Selected patriotic slogans
Lighter than a sea
2023-04-23 01:43:39
Complete set of slogans

1. I knew everything was empty when I died, but I couldn't see Jiuzhou in sorrow. Wang Shi set the Central Plains Day in the north, and told Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You

2. I love my motherland and my people. Without it and them, I cannot survive, let alone write—— Ba Jin

3. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world-- Gu Yanwu

4. Those who benefit the country love it, while those who harm the country are evil—— Yan Ying

5. We should play favoritism and repay our country's kindness when we die—— Li Xizhong

6. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world—— (Qing Dynasty) Gu Yanwu

7. We love our nation, which is the source of our self-confidence—— Zhou Enlai

8. Read for the rise of China—— Zhou Enlai

9. I dare not forget to worry about my country—— Lu You

10. If the motherland is in trouble, you should be the vanguard—— Chen Yi

11. I often think of being desperate and dying for the country-- Sima Qian

12. Heroism is not without tears. The man is seven feet tall and willing to donate for the motherland—— Chen Hui

13. Commit yourself to the country. What dare you do-- Yue Fei

14. I often think of being desperate and dying for the country—— Sima Qian

15. Worry about the world first, and be happy after the world—— Fan Zhongyan

16. Life is a hero, death is a ghost. Up to now, I miss Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong—— Li Qingzhao

17. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress—— Lu Xun

18. I am more close to my hometown and dare not ask the visitors-- song zhiwen

19. Read for the rise of China—— Zhou Enlai

20. Never do anything that is hidden from others, never do anything harmful to others, and never avoid anything that is beneficial to the country—— Lv Kun

21. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history-- known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

22. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup—— Su Shi

23. Anyone who does not belong to his motherland does not belong to human beings—— Belinsky

24. Four or five sighs in the middle of the night are often worried about big countries—— Li Bai

25. When Dajiangge stops, it turns to the east, and the dense group helps the poor. Facing the wall for ten years is like a broken wall. It's hard to reward a hero for walking across the sea—— Zhou Enlai