What to do if junior high school children are unwilling to endorse

An old heart is never old
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Children are in junior high school, but they just don't like endorsements. No matter how much parents preach, they just don't listen. Junior high school students don't like endorsements. This is a very common phenomenon. The reason is that children are lazy. Parents should take timely measures to guide children, so that children can see the importance of endorsements for learning.

What to do if junior high school children are unwilling to endorse

1. Be reasonable. To tell him that the accumulation of knowledge must be learned and memorized. A junior high school student must get good grades in order to get into a good high school. Most of the knowledge in junior high school is memorization, especially in liberal arts. Not endorsing means giving up. Through these, children are told the importance of endorsement and are willing to recite it subjectively.

2. The recitation method should be scientific. If you want your child to be able to learn by heart, you must insist on effectively accompanying your child in learning before he or she has mastered learning methods and formed habits. The so-called effective company is to lead or participate in the children's learning, rather than the children's learning, and the parents are watching their mobile phones or doing other things.

3. Parents set an example. It is the most useless education method to preach children who do not like reading, and the most effective education is that parents set an example. Take reciting poems as an example. If you want your children to love poems, you should also love poems, at least not dislike them. If you can often recite or recite with your children, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

4. Stimulate children's interest in endorsement. When endorsing, parents should let children be in a happy mood, and with their own effective company, give children more encouragement and take incentive measures. They believe that these behaviors will stimulate children's interest in endorsing, so as to form a good habit of endorsing.

Reasons for children's difficulty in reciting texts

1. If you are not familiar with the text, you will mechanically recite it, forgetting what is behind. When many children recite the text, they often recite the text sentence by sentence. Instead of reading the text and understanding the general idea of the article, they will recite the content in front and forget the content just recited in the back.

So repeatedly, in the process of reciting the text, the time was actually wasted several times, and the child did not know it at all, because the mother or father did not think about it at all. Of course, there is no way to guide the child.

2. The child was irritable, unable to concentrate, and finally gave up reciting. The most taboo thing in reciting texts is that children are in a state of irritability at that time. The more irritable they are, the more they can't concentrate. When such bad emotions are rampant, some children may eventually give up reciting. I don't know whether parents have carefully observed the emotional changes of children in the process of reciting the text.

Junior high school children are unwilling to learn how to guide

1. It is necessary to reasonably grasp the expectations of children. As a parent, you should not waver your expectations of your child because of a particularly good or bad exam. You must know how to guide and inspire your child in action, stimulate his internal driving force, and let him fall in love with learning. Only the right expectations and love can be dew and sweet spring for children, and can truly nourish their healthy growth.

2. Help children relieve the great pressure inside. The children's own learning ability cannot meet the requirements of teachers and parents. For example, the children's learning performance is basically maintained at the middle level of the class, but parents have always asked their children to reach the top level. Under great pressure, children will have a weariness of learning, because children have no sense of achievement in the process of learning.

3. Create a good learning environment. When we blame children for their unwillingness to learn, should we also reflect on our own problems. Why does he love studying at school, but he is bored when he comes home? One of the most important points is that the environment between the two is quite different.

Before you want to change your child, as a parent, you should first reflect on your own problems, get rid of bad habits, set an example in front of your child, and create a quiet and comfortable learning environment.

To the past 2024-06-14 13:13:15

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Original text:
I often remember that the brook pavilion is at dusk, and I am too intoxicated to know my way back.
Come back to the boat at night, and enter the lotus flower by mistake.
Struggle for crossing, rousing a flock of gulls and herons.
I still remember that I often went out to the brook pavilion and played until evening, but I was drunk and forgot the way back.
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How can I row out and row desperately to find the way, but it startles a flock of gulls and herons.
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A short poem in praise of the motherland

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1. Qinyuan Spring · National Day:
Ten thousand miles of clear sky, magnificent mountains and rivers, red flags flying.
Look at the circumference of Jiuzhou and celebrate the whole world; Rivers sing and fragrance flows everywhere.
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When treasure, always keep the rivers and mountains red, forever.
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Can I change the contents after paying for college entrance examination registration

You can apply to change the contents after paying the college entrance examination registration fee. In principle, once the registration information is printed and confirmed, no one can change it without authorization. If it is really necessary to modify the information due to special circumstances, the examinee shall submit an application to the registration point. After approval, the registration point shall modify the information and confirm it after printing again.
Notes for college entrance examination registration:
1. When the examinee forecasts his/her name, he/she must log in to the local examination institution, enter the "Online Registration System" webpage, learn about the enrollment implementation measures, application instructions, and enrollment plans of adult colleges and universities in the province and city through the registration system, and sign a letter of commitment for honest examination, Enter your own basic information (including name, ID card number, mailing address, candidate category, examination subject group, application for examination, etc.).
Candidates who have obtained the junior college diploma and applied for the junior college upgrading must also input the code of the junior college diploma, graduation school, graduation time and graduation major on the Internet.
Note: In some regions, there is no online registration, only on-site registration. Please follow the local registration notice.
2. According to the tips and requirements of the web page, accurately input personal basic information and volunteer information such as schools and majors.
3. Select the examination county (district).
4. Check the information entered and submit it if there is no error. Remember the forecast name generated by the online registration system and the password set by yourself.
5. The registration information and volunteer information filled in online by examinees can be modified by themselves during online registration and information modification, but they are not allowed to be modified after the on-site information is confirmed. Candidates are requested to fill in the relevant information carefully when forecasting their names. When confirming the on-site information, they must check their personal information and volunteer information finally to ensure that the information they fill in is complete and correct.
6. Carry the ID card and relevant materials to the registration point to confirm the registration information, conduct electronic photography, and go through the registration confirmation procedures within the specified time period.
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