How to deal with children's poor grades in middle school

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After many children enter junior high school from primary school, their performance will decline. Some children can adjust to the new learning environment in time, and their performance will gradually improve. However, some children do not adapt. When parents see their children's performance getting worse and worse, they can't help complaining about their children. But they do not know that such behavior will only increase their children's psychological burden, and their performance will not improve.

How to deal with children's poor grades in middle school

1. Master efficient learning methods and learn to listen to lectures. Parents should teach their children to listen carefully, that is to say, they should preview before listening, find out the knowledge they don't understand, find out the problems, and take the knowledge points and problems with them to listen to the class, which will make them happy and easier to understand.

When children participate in communication and interaction, they should not just put themselves on the sidelines of "listening", but the participants of "listening". They should actively think about what the teacher says or asks, and actively answer when they can.

2. Help children adjust their mentality. Parents should not be impatient, and their emotions often make students in Grade One feel great pressure. Junior high school is the first stage to open the gap from the ability.

Therefore, it is necessary to help children to properly "position" themselves before they go to junior high school. Mentally, children should be encouraged to be confident. Tell the children that there is always only one first place, and it is important to be good at yourself. At the same time, parents should relax themselves, know their children's abilities, and actively guide them.

3. Guide children to develop good learning methods. Learn to integrate knowledge points. Classify the information to be learned and the knowledge to be mastered and make it into a mind map or knowledge point card, which will make your brain and thinking clear and convenient for memory, review and mastery. At the same time, learn to connect new knowledge with learned knowledge, and constantly blend and improve your knowledge system. This can promote understanding and deepen memory.

4. Help children make learning plans. In junior high school, many children have no clear learning plan when they study, and even some children continue to use the lax learning method of primary school. The learning of junior high school and primary school is very different. If children do not know how to adjust their learning methods properly in junior high school, it is difficult to achieve good results.

What are the adverse effects of poor junior high school performance

1. If you can't go to high school, it's a bit difficult to go to college in the future. The poor performance in junior high school also has an impact on the performance of the high school entrance exam. It is likely that students will not be admitted to high school, so it will be very difficult to go to college in the future.

2. Hit students' self-confidence and make students become negative. If students do well in exams, they will also have enough self-confidence. If students do not do well in exams, it will also be a blow to their self-confidence. As time goes by, students will become negative, which is not conducive to their future development.

Reasons for children's poor performance in middle school

1. The number of knowledge points increased. After getting the textbooks for junior high school, children will find that the textbooks have obviously become thick. In fact, the content learned in junior high school will be further increased. The number of knowledge points that junior high school students have mastered is unprecedented, especially the increase of physics and chemistry, which will make many students panic.

2. The difficulty of learning has increased. In primary school, everyone's learning was limited to memorization. In junior high school, students will not only improve their memory, but also need to master spatial thinking ability, logical thinking ability, and even more practical ability.

3. Confused by adolescence. For a student, every time we experience puberty, we will usher in cognitive improvement and gain more opportunities for growth. However, at the same time, we will also encounter a lot of confusion.

For example: physical changes, differences in experience and cognition, etc. Will make junior high school students confused. If these puzzles can not be solved well, it will affect the enthusiasm of students for learning, and then make everyone's performance decline.

Wandering Alone 2024-06-15 12:12:52

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