How to educate teenagers to play games to recharge

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Nowadays, more and more children are addicted to games and can't extricate themselves. No matter what parents say, they don't correct. Even children secretly recharge their parents' money in order to play games. Faced with this situation, parents must pay attention to guiding children and never let their children develop.

How to educate teenagers to play games to recharge

1. The parents' wrong educational methods lead to children's rebellious psychology. To improve the parent-child relationship, we must improve our communication skills and change our educational methods. In the face of children addicted to mobile phones, the most commonly used treatment methods of parents are forced confiscation, beating, scolding or laissez faire.

Not only does this not help children get rid of cell phone addiction, but over time, children will become more and more disgusted with their parents and resent them. More seriously, they will fight with their parents and get their mobile phones in some improper ways.

2. If parents are too anxious about their children playing with mobile phones, it will lead to conflicts between parents and children. The more you don't want your children to play, the more they will play. When the parent-child relationship is not good enough, the parents' overreaction can only aggravate the contradiction and let the children play with mobile phones more. Parents need to improve their communication skills, let go of anxiety and change the way of education.

3. Use reasonable ideological education methods. For example, you can tell him that it is not easy to make money, or that games are just for entertainment and do not need recharging, or that you can make money by yourself to recharge entertainment with your own money, so that he will appreciate the opportunity to spend money more.

4. Improve children's financial intelligence knowledge. Only by really letting children realize the importance of money and knowing that it is not easy for parents to earn money, can we put an end to children's bad habits of spending money and recharging. Parents can exchange more roles with their children at ordinary times, so that their children can try to be "masters" and understand the daily expenses of the family. It also allows children to exchange their work for pocket money at home and experience the hard work of making money.

How to educate children addicted to mobile games

1. Get along well with children. First of all, parents should change their understanding of the game and not treat it as a "monster". As soon as I see children playing games, I will nag and scold them, trying to completely cut off the connection between children and games. This will only make children more tired of their parents and indulge in games.

2. Make rules. In the digital era, it is almost impossible for children not to touch electronic products at all. Therefore, parents must have a sense of precaution and agree rules with their children early before they use electronic products. For example, children are required to surf the Internet for no more than a few hours a week, when they can play more, when they should play less, and so on.

3. Understand why children are addicted to games. Parents need to analyze their children's situation, find out the root cause of their children's addiction to games, and see if it is due to excessive learning pressure or being excluded by classmates at school. You can accompany your child to develop corresponding solutions. When the problem is solved, the child will no longer indulge in the virtual world.

How should parents correctly guide their children to play video games

As parents, we have the responsibility and obligation to help them establish a correct concept of play, so that they can grow happily in a healthy play environment.

First, we need to clarify the benefits of video games for children. Games can not only help children relax, reduce learning pressure, but also exercise their reaction speed, visual observation ability and social skills.

However, we must remind children that games are only a part of life and can not occupy too much time. The positive impact of games can be better realized only when time is allocated reasonably and the balance between study and entertainment is achieved.

Secondly, parents play an important role in the growth of children. It is necessary to establish close communication with children to understand what types of games they like, which can help them understand the content, rules and rating system of games. At the same time, the regulations on game time should be formulated to set a reasonable game time period to avoid continuous games for a long time.

Put a cup of tea and make it light in the morning 2024-06-14 13:11:26

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