—I can't stand you! I'm leaving.—. See if

With the bright moon
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—I can't stand you! I'm leaving.

—. See if I care.A. No problem

B. Come on

C. No doubt

D. Go ahead

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There is no explanation for this question

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The concept of everyday language:

Daily language is the communication language in daily life, such as Thank you Proverbs such as Sorry are ready-made words commonly used in people's lives. Proverbs are similar to idioms, but they are colloquial, easy to understand, and generally express a complete meaning, almost in the form of one or two short sentences. For example: He louds best who louds last He who laughs last laughs best. No pays, no gains.

No more fear 2024-06-22 12:59:38

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There is one factor of 1, which is 1 itself; There are two factors of 7, namely 1 and 7; There are four factors of 10, namely 1 and 10, 2 and 5. If a * b=c (a, b, c are integers), then we call a and b factors of c. It should be noted that this relationship is only true when the dividend, divisor, and quotient are all integers and the remainder is zero. Conversely, we call c a multiple of a and b.
Integer is a collection of positive integers, zero, and negative integers. All integers form an integer set, which is a number ring. In the integer system, zero and positive integers are collectively referred to as natural numbers- 1. - 2, - 3,..., - n,... (n is a non-zero natural number) are negative integers. Then positive integers, zero and negative integers form an integer system. Integers do not include decimals and fractions.

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The words "make people delay if" mean if.
From The Book of Jin · The Biography of Wang Xizhi: "Zhang Zhi learned to write in the pool, and the water in the pool was completely black, so that people could not wait to learn to write." It means that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi learned to write in the pool, and the water in the pool became black. If people in the world were as obsessed with calligraphy as he was, they would not be inferior to him.
Shi means:
1. Dispatch. From Zuo Zhuan, the 23rd year of Xianggong: "Young Master Huang Suo celebrated in Chu for the second time, and Chu people called him to make him happy. Kill him."
2. Command. From the "Records of the Historian · History of Xiang Yu": "King Huai made Xiang Yu the supreme general, and both Dangyang Jun and Pu General belong to Xiang Yu."
3. To cause. From Han Yu's "Poems in Autumn": "His words have feelings, making me sad again."
4. An envoy. From Han Yu's "Preface to Sending Yin Yuan": "Today, I have sent thousands of miles to foreign countries, only a little out of words. Don't you really know how important my husband is?"
5. Assumption. From Han Yu's Preface to the Administration of Han Shiyu, the Water and Land Transport Envoy: "If you use all your strategies, there will be no land in the northwest, which can be expected."

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Sentence of "homework book":
1. The cover of this exercise book is very novel.
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5. The exercise books are piled high in a pile. All the books are spotless.
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7. It is more than enough to buy pencil boxes, exercise books and school bags with the money sent by my sister.
8. She walked carelessly to the teacher and handed her exercise book to the teacher.
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