Speech by the head teacher of the parents' meeting
endure hardships and be capable of hard work
2023-05-16 22:36:46
third year in high school
speech draft

Dear parents
hello! I'm glad that all parents are busy to hold the parents' meeting. Thank you for your care and love for our students and your strong support for our work.
As far as the current class is concerned, I also have greater confidence to bring about better results, but the prerequisite is to get strong support from parents. Although our starting score is very high, recently I found that some students' learning attitude is not correct. This phenomenon is not optimistic, all for children's health and learning. Today, I invited my parents and friends to hold this special meeting with our teachers. The main purpose of this meeting is to study the tasks faced by the students in this semester, formulate measures, and through our joint efforts, do a good job of students' work, so that each student can make better progress in this semester, and make every student healthy Lively growth and joint efforts. It can be said that today's parents' meeting is of great significance. I hope everyone can brainstorm and really make this parents' meeting a meaningful one.
Secondly, talk about the main contents of this parents' meeting:
1、 Learning
1. First of all, I would like to report to you the results of last semester's final examination and test results. (Attached table)
2. With extensive knowledge learning, teachers have more "live" questions in question setting, which puts forward higher requirements for students. The foundation must also be firmly mastered, and at the same time, children's thinking must be expanded, and problems can be considered from different perspectives. The changes in learning also show that the content has increased, and it is easier to strengthen, which will require hard work for our parents, It is necessary to guide children to enter the middle grade and make a smooth transition to the senior grade. Some students have difficulty in learning because they have not laid a good foundation in their studies. They have opened a gap with other students and are not active in learning. In order to avoid writing homework, they said to their parents: Today, the teacher did not assign homework, Or say: "The school has been well done, which requires our parents to check whether they have completed it. Why do some children want to learn more and more and get better grades (such as weekly meeting, Pan Sili, Tao Qingtian, Tian Lv, etc. regard learning as a happy thing. In particular, Tao Qingtian has made great progress in his studies. If he has made progress in his studies, he will obviously be in good spirits. Every time he was smiling. But some children's academic performance is getting worse and worse, and they are obviously in a bad mood. The children's performance cannot be improved. In addition to the subjective reasons of the children, we also need our parents to take more time to look at the children's homework, help them with their studies, and let them improve their performance.
2、 Parents' cooperation.
The good guidance of parents is the gold of family education. It is our teachers' responsibility and parents' responsibility to master children's psychology and do a good job in embryonic education so that children can gradually enter the right path. It is our teachers' wish and parents' wish that students come to school to receive education, improve and make progress. In the rest of the semester, I hope parents and friends will spare no effort to cooperate with us in the following aspects:
1. Give more confidence to children and be a strong supporter for their growth. Due to the individual differences of children, students' scores are inevitably good or bad. Children's refusal to learn leads to poor scores. We should properly criticize them. However, some children have worked hard but their scores are not ideal. We should give them confidence rather than just pour cold water on them, In this way, children will be disgusted with learning. In the face of poor performance, parents should not give up. Instead, they should find ways to let children improve their learning.
2. Educate children to observe discipline. Family law, school rules, and class discipline also exist. As the saying goes, without rules, there is no square. These rules and disciplines are the guarantee for students to improve their performance. Only by observing these disciplines, students can form a good class and comprehensively improve their own level. It is particularly necessary to strengthen the concept of discipline and observe discipline in a civilized manner. Children should be taught that only a person who understands and consciously observes the rules can always act according to the rules and make progress. If a student does not do well in observing discipline, it will not only hurt him, but also hurt those who study hard, It is a kind of injury for children who are eager to study. It is a kind of injury for our class, which we do not want to see, and it is absolutely not allowed. According to the situation of students, we should contact teachers and communicate with them in a timely manner. There are many students at our level. Our teachers and parents do not contact each other very frequently. I think that in terms of educating children, we should first understand the students, and achieve real results. Parents and friends should contact teachers more to understand the school situation of children, so as to achieve timely education, Some parents and teachers of some children lied to each other and found themselves at ease. As a result, if we did a good job of these students in advance, I would like to at least make them better, which requires further communication. Parents are requested to pay attention to cultivating children's abilities and good morality in all aspects. In order to make every child an adult, a talent and a lively, lively and healthy development in the class, we will try our best to establish a democratic, equal and harmonious teacher-student relationship with the children. In the class, the teacher will lead the children to learn, explore and question questions together, Let every child's spark of wisdom shine in every class. I hope that the parents and teachers present here will work together to realize this beautiful ideal. I hope parents can do the following:
① Support the work of the teachers, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions;
② Create a good educational environment, try to spend time with children, often communicate with children, be good at finding their strengths, and patiently guide children to see their own shortcomings correctly. And help them correct their shortcomings;
③ Carefully assist students to treat each homework correctly, let children regard it as their own responsibility and obligation to complete homework to share the concerns of the class and students and win honor for the class, and help children establish a sense of responsibility from an early age, so that children can grow up healthily both physically and mentally;
④ To treat children's scores correctly, we should be good at seeking the root cause, finding out the essence of the problem, and being good at finding children's bright spots and progress (don't think that scores are everything, test scores are high, we should guide children not to be complacent, scores are not ideal, and we should study the problem with teachers and children).
3、 Security
"Safety responsibility is more important than Mount Tai". Parents, society and schools are responsible for the safety of students. During the school period, the school has repeatedly carried out safety education for students, and students have a certain sense of safety. In order to ensure the safety of students' lives, parents are requested to actively carry out legal education and safety education for their children, so that they can consciously abide by social morality and safety rules no matter in school, family or society, so that they can be good students at school, good children at home and good citizens in society. Parents must educate students to abide by the following safety conventions during classes and holidays:
1. Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride bicycles on the road, and pupils are not allowed to drive motor vehicles; Do not run the red light when driving. At the intersection, you should look first, slow second and pass third;
2. When going to school or after school, it is forbidden to fight, chase, play games, marbles and other unsafe activities on the road, and you should be careful when passing dangerous roads.
3. It is not allowed to swim, bathe or play in streams, rivers, ponds, reservoirs and other waters without permission
4. During the break, do not play games in the classroom or corridor, or do activities or games harmful to physical and mental health, or throw sundries out of the window to prevent injuries.
5. Unsafe play is not allowed, such as throwing stones, clods, sundries, slingshots, bamboo sticks, ironware, knives, etc.
6. When going up and down the stairs, keep to the right and be orderly. It is not allowed to run, jump, crowd or fight on the stairs.
7. Do not eat snacks and wild fruits, do not buy "three no" products, and do not eat expired and moldy food to prevent food poisoning.
8. Parents of students crossing the street must pick them up on time.
9. Students who violate the above provisions shall be severely criticized and educated by the school teachers and parents;
For the healthy growth of children, we have come together. For our ideal, we must work together to realize this ideal. Teachers are willing to start bit by bit.