Is performance countable

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Performance can be both countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

When performance is translated into performance, performance, performance, behavior and achievement, it is a countable noun.

When performance is translated into performance, execution, performance and working conditions, it is an uncountable noun.

Performance UK [p? 'f? M? Ns], US [p? R' f? Rm? Ns] n. Performance; implement; Performance; perform; Performance; Ability; Performance.


1. Performance management;

2. Command performance;

3. Performancecar racing;

4. Performance analysis;

5. The performing art of drama.

Every year is like a song 2024-07-03 12:07:49

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Initial consonant: b p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、c、s、y、w。
Finals: a, o, e, i, u, ü ai、ei、ui、ao、ou、iu、ie、 üe、 r、an、en、in、un、 ün、 ang、eng、ing、ong。
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1. "Zuo Zhuan, Fifteen Years of Xi Gong": "You will walk on the earth and wear the emperor."
2. Shuzhou Is Called to Try Not to Go to My Book: "It's hard to wear a bowl and look at the sky at the same time."
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Sentence making:
1. Our old headmaster was heartily loved by the whole school.
2. Teacher Li is kind and open-minded, and is deeply loved by students.
3. He has done good things for the people, and people love him for sure.
4. He is selfless, fearless, upright and deeply loved by the people.
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6. From childhood to adulthood, I will always respect and love you.
7. These teachers, who have worked hard and made great contributions, are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people.

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From modern phrases.
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