Hello in July, WeChat friends (77 sentences)
Be safe and be myself
2023-06-08 00:19:00
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1. See you in the first half of the year; Hello in the second half of the year!

2. I still have dreams, I can't fall. See you in June, and hello in July!

3. In July, the sun is so poisonous that sweat rolls down.

4. In July, you dance in the dark, I can't see you clearly.

5. As long as there is tomorrow, today will always be the starting line, come on July!

6. Always do something to avoid wasting great time. Hello July!

7. How lucky is it that you like him and he likes you. Hello July!

8. See you in June. Hello in July. Don't worry about the past. I just want to laugh for the rest of my life.

9. Hello, July! After six months of darkness, please be nice to me next.

10. See you in June, and hello in July! I wish you sweet and unspeakable, speaking like germination.

11. In June, we move forward together, achieve life, and perform a song that we will never regret.

12. All the past is prologue, and all the future is expectable. See you in June, and hello in July!

13. July is coming, save a little hard and lovely every day in exchange for a beam of light and a vast future.

14. See you in June, and hello in July. May the years passing by be kind to you, and may everything be beautiful as scheduled.

15. Less affectation and more effort, you have to earn the kind of life you want. Hello July.

16. In July, when the sun is burning like a stove, the time of bustling and busy hometown will come.

17. I hope you and I will meet all the perfect hearts in July and smile happily.

18. If there is no unknown in life, what's the meaning of tomorrow. Goodbye June, hello July!

19. All the surprises and good fortune in the world are your accumulated personality and kindness. See you in June, and hello in July.

20. In this life, you are a chess game I set up, and in the next life, I will be your wife like a plum blossom. See you in June, and hello in July.

21. You are like a heavy rain. My eyes become a trace, but not you. See you in June, and hello in July!

22. In July, people seem to have really arrived at the hot summer. The scorching sun is so hot that it is very painful. Hello, July!

23. Girl, I have found a good couple. Why don't you invite me to drink your wedding wine? It will break my heart. See you in June, and hello in July.

24. As long as there is sunshine in your heart and you are still optimistic about beauty, your heart will become stronger and miracles will happen. Good morning in July!

25. It's raining, and I choose to hide in the rain, so you may not see my tears. Hello July, goodbye June!

26. If you love deeply, please don't let go. If you don't love, please let go and never turn back. See you in June, and hello in July!

27. In beautiful July, the sky is blue and green. You will meet the most beautiful fate. May all the good things come as promised.

28. You are lucky because you can choose to love me or not, but I can only choose to love you or love you more. Hello July!

29. Life is like a mirror. When you stand up, it also stands up! You smiled and then laughed again! Hello, July.

30. Life has only three days. Those who live in yesterday are confused, those who live in tomorrow are waiting, and those who live in today are the surest. Good morning in July!

31. The sunshine in June is very warm, and the smile is very cute. Our Popsicle is still so sweet. Forget loneliness, give up troubles, and don't want to be sad.

32. See you in June; Hello, July. Whether good or bad, it will be left for the past June; Open your arms and give July a warm smile.

33. There are many kinds of encounters in the world. The best is to meet you in my most beautiful time. See you in June, and hello in July.

34. If you really work hard, the worst result of your life will be nothing but late success. See you in June, and hello in July!

35. Don't let bygones be bygones. Don't be upset with the reality, because you still have to live. See you in June, and hello in July!

July, another hot July! On the land in July, a flag was spread; In the sky in July, there is a surge of longing.

37. The end of June and the end of July. The full-bodied June is like a fleeting white horse, passing away in a twinkling, leaving no trace.

38. Be grateful for every sunny day, cherish every predestined person, see you again in June, meet again in July, do what you should do, a new day, good morning.

39. Most of the time, you don't say it, and I don't say it either. In this way, when you say it, it changes. It's OK to think about it. See you in June, and hello in July!

Hello, July. Summer seeps into the hibiscus of Chaorong, with the fragrance of tung flowers and the lotus buds. The moon glides through the dense branches and leaves, scattering sparkling spots.

41. Give yourself a hope every day. Don't worry about tomorrow, don't sigh about yesterday, just make today better. See you in June, and hello in July.

42. When you know a lot of true and false things, there will be less sour feelings. You are more and more silent and do not want to say. Hello July!

43. Some landscapes can only be enjoyed but not collected, just like some people, who are only suitable for meeting but not suitable for holding hands. See you in June, and hello in July!

44. In this short life, we will eventually lose you. You might as well be bold, love someone, climb a mountain, and pursue a dream. See you in June, and hello in July.

45. In life, there are always some things that we can only appreciate, and we can never get close to far away. Finally, we choose to walk away. Hello July, goodbye June!

46. If you have to leave, you should also say goodbye and keep a thank you in your heart for giving you a memory. See you in June, and hello in July!

47. Walk into the vigorous July, walk into the hot lines of poetry in July, listen to the cicadas in the deep willow shade, and fly restlessly. Hello, July!

48. You should save your loveliness, care for your kindness and become brave. When the world is getting worse and worse, I only hope you are getting better and better. See you in June, and hello in July!

49. Unconsciously, June is coming to an end, July is coming, and half a year has passed. See you in June, and how are you in July! Midsummer is coming. Let the past pass and the new month begin again!

50. In the new July, I hope you can live up to your vision of life. There are people to love, things to do, and expectations. All the good things are in July, I'm ready, and you?

51. See you in June. Hello in July! I hope you can meet someone who will make you feel sorry. May your future be bright and everything is within your expectation. May your days be quiet, and lift your eyes to meet gentleness.

52. Success depends not only on your IQ, but also on your understanding of society, your perception of life and your indomitable attitude to difficulties. See you in June, and hello in July!

53. Maybe you missed the beauty of the last station and met the surprise of the next station. Keep happy in the face of complexity. Come on, don't let your life lose to your mood! See you in June, and hello in July!

54. The older you are, the more you learn to let nature take its course. You don't want to retain anything, and you believe that what should be there won't go away. Take it easy to gain, take it easy to lose, strive for certainty, and let nature take its course. Hello July!

55. See you in June. Hello in July. Thank you for the years. Everything has the best arrangements. I hope you can be a happy person. Hello in July, don't love too much, don't sleep too late, love yourself.

56. What you have lost, if you want, you can win back little by little! If you want to gain more, start from this morning! See you in June, and hello in July!

57. Goodbye June, hello July: May all your sorrows vanish into oblivion; May all your happiness blossom like flowers. Every day is a new beginning.

58. Please take responsibility for yourself, not only to live, but also to live enthusiastically and energetically, not to be cowardly, and not to be pulled too much by others. See you in June, and hello in July.

59. On July, the sunshine is just right. A beautiful farewell to the past and a warm embrace to the future! Don't cry for June, just for July. Every day in July is full of efforts.

60. Of course, what people pursue is not wealth, but it is necessary to have a life sufficient to maintain dignity, so that they can work unhindered, be generous, be cheerful, and be independent. See you in June, and hello in July!

61. The biggest thing today will be a small thing tomorrow, and the biggest thing this year will be a story next year. Be happy with everything. In the end, no one can leave the world alive anyway. See you in June, and hello in July!

62. After seeing the endless traffic on the Third Ring Road for three years, and seeing the spring, summer, autumn and winter along the road that belong to leaves for three years, goodbye, June, hello, July, and hope that the future days can come true as you wish.

63. Life is like subtraction. Every page you tear off cannot be repeated. So treasure every day and tomorrow you will thank yourself for your efforts today! Run hard to meet your own glory! See you in June, and hello in July!

64. Not every day has sunshine, not every day will be cool. As long as we have sunshine in our hearts, life will always be sunny. As long as we have cool in our hearts, every day will be full of hope. See you in June, and hello in July!

65. The relationship between lovers is not so complicated. The person who really loves you has only one rule of conduct, that is, for your own good. In addition, "love" is just an excuse. See you in June, and hello in July!

66. Regardless of whether to give up or not, June will be separated from us. There is no need to detain or regret. We will meet again in the coming year as scheduled. Then, let's smile, say goodbye to June, and ask how are you in July.

67. See you in June. How are you in July? July is midsummer. The sky is blue in July. You are always warm and warm in July. Thank you for meeting you. When you meet such a beautiful and lovely person, July asks for time to treat you well.

68. Time is like a current, moving forward all the way. In a twinkling of an eye, 2021 has passed half way, and July has arrived! No one can keep time, but those who work hard can keep time. From this moment on, don't lose time. See you in June and hello in July.

69. Let the sunshine of July fill your eyes and the air of July revolve around you. Let the beauty of July call you, let the rain of July moisten your heart. July is full of happiness. On the first day of July, I wish you good luck.

70. Every effort in life is like a cry in the valley. You don't need to expect anyone to hear it, but the long echo is the best return of life for you, a new day and a new start! See you in June, and hello in July!

71. You should believe that after the bad days, only good luck is left. This July, I hope you will be calm and persistent, go all out and return full of everything you love, become a beautiful person, and do beautiful things.

72. There are two kinds of emotions in the world that can be called romantic feelings, one is called helping each other and the other is called forgetting each other in the Jianghu. What we need to do is to strive to get along with the people we love most and forget about the people we love less. See you in June, and hello in July!

73, July, hello, Mingyao, hello! In the twilight morning of this city, in the center of Destiny Square, look at the rising sun, tell the world that I am coming, run forward and smile with tears in the song "Milk Coffee".

74. May you be like a child in the sunshine and an adult in the wind and rain. May you have the ability and courage to play games with life, and may you cherish the mentors and friends who accompany you through the journey. May the tomorrow you want come as promised. See you in June! Hello, July!

75. Don't care too much about people around you, and don't care about others' affairs deliberately. In this world, there will always be people who make you sad, make you jealous, and make you gnash your teeth. It's not how bad they are, but because you care too much. See you in June, and hello in July!

76. In life, many things are like this. In life, many feelings are like this. There is no reason, no reason. Love is love, like is like, no result, no result, willing, no regrets. See you in June, and hello in July!

77. Life is always full of surprises and losses. There are just right encounters and heartbreaking memories, but time always goes forward without any pity. No matter the end of the play or to be continued, I hope you can live up to your dreams. See you in June, and hello in July!