800 Word Model Essay
Half city snow
2023-10-25 11:00:25

A Suzhou River is a paradise on one side and a hell on the other. The Sihang Warehouse is a bloody battle of swords and spears, and the opposite is a decadent field of revelry. This is the picture presented by the movie "Eight Hundred". Once the movie was released, the box office broke the hundred million mark. What it brought is not only a shock of despair and hope intertwined. It is also the spiritual impact of national humiliation and pride.

The characters in Eight Hundred are not pure black or white, but mixed with many gray areas - the people in concessions, the soldiers who wanted to escape from the war at first, the elder sister who opened casinos, and so on. They are not pure "black" or pure "white". They are "gray" souls waiting to be "awakened". Their "black" lies in giving up resistance and indulging in the beautiful illusion in front of them, their "white" lies in their willingness to donate materials for 800 heroes, and their hope for a new China.

"I can't die, my mother is still waiting for me to go home." This is a saying made by a character in the play during the Dragon Boat Festival. It can be seen that the "black" they make people angry is actually caused by the "white" expectation that everyone is filial to the reunion. Everyone has fear, and everyone's fearlessness needs to be awakened.

The Suzhou Creek in the film (Wusong River was called Suzhou Creek by Shanghai after it entered the urban area of Shanghai) separates the concession from the Sihang warehouse, separating the superficial prosperity from the chilling desolation. The characters in the film have also said: "There is heaven, here is hell." This bank of the river is "full of desolate eyes", and the other bank of the river is "business women do not know the hatred of national subjugation, across the river still sing" backyard flowers ". This contrast really makes people sad and angry. "Heaven" is full of ignorance and numbness, and "Hell" is full of perseverance and perseverance. "Heaven" is the spiritual hell, and "hell" is the backbone of our nation.

When the brave men who volunteered jumped down from the roof one by one to detonate themselves, the continuous explosion really woke up the ignorant and insensitive people on the other side of the river. "All Chinese people are like this. How dare Japanese pirates?" This line of He Xiangning was deeply impressed on everyone's heart. When the national flag is raised and the National Joy is called out, when a pair of Chinese hands are extended, the Chinese family and country feelings are really awakened.

There is also a small detail in the film, that is, the meeting between the Japanese military officers and Commander Xie Jinyuan. The Japanese officer on a black horse and the Xie Tuan on a white horse are undoubtedly a shock wave in the film. The darkness and light, despair and hope are subtly transformed into the black horse of Japanese officers and the white horse of eight hundred heroes. The excitement of the people in the concession across the river when they saw the white horse of Mercedes Benz is not only novel but also more a desire for hope, a desire for light, and a firm belief that the Chinese nation will stand up again.

And the white colt with a blood red wound finally stepped out of the ruins of the film means that the Chinese nation has suffered a lot, and it is the backbone of the Chinese nation that has long been riddled with holes but is still full of hope and still gallops forward to the future.

The white colt, which is hope, is also the most dazzling dawn under the gray sky in the film. Together with the eight hundred heroes in the Sihang warehouse, it rekindles the pride of the Chinese nation and shapes the unyielding backbone of the Chinese nation!