April Fool's Day joke friend circle copy2023
2023-05-15 03:22:05
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If you want to be the richest in the world, you must think like Bill Gates; If you want to get something for nothing, you must learn to go home and gnaw on the old; If you want to go back to your candid childhood, you can't go back unless your head is caught in the door; If you want to avoid being tricked on April Fool's Day, you should pay me the tuition fee first. Happy April Fool's Day!

2. Quiz: press down if you feel smart, press down if you feel humorous, press down if you feel handsome, and press down if you feel attractive. Test results: shameless. Happy April Fool's Day!

3. According to the eight characters of your birthday, you are sure to make a fortune today. First, blow an explosive hairstyle, wear patched clothes, take a stick in your right hand, and a porcelain bowl in your left hand, walk along the street, and say "good luck"! Happy April Fool's Day!

4. When you think, you are a thinker. When you walk, you are a Sunwalker. When you work, you are a scavenger. When you are in love, you are the third party. You are deceived when you are "foolish and happy". Happy April Fool's Day!

5. Fools' holiday messages spread, and funny voices were heard everywhere. Wonderful pen has clever tricks, and unknowingly deceives. A fool is eager to rush forward, but suddenly he realizes that he has been cheated. I wish you a beautiful and colorful life on Youyu Day. Happy April Fool's Day!

6. True gold, never afraid of the flames; Is the pine, never afraid of the long cold; Haiyan is never afraid of the lightning that breaks the sky; Is a fool, still staring at the text message silly look! I wish you a happy April Fool's Day.

7. April Fool's Day is a good time to cheat. It's normal for experts to be fooled by their low hand. All kinds of tricks are different. Fools are laughed and praised by fools. Whether IQ is high or low, being fooled is the same. I wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

8. Fool you Fool me Fool everyone, people come and go people happy. Saving words means deep affection, and quick words mean sincerity. Happy Laughter for ten thousand years—— A holiday gift to you who are foolish and wise!

9. What is romance? If you know she doesn't love you, you can send her 99 roses. What is extravagance? If you know she loves you, you can send her 99 roses. Happy April Fool's Day!

10. When wandering in the Jianghu on April Fool's Day, you have to take thirty-six strategies to cultivate the invincible body of Vajra. When encountering a trick, we should rise up to fight back. If you are honest, take the initiative. If you are alone, don't hesitate. If you meet a crafty person, you can slip away as soon as possible. Happy April Fool's Day!

11. There are many SMS messages on April Fool's Day. My blessing is that there is no trouble immediately after receiving it, and there is less pain after reading it. Forwarding it can also earn a high salary, and group sending will definitely pick up money. Jokes on April Fool's Day can make you feel angry, grasp the standard, and treat each other sincerely!

12. When you grow up, you should learn to bear and accept. Learn to be strong and face up to challenges and regrets. Believe yourself, you are always so excellent, I will cheer you on! Think about April Fool's Day and say, what are you afraid of!

13. Dear user: Hello, because the explosion radiation of Japan's nuclear power plant has been spreading, your mobile phone may not have a signal or can not be connected today. At that time, please drop your mobile phone to the ground and it will return to normal. Happy April Fool's Day.

14. Missing you is a very happy thing! It's a great pleasure to see you! Love you is something I will always do! To take you to heart is what I have been doing; However, cheating you is immediate. Happy April Fool's Day!

15. Don't mention Di Renjie to me. Today is April Fool's Day. I am not Jiang Taigong, and you are not a mermaid. I don't want to cry, I just want to trick you. what? have no feelings. Then continue to turn down: Fool, happy holidays!

16. Dear user, your phone bill balance is less than 0.1 yuan. Please sell children and women, rice, blood, houses and land, and lovers in the near future. China Mobile will kowtow to you.

17. There is a tacit understanding, called tacit understanding; There is a feeling, called wonderful; There is a kind of yearning, which is called eager to see through; There is an idiot who will read the short message.

18. The donkey told the fish that the donkey said the fish was stupid. The fish said the donkey was more stupid. The donkey said the fish was more stupid. The fish said the donkey said the fish was stupid. The fish said the donkey was stupid. The donkey said the fish was stupid. Do you know whether the donkey was more stupid or the fish was more stupid? hear nothing of? That's good. Happy April Fool's Day!

19. People's Day SMS: Once there was a sincere love, I didn't cherish it, and I regret it when I lost it! If I can do it again, I will say to you: I love you. If I want to choose the time of confession, I hope it is April Fool's Day!

20. The network is very virtual, and the truth is hard to find. Instead, go to the river to catch fish. I cast a net and caught some fish. It was really meaningful. I can feed you when I go home, my lovely kitten.

21. Notice of looking for someone: People are thinner than yellow flowers, and their skin is full of bones. The face is thicker than the city wall, and the shell cannot penetrate. He was born to eat meat, and his mouth smelled of copper. The head is rusty and the clothes are a little old. Rewards for providing clues and meritorious surrender. Happy April Fool's Day

22. April Fool's Day has one of the most heinous functions, that is, to base your happiness on others' foolishness. But today I will not enable this function, because. You are already having fun! Happy April Fool's Day!

23. I really want to leave this world with you and live in a secluded place with green mountains and clear waters. There is only you and me. In front of us is a piece of green grass. When I'm free, I lie on the grass and watch you eat grass gently! Happy April Fool's Day!

24. I am a proud and lonely tree, standing on the roadside for thousands of years, waiting lonely, just for one day when you pass by me and fall in love with you, it will be useless if you can't beat you.

25. In fact, I know that you are not stupid, you are lazy to be smart, and this kind of laziness is proportional to friendship, especially today, because you are willing to bring happiness to me and leave your foolishness to yourself. Happy April Fool's Day!

26. Tang Monk and his disciples came to the Flaming Mountain. Tang Monk ordered Wukong to borrow a banana fan and let Monk Sha look for water. Suddenly, he shouted angrily to Zhu Barong: Dead fat pig, you still have time to look at your mobile phone!

27. There is a festival called April Fool's Day. There is a kind of blessing called the blessing of fools, a kind of promise called the lie of fools, a kind of happiness called the happiness of being fooled, and a kind of happiness called the happiness of being cheated. April Fool's Day, happy holiday!

28. If you want to cheat, cheat. It's hard to cheat tomorrow; If you want to scold, you can scold. It's all fake tomorrow; If you want to brag, you can brag tomorrow; If you want to send it, just send it. A text message is nothing. Bless you, me and her. Happy April Fool's Day!