
General construction on the road to success
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Almost every Aquarius has an unforgettable human memory at the bottom of his heart, an unforgettable figure.

It may only be a very short period of love, just a kind of unrequited love, or just a kind of only exists in the illusory space.

Everything seems so calm and harmonious.

No earth shaking, no vows of eternal love, no romance, no vows, no temperature. Aquarius's reason and indifference are doomed to never ignite any feelings.

Aquarius doesn't like a person easily. Some people say that Aquarius demands too much of their partners, but in fact, Aquarius pays attention to feelings. Just a light glance, that person has attracted all the attention of Aquarius, and from then on, his eyes cannot be shifted.

It takes a second to fall in love with someone, and then it takes a lifetime to forget. Aquarius is such an experimental product.

But almost all Aquarius would deny that love at first sight happened to them, because they always regard themselves as lofty and admit that falling in love with someone seems to insult their IQ.

Most of the time, it's because I don't even find myself falling in love. Aquarius is very slow to respond to feelings, and is the last person to know about it every time. Sometimes it is easy to feel confused and confused about what you want to do.

When the other party doesn't express their feelings clearly, they will shrink back and feel


It is the desire of both sides, rather than force each other.

It seems very passive, hot and cold, hesitant and extremely contradictory. Never give your feelings easily before you are completely sure, because you are afraid of losing. Maybe it is a lack of security, maybe it is to protect yourself, it can also be regarded as a kind of selfishness.

Generally, Aquarius' good friends have been investigated for a long time, not only for a few years, but also for more than ten years. Once regarded as a good friend by Aquarius, they will go through fire and water to dig out their hearts and lungs.

On the bus, on the street, in the shopping mall, and in Aquarius, people are always mistaken. In the vast sea of people, always looking for a familiar figure, until the illusion.

At this moment, Aquarius suddenly wants to cry bitterly because he suddenly finds that he is almost crazy in love with a person, losing his reason and self. This sudden feeling is very scary and helpless.

Aquarius doesn't like this feeling, because he doesn't know how to face it. It is extremely difficult for Aquarius to actively pursue. In the Aquarius world, you can't bear rejection. It is so fragile, no matter how strong it seems on the surface.

Aquarius always looks carefree and heartless in front of people, and does not want others to see their own sadness, so they will feel insecure and always cry in the dark where no one else is.

Forget it, just keep it in mind. There is no need to make an embarrassing confession and then be rejected, and there will be no tragic breakup that is easy to love and difficult to get along with. This is very good. No one can see it. It's not too shameful. You can continue to look smart.

However, it is different. Although Aquarius doesn't care how much it is installed, it doesn't even look at it. But everything the other person said went in through his ears and didn't come out. Aquarius will make every effort to meet any excessive request from the other side. Become a complete


The slave, who still pretends to be cool and expressionless, has to face and suffer.

In this case, if the other party uses some tricks, deliberately alienates and avoids seeing or turning a blind eye, does not answer the phone or hums, etc., the Aquarius will be crazy, and will begin to think what is wrong with him, say the wrong thing, and then take the initiative to flatter. Not much. If you run into a wall twice, Aquarius will have a sense of self-knowledge. You won't think about why it is like this, nor do you want to know. In my heart, I will think that the other party hates me and doesn't want to see me. After understanding, it is absolutely quiet.

It's not over yet. It's been a while. If the other party suddenly changes their attitude, Aquarius can forget about the past and ask nothing. Their hospitality is still the same, and they have no dignity to talk about. As long as we can be happy with each other, the past is not important, the future is not important, face is not important, money is not important, time is not important, and we are not important.

The balance is out of balance, the feelings are heavy on the bottom of my heart, but I am floating in the air. Too much care about each other, lost self, happiness has become nihilistic.

If you don't love yourself, who will cherish it.

Once Aquarius pays, it is complete and cannot be withdrawn.

The more emotional input, the more serious the injury.

What I am best at is being difficult for myself. If you don't want to make the other party sad, you have to make yourself sad. Always think that they have extraordinary endurance, think of themselves as too strong, and think of others as too fragile. I don't know. It's me who got hurt, but I don't know how to show it.

The word love is too heavy and precious for Aquarius to interpret in words. Once said, it is like an ancient cultural relic, which has been excavated and exposed to the air, becoming totally unrecognizable and losing its original value.

Therefore, it is not easy to say.

It only takes one time for Aquarius to exhaust his energy in his whole life. Because of his perseverance, he will be scarred. That relationship, like strong acid, corroded the numb heart and pierced a hole that can no longer be remedied. Time is the most powerful shorty in the world. It gradually smoothes the empty burr and stops putting people away. When the cold wind blows, I still hear the faint bleak sound, like an elegy.

Just once, Aquarius will no longer fantasize, so he smashed himself, refused to melt and piece together. Because I'm afraid of melting my memory, my distant back and my thousand year expectation.

After that, Aquarius is still talking and laughing, still cheerful and open-minded, continuing with new feelings one after another, repeating everything, because it can't bear loneliness.

People say that Aquarius flower heart, see a love one, Aquarius will laugh, say where there is? Unfair! In fact, my heart is dripping blood, but my face has to smile brightly to comfort myself who I am! How could it be so weak!

Some people say Aquarius is too cold, too selfish, and thinks it's great. But who knows that Aquarius' heart is very small and can only have one, and it is not modifiable. Except for that person, everything else is automatically classified as a program.

Because there is no hypocrisy, so sweet words are stingy to give. Because of innocence, I still wait until I die. Because there is no courage, so let go of true love can do nothing.

When you see a bottle in crazy happiness or sadness, please do not be confused. The bottle is always involuntarily manipulating happiness and sadness. In fact, they are not as happy as they see, nor as sad as they see. Just when you are sad, you like to wear a mask of happiness, while when you are happy, you will not let go of sadness easily.

Only those who truly understand Aquarius can see the faint sadness in their eyes, understand what makes Aquarius so indomitable, what makes Aquarius so unpredictable, and realize that Aquarius is strong only to cover up its vulnerability.

According to the astrology, Aquarius is often not treasured by loved ones. I think, why? Maybe the answer is in my heart, but Aquarius is unwilling to admit it.

Aquarius needs not only a person who loves himself and embraces everything, but also a



Black and white cat on piano 2024-04-22 14:49:58

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Gorky's masterpiece

Gorky's representative works include "Haiyan", "On Earth", "Eagle Song", "Mother", "My University", "Melody of Spring", "The Life of Klim Samkin", "Small Citizens", "Italian Fairy Tales", "On Earth", "Russian Fairy Tales", etc.


Maxim Gorky (March 28, 1868 June 18, 1936), formerly known as Alexei Maximvich Bishkov, is a Soviet proletarian writer, poet, critic, political commentator and scholar. Gorky was born in a woodworking family in the town of Nizhny Novgorod on the Volga River.

At the age of 4, his father died, and he spent his childhood with his mother at his grandfather's house.

At the age of 10, he began to make a living independently, and successively worked as an apprentice, porter, doorman, baker, etc.

In 1884, he joined the Populist Party Group, read the works of Populist Party members and Marx, and devoted himself to revolutionary activities. In 1905, Gorky joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

In 1906, Gorky was entrusted by Lenin to carry out revolutionary activities in the United States from Finland, and published his novel Mother in the United States. Later, he settled in Capri, Italy.

In 1913, Gorky returned from Italy to work as a proletarian cultural organization and presided over the literary column of Pravda.

In October 1921, Gorky went abroad for recuperation. In 1928, Gorky returned to the Soviet Union. Under the arrangement of Stalin, he made two long-distance tours in Russia and decided to return to China to settle down.

In 1934, he was elected chairman of the Soviet Writers Association. After returning home, Gorky, as a banner of the Soviet cultural circle, did a lot of work for the cultural construction of the Soviet Union.

But in the 1930s, various problems in the Soviet Union kept him away from Stalin and realistic politics. On June 18, 1936, Gorky died of illness at the age of 68.

Creation characteristics:


Gorky's early realistic works are mostly based on his experience of life at the bottom. In addition to strongly accusing the evils of capitalist society, these works also try to reveal the pain in the hearts of vagrants and the struggle between old and new consciousness, capture the characteristics of the times of the working people's life, and their purpose is still to arouse people's positive attitude towards life.

Gorky's literary creation started from romanticism. Gorky has been exploring the relationship between individuals and history all his life to find a reasonable social life. The protagonists in his works are often full of fierce inner conflicts, and actively participate in revolutionary activities to explore ways to transform reality. Gorky was arrested, supervised and exiled by the tsarist government more than once, but he still carried out his revolutionary and literary activities consistently.

Gorky's creation is full of praise for a positive attitude towards life, yearning to awaken the people's passion for creating a new life, arouse people's pride in themselves as human beings, and despise pity and gifts. In Gorky's view, human beings have the power and the power to create a life commensurate with human beings. Compassion and gifts are demeaning and degrading to human dignity.

Gorky has two conflicting personalities. The first is the tragic experience of the reality and the pain of disappointment that caused human alienation in the real society; The second is the love of people and society, as well as the understanding of future idealism. Gorky, before the first bourgeois democratic revolution, was full of love and belief for the great proletarian revolutionary cause in Russia, and he went to meet the bright future with great enthusiasm. The writer's creation here describes the miserable life of the laboring masses before the revolution, expresses his eagerness to change the reality, and calls for a new life master in the future.

Artistic features:

In terms of creating artistic images, Gorky emphasized that vivid images should be created through typical techniques to reveal the essence of life, and at the same time to show the future prospects of social development. His realistic creation was also integrated with the optimistic and confident characteristics of positive romanticism, giving people a strong artistic appeal.

Gorky advocated that writers should use the method of realistic typification to shape the image, so as to make the artistic image real and vivid. The authenticity of literature's reflection of life depends on the extent of the writer's feelings of life, which inevitably shows the writer's aesthetic attitude. Gorky's authenticity of literature reflecting social life also reflects his new aesthetic view. With keen observation, he realized that the real essence of life was a huge social change that had never happened before. The main force that set off this social change was the awakened working people, whom he called "new people". Therefore, the authenticity of his literary creation and the concept of art typification made it clear that art is to shape these "new people" who are constantly striving for social change.

Gorky's realistic literature is essentially different from traditional realistic literature. Traditional realism only reflects the real situation of society, which is mostly manifested as the conflict between individuals and society. Its essence is the negation and criticism of society through the destruction of human nature.

Character influence:

Nearly half a century after the writer's death, people's interest in him continued to rise. In Europe and the United States, there is a "Gorky fever" from time to time. Gorky's plays, in particular, are constantly being put on the stage of various countries, or made into television and movies. In the 1960s and 1970s, "At the Bottom" and "The Enemy" were staged or broadcast in the United States, and "The Enemy" was considered by critics to be "the best play in the programs that have been broadcast". In the Federal Republic of Germany, Gorky's "Vasa Ileznova" was performed, and the performance of "The Summer Vacant" was praised by critics as a grand event since the Renaissance. In France, Britain, Spain and other places, Gorky's plays have also been staged.

The influence of Gorky's creation on American progressive writers cannot be ignored. In particular, the themes of "individual social vitality" (referring to the creativity of individuals to change themselves, change society and change nature) and "death enslaves living people" in his works, as well as the artistic style of dealing with such themes, have aroused their strong interest.

Gorky's works, full of revolutionary passion and revolutionary optimism, are loved by Chinese readers. They educate and inspire our people to fight for the elimination of the system of exploitation and the construction of a new society.

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