21 health care proverbs in autumn
Youth remains
2023-04-28 17:35:02
English Proverbs

1. The medicine spirit is not much.

2. Food is better than medicine.

3. Fear typhoid fever more than tuberculosis.

4. Eating ginseng is better than sleeping on the fifth watch.

5. Big sores and small ones are good.

6. Washing feet before bed is better than taking tonic.

7. Can eat and sleep, long life.

8. Take the first cup of wine and two cups of tea.

9. Wash your hands before you go into the kitchen.

10. Sweating is not windward, running is not hollow chest.

11. Don't be afraid of taking medicine, run off the doctor's leg.

12. Eat noodles and drink more soup to avoid writing prescriptions.

13. Cold starts at the foot, and disease comes from the mouth.

14. Often basking in the sun, the body is as strong as steel.

15. If you are ill, don't hide it from the doctor.

16. The white exposed body is not exposed, and the cold exposed feet are not exposed.

17. There is no high or low in a prescription. The effective one is a miraculous pill.

18. If you want to be strong, don't drink or smoke.

19. A hundred steps after a meal is better than a drugstore.

20. Often wash clothes and often bathe, often dry bedding and less disease.

21. Rust is necessary if the machine is not rubbed, and short life is not necessary for sanitation.