I love my hometown
beyond dreams
2023-08-11 04:36:51
Junior 1

Hangzhou, a drum shaped city and a beautiful woman in the south of the Yangtze River, silently attracts countless tourists from all over the world. We cannot deny the beauty of Hangzhou, nor can we deny that Hangzhou is a treasure. Because many people are looking forward to living in Hangzhou, even if they want to work in Hangzhou. Yes, a Mr. Shen was moved. He packed his bags, took his wife and children, and came to Hangzhou to work. Because of the money problem, they lived in the temporary humble house built during the construction, and even the children could not guarantee their normal study. They had to go out to play and work every day, and saved money little by little... Not only their family, but also many migrant workers lived such a life.
In order for these migrant workers to live better in Hangzhou, the municipal government has specially built civilian houses for them. Let them live a more stable life without worrying about the house. However, despite this, their children are still unable to study because of the high tuition fees. However, children are the future of the motherland. Since they came to Hangzhou, they must ensure their compulsory education. Therefore, the municipal government has carefully set up a "school for migrant children" for migrant children.
Let children study happily in school. In general, the Hangzhou Municipal Government's care for these migrant workers can be said to be meticulous and comprehensive. In recent years, Hangzhou's economy has developed rapidly, and our people have all lived a well-off life. Almost every family has computers and cars. However, the growing number of cars means that the roads are narrow. Therefore, the roads in Hangzhou have been greatly renovated. A few months later, new roads appear in front of us, and green tall trees are planted on both sides of the roads.
It makes people feel very comfortable. Of course, good greening is far from enough. It is up to us citizens to create a civilized and healthy city. "Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment." Yes! First of all, we should consciously do this. Do not litter the garbage, but throw it into the designated trash can. When you see garbage on the ground, you should also take the initiative to pick it up. Be a good civilized citizen. Hangzhou, with its beautiful scenery and unique style, gave birth to me and created a beautiful living environment for me.
Therefore, I love Hangzhou, my hometown!.