How to solve the problem of children playing games in the middle of the night

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I often play mobile phones until midnight, either playing games or playing videos. I believe that this is something that many parents are worried about. The parents' solution is either to confiscate their mobile phones or to severely blame their children. This has little effect. Children will not change because of this. Some children will become even worse, which makes parents very distressed.

How to solve the problem of children playing games in the middle of the night

1. Confiscate your mobile phone before going to bed. In fact, the simplest way is to collect the mobile phone before the child goes to bed, which also solves the problem of children staying up late playing games from the root. Although she must be very rebellious at this time, she doesn't want to give her mobile phone to her parents.

But if you want to solve the problem that children are addicted to games and often stay up late to play games, parents must be tough and let children do this, that is, they must put their mobile phones away before going to bed.

2. Find out why your child is addicted to games. In fact, if children are found to be addicted to games, parents should first understand the reasons. Research shows that children's addiction to games is mostly due to the pressure from the real world. They need to find a peaceful sky in the virtual world.

3. Guide children to use the Internet correctly. Parents should try their best to accompany their children to the Internet. In this process, they should understand that the virtual world is indeed a colorful world, but not just a wonderful game. For example, when children finish their homework, they can chat with some children online, or listen to music and watch videos online.

Of course, you can also find a lot of useful information to let children learn to use the rich resources of the Internet. Before letting children surf the Internet for the first time, parents should carefully introduce some skills and methods of using computers or mobile phones to surf the Internet to their children.

4. If a child often likes to stay up late to play games, the first thing for parents to do is to accompany their children and tell them that they must not stay up late to play games. Children can understand that parents must strive to be good role models for their children, so that they can cover all aspects.

Many parents are very worried about their children's health. If their children really have problems, parents must make appropriate adjustments so that their children can properly study well. They cannot let their children stay up late or play games all the time.

To solve children's games, the key lies in how parents guide

1. Participate in the play process with children. Playing games with children does not mean that parents are also addicted to playing games with their children. Instead, parents, as adults, observe whether the game is good for children. The game is good for children, but there are good and bad points.

At the same time, playing games with children can also grasp the degree of children playing games, so that children can be accompanied in the process of playing, rather than under pressure. Don't turn games into repressive desires, or it will be harmful to children.

2. Explore children's interests and potential through games. Play graffiti games with children, and you will find that children may have the talent to draw. In fact, the games played with children can see their potential and find interest for children.

If you don't even give children this opportunity, then children's desire for games is greater than anything else. At this time, they will focus more on games and will not understand other things. But if you let children play freely, children are not interested in games after understanding them, and the results will not be so bad at this time.

3. Rewards and punishments should be clear, and children should be guided rather than controlled. When children are addicted to games, we can warn them not to covet them any more, and can set a clear standard for them to know when to play and when to learn.

The harm of children's addiction to games

1. Because some children are addicted to online games, their cognitive level is limited, and they are often used by bad people and induced to do irrational consumption. Among them, many minors swipe their parents' bank cards for recharging consumption in order to buy game equipment.

2. It is not conducive to the healthy physical and mental development of children. Addiction to games will make children have a strong sense of attachment to it. Accustomed to the fun and freedom in the game, they will have a aversion to real life, and thus begin to self close, or even cause a personality that is not sociable.

Colorful Cloud Flying 2024-06-14 13:11:05

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No source.
Synonyms: communication, consultation, consultation.
Antonym: blocked, closed.
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