A sentence praising the beauty of the country
secluded orchid in a deserted valley
2023-05-14 01:03:21
Beautiful sentences

1. How can you become famous before the national humiliation is gone.

2. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

3. To be patriotic, the motherland must be lovely.

4. Serve the country with one heart and remain famous in history.

5. He who cares about his country and his family dies in distress.

6. Where is good, there is a motherland.

7. When it comes to governance, we always remember our military readiness.

8. The motherland is the common parent of the people.

9. We should repay the national humiliation. Why should we be granted a marquis.

10. If you die in a national disaster, you will see your death as if you were going home.

11. Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized people.

12. Four or five sighs in the middle of the night are often worried about big countries.

13. It is happy and glorious to die for our motherland.

14. As long as it is a person, my motherland is the world.

15. The greatest honor is the honor of defending the motherland.