How to eliminate the static electricity in hair

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In autumn and winter, the weather is dry, and the human body is prone to generate static electricity. For example, when we touch metal objects, our hands will be hurt by static electricity, and when we take off clothes and comb our hair, the hair will be brought up by static electricity. So what's the matter with static electricity in hair?

What's the matter with static hair

1. If the air humidity is not enough, a humidifier can be placed to increase the indoor humidity appropriately. Or carry a moisturizing spray to replenish moisture.

2. Some people like to play with their hair in daily life. This action will not only make the hair knotted, but also make the hair produce static electricity, especially in dry winter, the hands are not properly moisturized. When you play with your hair, it will directly rub the hair to generate static electricity.

3. Because of the dry weather in winter, many clothes are in a low humidity state, so they will produce static electricity when wearing, especially velvet and wool clothes, which will produce a lot of static electricity in winter.

4. Try to use less hairdryer and curling stick in daily life. If you really want to use it, you can spray a layer of heat insulation spray on the hair first, so that there is some protective film on the hair surface, which can prevent static electricity. happen.

5. Some inferior combs also produce static electricity. We can choose combs made of natural materials such as keratin, wood and brush hair, which can effectively reduce the generation of static electricity. Remember to use less plastic combs because they are dry. In winter, plastic combs are prone to generate a series of static electricity.

6. In winter, not only the skin is dry, but also the hair. Affected by dry hair, large areas of static electricity will also be generated. Therefore, we must do a good job of hair care in winter to fully supplement hair. Nutrients make hair soft and shiny.

How to eliminate static electricity in hair

Method 1: Before combing, use anti-static products plastic and nylon hair combs to easily rub hair and generate static electricity. Wood comb or horn comb is much better. Or spray some moisturizing spray on the comb to moisten it, forming a protective layer between the hair and the comb, so that the combed hair will not be irritable.

Method 2: The soft paper used in the anti-static clothes dryer can reduce the static electricity generated by clothes friction in the drying process. It is also effective to deal with static electricity in hair. As long as the anti-static paper is covered on the hair, the disobedient hair will immediately become obedient.

Method 3: Air dry the hair naturally. After washing the hair, try to use less hair dryer and let the hair air dry naturally. The less hot air is blown into the hair, the better the moisturizing effect of the moisturizing ingredients in the hair conditioner. If you need to dry your hair quickly, you can spray some heat insulation hair care spray on the hair first to avoid the moisture in the cuticle being taken away by the hair dryer.

Method 4: Increase the indoor air humidity in the home. When the indoor air humidity is lower than 30%, it is conducive to static electricity generated by friction. If the humidity increases to 45%, it is difficult to generate static electricity. So you can put a few pots of water at home or use an air humidifier to increase the indoor air humidity.

Method 5: The long hair coiled up in a shawl will quickly generate static electricity with the friction of clothes, dry cold air, touch, etc. In order to reduce trouble, it is best to roll up long hair, which can effectively achieve the effect of anti-static.

How harmful is static electricity

Although the electrostatic energy of explosion and fire is not large, it is easy to discharge due to high voltage. When a charged object is close to an uncharged or low electrostatic potential object, if the potential difference reaches more than 300V, spark discharge will occur. If the spark energy of electrostatic discharge has reached the minimum ignition energy of surrounding combustibles, and the concentration of combustibles in the air has reached the explosion limit, it will burn or explode immediately.

Electrostatic shock Electrostatic shock only occurs in an instant. The current passing through the human body is the instantaneous impact current. Its harm is mainly manifested in three aspects: direct injury, secondary injury and mental pressure. When the human body gets electric shock, it will be nervous, resulting in misoperation, falling from high altitude, injury or touching the machine.

Hazards to products, equipment and production environment Static electricity will deposit powder in production, block pipes, screen holes, etc., resulting in poor transmission, resulting in system back pressure, and overpressure will cause equipment fracture. During the storage and transportation of plastics and other products, electrostatic discharge will lead to product melting, bonding, discoloration, decomposition, deterioration and scrap. The energy of electrostatic discharge may damage the silicon components in computers, production control instruments and safety control systems, resulting in misoperation and accidents.

Is static electricity positive or negative

Human static electricity is negative.

Any substance is composed of atoms. The basic structure of atoms is protons, neutrons and electrons. Scientists define protons as positively charged, neutrons uncharged, and electrons negatively charged. Under normal circumstances, the number of protons and electrons of an atom is the same, and the positive and negative charges are in balance, so it is electrically neutral externally.

However, due to external forces such as friction or in the form of kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, chemical energy and other energies, the positive and negative charges of atoms are unbalanced.

I want stability 2024-05-15 11:04:35

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