Feelings after reading Growth
No trace of water
2023-06-16 04:00:32

Recently I read Wang Hailing's new novel Growing up, and I especially like her novel. The daughter of the senior high school has read it for no less than three times, which is also my favorite novel. The reason why I like her novels is that her novels are always described from the perspective of women. They are particularly delicate and true. They can also let you learn about life and understand the relationship between people, and teach a woman to be strong, confident and independent so that you won't be so lonely. Yunhai, the character in her new work, is an excellent woman who gave up her dream of being a diplomat for her son. It should be a difficult choice for a talented student who graduated from Peking University to give up his career and devote himself to his family. I like her personality very much, and I also want to be a person like her, because she has devoted all her life to her son, and the feelings between her and her son are beyond others. As a mother, I also face the education problem of my daughter, and love her daughter. It is very important to give her better love in this way.

He knew his son very well, and she helped him out at the critical turning point (confused period) of his life, because she knew her son, and she knew his endurance. Maybe I also want to be such a mother. I can not only take good care of her in life, but also stand with her in silence when she is confused. Yunhai did not interfere in his son's important choices. He became a pilot and married Anye. Although she knew from her life experience that such choices would be more difficult in the future family life, he told his son. But she knows her son and will stick to her choice. When I wrote here, I thought of a sentence that Teacher Xu said: "To treat her children is not to teach her what to do, but to correct her mistakes.".

People always have to experience before they can really grow up. Only in this way can we know why our predecessors said so and why everything is so difficult. Just like having children, we can understand and care more about our parents.