What is the accounting treatment of withdrawal for reserve

I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream
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What is the accounting treatment of withdrawal for reserve

There are many ways for an enterprise to conduct daily transactions, some of which require cash payment. How should we handle the accounting of the cash withdrawal standby business?

Accounting entries for cash withdrawal

Debit: cash on hand

Credit: bank deposit

What is cash on hand?

Cash on hand refers to the currency deposited in the accounting department of the enterprise and managed by the cashier. It is the most liquid asset of the enterprise.

The "cash on hand" account is an asset account used to calculate the cash on hand of an enterprise. The debit reflects the income of cash on hand, the credit reflects the expenditure of cash on hand, and the ending balance is in the debit, indicating the balance of cash on hand.

Note: If an enterprise has internal revolving fund, it can set a separate "petty fund" account.

The detailed classification accounting of the "cash on hand" account is performed by setting a cash journal. The cash journal is a chronological account that reflects and supervises the cash receipts, payments and balances. It must be a bound account book, and each account page must be numbered sequentially to prevent the loss or random replacement of account pages and facilitate reference.

What is bank deposit?

Bank deposit is the money deposited in the bank and is a component of monetary capital.

Bank deposit is an asset account. Debit means increase, credit means decrease, and the ending balance is in debit.

Bank deposit accounts are divided into basic deposit accounts, general deposit accounts, temporary deposit accounts and special deposit accounts. The basic deposit account refers to the enterprise's account for daily transfer settlement and cash collection and payment. A general deposit account refers to the transfer of bank borrowings by an enterprise other than the basic deposit account. Temporary deposit accounts refer to accounts opened by enterprises for temporary production and operation activities. A special deposit account refers to an account opened by an enterprise for a specific purpose.

Difference between cash on hand and bank deposits

Cash on hand refers to the cash reserved by the company to meet the needs of sporadic payment in the business process.

Bank deposits refer to the monetary funds deposited by enterprises in banks and other financial institutions.

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example sentence:
1. Buy:
(1) So that no merchants can buy and no farmers can sell—— Book of Lord Shang · Reclamation Order
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(3) Buy rice without using money—— Hakka proverbs are commonly used.
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(2) So that no merchants can buy and no farmers can sell—— Book of Lord Shang · Reclamation Order
(3) New silk is sold in February, and new grain is sold in May—— Tang Nie Yizhong's Ode to the Tian Family
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