What should I do if the children in senior three suddenly don't want to learn

The fragrance of wild lotus
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Senior three is a very important year for every student, because they are about to face an exam that will change their future destiny. However, at this stage, many senior three students have some bad emotions, and the idea of not wanting to go to school has distressed their parents.

What should I do if the children in senior three suddenly don't want to learn

1. Communicate equally and find out the reason. Communication with children must be based on equality. The children in senior three are somewhat rebellious, so once their parents abuse them severely, everything will not work out well. Not only does it not work, it may even backfire. Children may feel bored enough, and their parents don't understand them, so they don't want to learn.

It is hoped that the examinees and their parents can communicate calmly and patiently to find out the reasons why they do not want to learn. Is it because I don't want to learn because of too much pressure, or because I have entered a period of fatigue, whether I can keep up with the progress of the class, and whether I have problems with my mentality.

2. Use the thought of making friends and less discipline. Parents will feel that their own experience can help children avoid detours. However, this is the thinking of parents, and the way of thinking of children naturally has their own ideas. When we have requirements for everyone around us, people around us are bound to have a nervous and rebellious mood.

Therefore, the way of thinking to make friends is often to get twice the result with half the effort. Children like to talk to them in a friend's way of thinking. In fact, every parent hopes that their children can become more and more obedient and sensible, so that parents can take less care of them.

3. Give encouragement and comfort when children's exam results are not satisfactory. Many children do not achieve good results in exams, and they often feel very sad because they are afraid of criticism from their teachers. Second, I'm afraid my classmates look down on me. Fear parents' reprimand, children's psychological pressure is great. Some parents pay too much attention to their children's achievements, and some blame their children too much, which makes their children lack confidence in the exam, resulting in the idea of self abandonment. Parents should try not to give pressure to children, but give them some encouragement.

4. Help children understand the importance of college entrance examination. The college entrance examination is the starting point and turning point for the success of most children in most families. If there is no college entrance examination, then, for the vast majority of ordinary children, how can they break into society, change their own destiny, and realize their own life values and ideals?

Therefore, from this perspective, the significance of the college entrance examination cannot be overestimated. Parents should also work with teachers to explain this to their children clearly and thoroughly.

5. Do a good job of psychological adjustment and combine work with rest. In the sprint stage of the college entrance examination, no matter what the school performance is, students in senior three are under great pressure in the atmosphere of intensive review and lesson preparation. However, parents should cooperate with teachers and do a good job of psychological counseling to help them build self-confidence and reduce learning pressure.

Rather, we should reasonably arrange our work and rest time, properly listen to music, sing songs, and carry out appropriate aerobic exercise. In this way, we can maintain strong energy and healthy physique, enter the learning state, and improve learning efficiency.

Why did the children of senior three suddenly stop learning

1. Panic and anxiety caused by learning pressure and lack of self-confidence;

2. Under the influence of school parents and other environments, they believe that academic performance is above everything, but ignore the purpose of the exam;

3. They pay too much attention to the college entrance examination and universities, ignoring their own value of existence;

4. External expectations and lack of family understanding.

Ways to avoid senior three students being bored with school

Set the ultimate goal. Many senior three students are blind and have no plans for their own future. The general reason for impetuosity and rejection of learning is that they are impetuous and have no goals. At this time, we need to establish a suitable goal for ourselves, and set a goal as our goal. When we have a goal, we will not feel excluded from learning.

Reduce pressure. The main reason for senior three students' rejection of learning is actually the pressure on learning. Under the influence of school and parents, students are likely to have a psychological rejection of learning. Some students' parents have high requirements and expectations for their children. If they take the college entrance examination seriously, they will put pressure on their students. In addition, no one understands the psychology of senior three students. As time goes by, children will have a mentality of rejecting learning.

At this time, parents should help students reduce the pressure in life and psychology, talk with senior three students properly, and reduce the pressure on students. The comfort of parents and teachers is very important for students who are tired of learning.

Cold light bamboo shadow 2024-06-14 13:12:56

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