Talk about phrases in a depressed mood Talk about mood phrases in a depressed mood

Safe and happy life
Selected answers

1. It takes only one sentence to destroy a person, but a thousand words to cultivate a person. Please be merciful.

2. When two people fall in love, they enjoy the unknown, rather than advance the future and perform according to the script.

3. No matter how painful you experience, you will gradually forget in the end. Because nothing can rival time.

4. You can feel wronged and cry bitterly, but don't let everyone see your weakness.

5. It is said that people always have a desire to disclose their secrets. The more secretive you are, the more you want to reveal it. Criminals always try to disclose their criminal acts to others I Pain

6. We are eager to get rid of the bondage of our parents, but we don't know that it will become the most desirable concern later.

7. The best age is that on that day, you finally know and believe how good you are. It is not empty, not boastful, not popular. It is clear in your heart that: Yes, I am so good.

8. This world is not the world of the rich, nor the world of the powerful, but the world of the willing.

9. If you are angry with others for one minute, you will lose 60 seconds of happiness in your life. So we should learn to be heartless and indifferent to everything gradually.

10. If I ignore you, won't you come to me on your own initiative. Or, we will keep silent until you go to someone else's side. Distance is, you don't ask, I don't say.

11. When you love, love is a strong liquor. Don't be stingy, sing and drink. Let the loving heart believe in the reins of love. When lovelorn, love is astringent bitter wine. Don't take into account the sad songs and drink, so that the lovelorn heart will forget the gains and losses in sickness and drunkenness. Love is a kind of happiness, because I will always be loved. Losing love is also a kind of happiness, because people will never lose my love. True love is priceless. One person's love does not need to highlight its value by setting off another person's love.

12. The cause does not need to be earth shaking, but has achievements; Love does not need sweet words, but sincerity; Money doesn't need to be inexhaustible, just enough; The body does not need to live for a long time, just healthy; Friends need not be counted, but bosom friends.

13. Everyone can say beautiful things, but not everyone can do beautiful things. At the most critical moment, everyone's choice is instinctive. This instinct has nothing to do with love but human nature.

14. Wear your own shoes, do not blindly compare, and do not cut your feet to fit your shoes. The key is suitable for both feet, and the key is easy to walk, so that you can step on your own road.

15. Don't be too mean to those who love you. There are few people who really treat you well in their whole life. How many people wake up when everything is going to be lost: love is generous and cannot be consumed excessively. Everyone has a temper, and can bear all the anger for you, just because that person loves you more than you do.

16. If I forgive your mistake once, please don't make the same mistake again, or you are stupid or I am stupid. It's stupid. Nobody wants it. It's all because I love you. Love can be without underpants, but not without bottom line! I love you, but I will never allow you to use my love for you as a bargaining chip, to be enslaved by you and let you play with it. The warranty period of love, if you do not hesitate, I do not love, expired—— Hongshui

17. Morning is a hope and a dream. No matter how low you were yesterday, you will always see the sun rising today; No matter how hard you were yesterday, you will always have the hope of today. Life is full of power because of dreams. Not afraid that you take a small step every day, but afraid that you will stagnate. Persistence is a kind of perseverance in life!

18. Men or women are not worth your tears. The one who deserves your tears, how can he bear your tears.

19. I didn't contact you because your indifference told me that I was disturbing you; Don't take the initiative, because it can't move you.

20. As long as you are still unwilling, it is not time to give up.

21. It is said that there will be a person in the world who makes you feel that it has taken all your luck to meet him. But in fact, if you meet a really good person, you will feel that he has brought you more luck.

22. Love has always been a matter of thousands of turns. How can you love someone without being abandoned or hurt? Love is a kind of experience. I hope it will last forever.

23. In love, there are always people who are let down. Whoever you love will love you.

24. If falling in love with you is wrong, I would rather be wrong forever. Once smiled, for the little joy you gave you; I cried because of your casual coldness.

Middle aged 2024-04-06 14:54:02

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