Hot Topics of People's Livelihood Red Packet Examination in the Government Work Report

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The government work report covers the employment, income, consumption, house, car, medical care, retirement benefits, food security, environmental protection, etc. that everyone is concerned about. In 2021, there will be a hard core "red envelope" in every aspect. What are the details?

21 people's livelihood red packets

More than 11 million new urban jobs

In 2021, more than 11 million new urban jobs will be created, and the urban survey unemployment rate will be about 5.5%; Consumer prices rose by about 3%; The volume of imports and exports rose steadily and the balance of international payments was basically balanced; Residents' income grew steadily.

Hierarchical and Classified Strengthening Normalized Assistance to Rural Low Income Population

We will improve the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty return, promote the stable employment of people who have been lifted out of poverty, increase skills training, develop and expand industries in areas where poverty has been lifted out, do a good job in providing follow-up support for relocation, and strengthen the regular assistance to low-income rural people in a hierarchical and classified manner to ensure that large-scale poverty return does not occur.

Include 2.8 trillion yuan of central financial funds into the direct mechanism

We established a regular direct financial fund mechanism and expanded its scope, including 2.8 trillion yuan of central financial funds into the direct financial mechanism, which is significantly larger than last year, providing more timely and powerful financial support for enterprises and people at the grass-roots level in cities and counties.

The increase rate of award and subsidy funds for basic financial security mechanism at county level exceeded 10%

Due to the recovery growth of fiscal revenue, the total scale of fiscal expenditure has increased over the previous year, and the focus is still to increase the support for the market players to ensure employment and people's livelihood. Central level expenditure continued to arrange negative growth, further significantly reducing non urgent and non rigid expenditure. General transfer payments to local governments increased by 7.8%, significantly higher than last year, including balanced transfer payments and subsidies for basic financial security mechanisms at the county level, which increased by more than 10%.

Increase the VAT threshold for small-scale taxpayers to 150000 yuan

Increase the VAT threshold for small-scale taxpayers from 100000 yuan to 150000 yuan per month. For the part of small and micro enterprises and self-employed businesses whose annual taxable income is less than 1 million yuan, the income tax will be halved on the basis of the current preferential policies.

Continue to reduce unemployment and work-related injury insurance rates

We will work hard to stabilize existing jobs, and continue to provide necessary fiscal, tax, financial and other policy support to enterprises that do not lay off jobs but reduce layoffs. We will continue to reduce unemployment and work-related injury insurance rates, expand the scope of benefits from phased job stabilization policies such as unemployment insurance returns, and extend the implementation period of the policy of replacing work with training.

Promote the reduction of employment threshold

We will expand market-based employment channels and promote entrepreneurship to drive employment. Promote the reduction of employment threshold, dynamically optimize the national vocational qualification catalogue, and reduce or cancel the length of service requirements for some admittance vocational qualification examinations.

Promote the liberalization of household registration restrictions on participating in social security in places of employment

We will support and standardize the development of new forms of employment, and accelerate the pilot work of occupational injury insurance. We will continue to provide social security subsidies to flexible employees, and promote the liberalization of household registration restrictions on participating in social insurance in places of employment.

Do our best to help new citizens, young people and others ease housing difficulties

We will solve the outstanding housing problems in big cities, increase the supply of affordable rental housing and co ownership housing, standardize the development of the long-term rental housing market, reduce the tax burden on rental housing, and do our best to help new citizens and young people ease housing difficulties by increasing land supply, arranging special funds, and concentrating construction.

Raise the basic pension standard for retirees

We will raise the standard of basic pensions for retirees, pensions for entitled groups and living allowances. We will promote national planning for old-age insurance and standardize the development of the third pillar of old-age insurance. We will improve the national unified public service platform for social insurance.

The per capita financial subsidy standard of medical insurance for residents will be increased by another 30 yuan

The per capita financial subsidy standard for residents' medical insurance and basic public health services will be increased by another 30 yuan and 5 yuan, respectively, to promote the provincial overall planning of basic medical insurance and the direct settlement of outpatient expenses across provinces. We will establish and improve the outpatient assistance security mechanism, gradually include the outpatient expenses into the overall fund for reimbursement, improve the mechanism for ensuring the supply and stable price of drugs in shortage, and take measures such as including more drugs for chronic diseases, common diseases, and high-value medical consumables into the centralized purchase with quantity to further significantly reduce the burden of patients on medicine.

Enterprises and the masses have basically achieved the goal of "trans provincial general service"

We will strengthen the construction of digital government, establish and improve the government data sharing and coordination mechanism, promote the expansion of the application of electronic licenses and the nationwide mutual recognition, and achieve more online, handheld, and one-time government services. This year, enterprises and the masses will basically achieve the goal of "trans provincial universal service" for the items they often handle.

Ensure that migrant workers' wages are paid in full and on time

Increase the proportion of land transfer income used for agriculture and rural areas. We will strengthen the construction of basic public services and public infrastructure in rural areas, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas within the county. We launched the five-year action to improve the rural residential environment. Ensure that migrant workers' wages are paid in full and on time. We will accelerate the development of rural industries, expand the county economy, and expand employment channels for farmers.

53000 old urban communities have been newly renovated

The government has invested more in projects that benefit people's livelihood in a wide range of areas. 53000 old urban communities have been renovated, and the public service level in the county has been improved.

We will severely crack down on arbitrary charges, fines, and apportionments

We will promote various intermediaries to disclose their service conditions, processes, time limits and charging standards. We need to strictly control the unreasonable growth of non tax income, and strictly punish arbitrary charges, fines, and apportionments. We must not disturb people's profits, so that market entities can operate with ease and move forward with light clothing.

Fully promote differentiated toll collection of expressway

We will comprehensively promote differentiated toll collection on expressways, and resolutely renovate road height and width limit facilities and check points that impede truck traffic. The port construction fee will be cancelled, and the collection standard of civil aviation development fund airlines will be reduced by 20%.

The average broadband and dedicated line tariff of small and medium-sized enterprises dropped by another 10%

The average broadband and special line tariff of SMEs will be reduced by another 10%. Increase the construction of 5G network and gigabit optical network to enrich application scenarios.

Promote loan repayment while borrowing, so that more funds flow to individual businesses and other entities

We will guide banks to expand credit loans, continue to increase the number of first borrowers, and promote loan repayments while borrowing, so that more funds will flow to scientific and technological innovation, green development, small and micro enterprises, self-employed businesses, and new agricultural operators, and provide targeted support to enterprises in industries continuously affected by the epidemic.

Add parking lots, charging piles, power stations and other facilities

We will steadily increase mass consumption of cars, household appliances, etc., eliminate unreasonable restrictions on second-hand car transactions, increase parking lots, charging piles, power stations, and other facilities, and accelerate the construction of a power battery recycling system.

Moderately increase the minimum purchase price of rice and wheat

Build a national food security industrial belt. We will stabilize subsidies for grain farmers, moderately increase the minimum purchase price of rice and wheat, and expand the scope of full cost and income insurance pilots. Stabilize the sown area of grain and improve the yield and quality per unit area. Develop livestock and poultry aquaculture and stabilize pig production. We will ensure that market supply and prices of agricultural products remain basically stable.

Guide platform enterprises to reasonably reduce merchant service fees

Make good use of "Internet+", promote wider and deeper integration of online and offline, develop new formats and models, and provide consumers with more convenient and comfortable services and products. Guide platform enterprises to reasonably reduce merchant service fees.

"People's livelihood red envelope" is the warmest gift

What the people want, what the government wants. The "people's livelihood red envelope" released in the government work report is related to social stability and people's well-being. It reflects the development concept of "people centered" everywhere, always listens to the voice of the masses, always keeps the warmth and coldness of the masses in mind, and always holds the interests of the masses high above the head. It marks a "new direction" for ensuring and improving people's livelihood, which is the embodiment of the superiority of the socialist system, It also shows the wisdom and strength of the CPC Central Committee in power, so that the people can fully feel the thickness and temperature of the two sessions, such as the warmest spring breeze, which warms the hearts of the people.

The time goes by. There is only a starting point and no end point in ensuring and improving people's livelihood. The government work report outlines a clear "construction map" of China's economic and social development. The only way to do this is to persist in reform, constantly release policy dividends to the society, adhere to ensuring and improving the people's livelihood, complement the shortcomings in the development of people's livelihood, and with the spirit of taking responsibility and the innovative sense of being the first, roll up the sleeves and work hard, bend down to implement the "people's livelihood red envelope" The best gift for New China is to really take root, blossom and bear fruit.

Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy 2024-05-17 16:13:21

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