What are internal auditors

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What are internal auditors

Internal auditors refer to the personnel engaged in audit affairs in the internal audit institutions of departments and units, as well as the full-time personnel engaged in audit affairs in departments and units. As internal auditors, they should have the necessary professional knowledge and skills on the basis of good political and moral qualities. According to the Regulations of the National Audit Office on Internal Audit, the main person in charge of the unit or the authority shall protect the internal auditors from performing their duties according to law, and no unit or individual may retaliate. When handling audit matters, internal auditors shall strictly abide by the professional norms of internal audit, be devoted to their duties, and be independent, objective, impartial and confidential.

Youth remains 2024-06-10 17:14:12

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The author who founded the concept of scientific practice

Marx is the founder of the concept of scientific practice.
The basic content of Marxist scientific practice view:
1、 The essence of practice:
Practice refers to the objective activities that people actively transform the objective world, which has two meanings:
1. The general essence of practice: practice is a material activity for people to transform the objective world, which has the nature and form of material and the characteristics of direct reality.
2. The special essence of practice: practice is also an object activity peculiar to human beings. Practice takes human beings as the subject, takes objective things as the object, and turns the essential forces such as human purpose and ability into objective reality, creating a world of human objects, which is characterized by subjectivity.
2、 Practice is the way of human existence:
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Fireworks, y  n hu ǒ, Chinese vocabulary, namely cooking smoke. It refers to the fireworks set off by residents or others.
1. "Chuang Tzu, Xu Wugui": "The rags and lice think that they can live in a safe place, but they don't know that once the butcher is busy with grass and firework, they will burn with the rags and lice."
2. "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of the Wu Han Dynasty": "When you prepare your horse and close the camp for three days, you will not go out. Instead, there will be many flags and trees to keep the fireworks going."
3. The Northern History, The Legend of Gonglun in the West of Wei Longxi: "The strong wind is strong today. If we push the straw cart and the square track together, ride the wind and let the fireworks fly, and use the best soldiers to ride it from behind, it will be broken."
Synonyms: beacon fire, smoke, fireworks.
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