、 We always want to use all our strength to bury the past in silence.

27、 Love is like a photograph, which needs a lot of darkroom time to cultivate.

28、 The user did not respond. Maybe the user is busy. Please try again later.

29、 Don't be too kind. After all, some people are really inhuman.

30、 Don't imagine yourself to be so great. In fact, you are just so great.

31、 I will not wash my hair from today, so that you can see the snow in the south.

32、 I really don't understand why I am so poor and can eat so fat!

33、 Only when I am fat can you look thin, lest I look ugly when I am thin.

34、 If fate chokes your throat, you will scratch its creak nest.

35、 What does it feel like to be short? He wanted to stare at people, but he was forced to be cute.

36、 Skipping class is a carnival of one person, and attending class is a group of people's loneliness.

37、 I'm not easy, how can I be worthy of your unprecedented love of the new and hatred of the old.

38、 Do you know why you are single? It's your looks that don't match your eyes.

39、 People looked for her for thousands of times. When they looked back, that person still ignored me.

40、 Living wastes air, dead wastes land, half dead wastes RMB.

41、 You said you were always behind me. Did you pick up the money I lost last time.

42、 I am happy for you if you are doing well, but I am happy for the whole world if you are not doing well.

43、 When you can't see my circle of friends, that's when I give up on you completely.

44、 In secret love, sometimes I think it's time, but in fact, it's never time.

45、 Behind every successful man, there will be a woman who is full and has nothing to do.

46、 People should not be hanged from one tree. They should try to die from several nearby trees several times.

47、 It takes thousands of years to change from a monkey to a man, and only one bottle of wine is used to change from a man to a monkey.

48、 If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you!

49、 In fact, in the end, we will be offline on other people's MSNs.

50、 No one can take away your pain, so don't let anyone take away your happiness.

51. It's said that men have gold under their knees. I'm about to rub the skin off, and I haven't even found a piece of iron!

52. Life is like a maze. We spend the first half of our lives looking for the entrance and the second half looking for the exit.

53. No matter where in the world, money is always the most effective and direct pass.

Fifty four. Don't tell me you are used to me. I'm not blind or deaf. I can tell a person from a dog.

55. I can stay up late with you and persuade you to go to bed early, but the best state is that we sleep together!

56. Everyone thinks he is a victim. In fact, he is digging others' hearts with a spoon.

Fifty-seven, hypocritical boys, when they see ugly women, say "excuse me", and when they see beautiful women, say "have we met".

58. I will push you away completely this time, and never be a poor ghost left behind again.

59. Always please yourself first. As for others, we should be cool to be a person according to our friendship and mood.

60. Don't be afraid of being alone. How about being alone and brave? You can cry all the way, but you can't encourage.

61. During the history examination, I felt inexplicably heavy because I was about to change history.

62. I don't like seeing people for a long time. What I prefer is that people and dogs can see clearly at a glance.

Sixty three, who said that boys and girls do not have pure friendship, fart, as long as they are ugly, they are friends all over the world.