What skills are required to master in 2023 arts and crafts professional courses

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Core courses of arts and crafts: according to different professional directions, they are ceramic technology, glass technology, lacquer technology, dyeing and weaving technology, carving technology, metal technology and other basic and basic methods; Chinese and foreign arts and crafts history, design (aesthetics, psychology, public relations), patterns, composition (plane, color, three-dimensional composition), Chinese traditional culture training related courses, etc.

What skills are required for arts and crafts undergraduate

Professional knowledge and ability of arts and crafts: familiar with China's literary and artistic guidelines and policies; Have the basic theory and knowledge of the specialty; Understand the cutting-edge technology of arts and crafts; Have high artistic accomplishment and the ability to complete creation and teaching independently.

Students majoring in arts and crafts should also have certain practical work ability and preliminary scientific research ability; In terms of mastering foreign language tools, they should have a strong ability to read arts and crafts professional books and periodicals, a certain ability to listen, and a preliminary ability to write and speak.

The major of arts and crafts requires students to systematically master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of arts and crafts, and have the basic ability to design and manufacture handicrafts and color matching of handicrafts.

The Arts and Crafts Major cultivates professionals who are engaged in handicraft design and production, advertising, product sales, event planning, interior renderings, interior layout design, decoration project site management, plane advertising production and design, jewelry design, jewelry advertising design, jewelry enterprise image design.

Learning contents of arts and crafts:

Arts and crafts mainly study the basic knowledge and skills of aesthetics, color composition, three-dimensional composition, arts and crafts, and carry out the design, color matching, production, protection and restoration of handicrafts. Common handicrafts include wood carving, jade carving, lacquer ware, pottery, porcelain, clay sculpture, paper cutting, batik, etc.

The professional courses of arts and crafts include General History of Chinese and Foreign Arts and Crafts, General History of Chinese and Foreign Arts and Crafts, Introduction to Arts and Crafts, Fundamentals of Painting, Aesthetics, Professional Writing, Ancient Chinese, History of Chinese Literature, Archaeology, Museology, History of Chinese Arts and Crafts, History of Chinese Culture, Folklore, Ethnology, Management, etc.

Professional courses of arts and crafts: Chinese and foreign art history, Chinese and foreign art history, introduction to arts and crafts, foundation of painting, aesthetics, professional writing, history of ancient Chinese literature, archaeology, museology, history of Chinese arts and crafts, history of Chinese culture, folklore, ethnology, management, etc.

Practice link of arts and crafts: organize students to participate in social investigation, business practice and other practical activities.

The setting of arts and crafts major: furniture design, display design, metal craft, lacquer design.

Bachelor of Arts and Crafts: Arts and Crafts, Fashion Art Design, Decorative Art Design, Environmental Art Design, Ceramic Art Design, Industrial Design, Dyeing and Weaving Art Design, Decorative Art Design.

Unique rabbit 2024-04-08 12:55:08

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