Funny signature with full humor Classic funny signature (195 selected sentences)
A game, a dream
2023-05-12 04:56:11
Complete set of signatures

1. Every day, I make a circle on the calendar. It was only on Sunday that I realized that the day had become an ellipsis.

2. The street is dotted with matchmakers. I also fantasized that they could help me open up a market. However, the final result is that I understand what it means to be a father, and my income has been squeezed for several years by the marriage nurseries.

3. Some things, some people, some scenery, once the eyes into the heart, even the moment, is eternal.

4. When you speak ill of me, can you stop adding fuel and vinegar, thinking it's cooking.

5. An iron pestle can be ground into a needle, but a wooden pestle can only be ground into a toothpick. No matter how hard you try, it's useless.

6. If you love me, you can dress me in a wedding dress and then pick it up with your own hands.

7. Tell me your address, and I will change it into a public toilet.

8. You let me down, I let you even have no chance to go on stage.

9. God created virgins, I created women.

10. It's handsome and has a car. It's chess. If you have money and a house, it's a bank.

11. The fox is not a monster, sexy is not a coquette.

12. Life is like making a phone call. Either you hang up first or I hang up first!

13. The good man is me and I am Zeng Xiaoxian.

14. I think you are a professional web weaver and a penguin hunter.

15. I can easily squeeze buses and subways.

16. I connected all my memories into a movie, and a tragedy was produced.

17. Lying on the plum trees and smelling the flowers, lying on the branches, hurting and hating low. Invite to hear the broken stones lying on the ground, and the wet spring green.

18. If you can't accommodate me, either your mind is too narrow or my personality is too great.

19. The man coming in the face is wrong and turns back because of appreciation rather than curiosity.

20. Life is like news broadcast, which can not be avoided by changing channels.

21. Thank you for robbing my partner and letting me know that he looks like a dog.

22. Lose a small face and save much cosmetics.

23. Why didn't the country take your skin to study bullet proof clothes?

24. Don't be so lazy. Your old bitch is about to get pregnant.

25. It is foolish to use beauty as capital, and wisdom to use beauty as energy.

26. I don't believe punctuation marks.

27. I looked at the dishes as usual before eating today. God! There is no meat today.

28. Every time you say that I am not independent enough, I choose silence. I would like to tell you that when I no longer rely on you, it is time for you to roll away.

29. When you go on a romantic trip, you will not polish the back band of your boyfriend's bicycle.

30. On MM's birthday today, in order to be the first to send my best wishes, I picked up my mobile phone in the morning and sent a message: sofa.

31. They said I was BT and asked me to do CT, but I was ET.

32. I hate the indecision in my bones.

33. Life is like making a phone call. Either you hang up first or I hang up first.

34. I'm not afraid of anything, so I can't lose anything.

35. The third party is not the later one, but the one who is not deeply loved.

36. You wear dangerous clothes, but you look safe.

37. How big your body must be to support your dirty soul!

38. Don't be infatuated with your brother. Sister in law is the legend.

39. Heartless, can live a hundred years, have a clear conscience, and be not tired.

40. The country is like a painting, and life is like a dream.

41. I think I am decadent, but I am useless!

42. Hunger is called weight loss if you do well; Pinching people is called massage if done well; To be in a daze is to do well; To be lazy, doing well is called enjoyment; To be shameless is to be persistent; Pretend to be stupid. If you do it well, it's called great wisdom like foolishness.

43. You can't eat as food, but I can't eat without you.

44. I cannot stretch the length of life, but I can expand the width of life. Only when I am fat can I look thin, lest I look ugly when I am thin.

45. You are like a bitter gourd, dressed so cool and looked so defeated.

46. My future is not a dream, but a nightmare.

47. I am a special person. I am an ordinary person, so I am a special ordinary person.

48. Every time I write a resume, I admire myself more than before.

49. Mother said: Even if you are jealous, you should act like you have drunk soy sauce. You can't let others look down on you.