A short sentence about love
Lotus floating in clear spring
2023-07-16 10:22:25
Complete sentences

1. I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

2. If you have deep feelings, I would also like to stop from wandering.

3. Through the night, I pressed my left cheek firmly, and my right cheek was painful. When I pressed my right cheek firmly, my left cheek was painful, and both sides moved together, the pain spread around me. It turned out that this was the pain of missing, and it was the pain I dreamed you would return to me!

4. The beautiful life is sometimes shorter than the lonely journey. My crying heart silently accepts your invitation. My third kind of blessing, the third kind of promise, will flourish after you leave.

5. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness, just because I can't put you down.

6. No matter how beautiful the love is, it is also mixed with sadness. No matter how beautiful the story is, it also has an end.

7. We eloped and escaped to a poem to make a pair of quiet words.

8. What's the world? Just meet you

9. Happiness is not to live forever, to be rich in fish and meat, or to be powerful. Happiness is the fulfillment of every tiny wish in life. When you want to eat, you have to eat. When you want to be loved, someone will love you.

10. I am not qualified to love anyone in this world.

11. Romance is a cloud that lets it be elegant, while reality is a land that carries life. Both, especially the reality that can stand.

12. The mountain has no edge, the river is exhausted, the thunder bursts in winter, the rain and snow in summer, the heaven and the earth meet, but I dare to break away from you. Sometimes, love just loses to life and death, time, and desire.

13. Can I lie or say I don't love you.

14. Lonely day by day because I miss you, lonely night by night because I miss you, and always sad because I have no you. Sad for loving you all the time. Because I love you with all my heart.

15. I like you, without any additional conditions. I like you, which is so simple.

16. In dreams and love, nothing is impossible.

17. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.

18. The two luckiest things in my life are meeting you and being with you.

19. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

20. Your eyes are beautiful. There are sun and moon, winter and summer, rain, mountains, flowers, birds and animals in them. But my eyes are more beautiful because of you

21. I am more afraid of your sad frown than darkness and ghosts.

22. It is false to want to drink with you, and it is true to want to get drunk in your arms.

23. I am used to thinking of you late at night, and I like you at dawn for the first time.

24. You are my impulse and my favorite for a long time.

25. Wait for me. I'll wash my head before I love you.

26. Do you know what I cherish most? It's the first word of this sentence.

27. The innocence of sweet words is lost in the skill of lies.

28. Be nice to your boyfriend in the future. After all, he has the best vision in the world.