In 2022, graduate students will be transferred to new policy masters. Can they be transferred to professional masters

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The adjustment of postgraduate entrance examination will begin in 2022. What are the policy requirements for the adjustment of postgraduate entrance examination today? Learn about it with Xiao Bian.

New policy for adjusting postgraduate entrance examination 2022

(1) Meet the application conditions of the transferred major.

(2) The preliminary examination results meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results of the first volunteer major in the transfer area.

(3) The transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer's major, and should be within the same discipline category.

(4) The preliminary examination subjects are the same or similar to the preliminary examination subjects of the transfer in specialty, and the national unified proposition subjects of the preliminary examination should be the same as the national unified proposition subjects of the transfer in specialty.

(5) The first candidate who wishes to apply for the major of care (refer to sports and master's degree in sports, master's degree in traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional and western medicine, master's degree in traditional Chinese medicine, work study care, the same below), if transferred out of this category of care, must meet the basic requirements for the national preliminary examination results of the discipline category (category) of the care profession in the transfer area. If the first volunteer candidate for the non care major is transferred to the care major, his/her preliminary examination results must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results for the corresponding non care major discipline category (category) in the transfer area. Master of Physical Education and Sports, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine and Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and adjustment between work and study care majors shall be implemented according to the internal adjustment policy of care majors.

(6) First, candidates who wish to apply for a master's degree in business administration, public administration, tourism management, engineering management, accounting, library and information, and auditing can apply for mutual transfer on the basis of meeting the conditions for transfer to other majors, but cannot be transferred to other majors; Candidates from other majors are not allowed to transfer to the above majors. The first candidate who wishes to apply for a master's degree in law (non law) may not be transferred to another major, nor may candidates in other majors be transferred to that major.

(7) Candidates who apply for the "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" shall not be transferred outside the program for admission; Those who have not applied for the exam shall not be transferred to the program for admission.

(8) Candidates who apply for the special plan of "retired college student soldiers", and apply for transfer to the general plan, must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results in the discipline category (professional degree category) of the relevant specialty in the transfer area. Those who meet the conditions can enjoy the policy of bonus points for the first test of retired college student soldiers according to the regulations. Candidates who apply for the general plan and meet the conditions for applying for the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" can apply for transfer to the special plan for admission, and their initial test results must meet the requirements for the initial test results of candidates who accept the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" as determined by the relevant recruitment unit. The examinees who are transferred to the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" will no longer enjoy the policy of bonus points for the first test of retired college student soldiers.

(9) Relevant enrollment units shall independently determine and publish the performance requirements of their own units to accept the transfer of postgraduates of clinical medicine degree from other units. The Ministry of Education has designated the basic requirements for the preliminary examination results of master's degree candidates in clinical medicine as the basic requirements for the candidates who apply for master's degree candidates in clinical medicine to transfer to other majors.

Candidates applying for master's degree in clinical medicine can be transferred to other majors according to relevant policies. Candidates applying for other majors (including medical academic degree) cannot be transferred to a professional degree in clinical medicine.

(10) Candidates participating in the separate examination (including the plan for strengthening the military and the plan for aiding Tibet) shall not be transferred.

(11) National defense candidates who meet the conditions for transfer may transfer among the enrollment units that allow the recruitment of national defense master candidates.

(12) Self marking university internal adjustment policy shall be determined according to the above requirements.

Can Postgraduate Entrance Exam Master Transfer to Professional Master

Under normal circumstances, master students can be transferred to professional masters, except for special majors. The academic masters pay more attention to research and the professional masters pay more attention to employment. To some extent, it can be said that the scope of the academic masters is a little wider than the professional masters, so it is basically adjustable. The transfer of master students to major students needs to meet the score line specified by the state and meet the registration conditions of the transferred major. The transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer's major, and the preliminary examination subjects are the same or similar to the transferred major's preliminary examination subjects. In principle, the subjects of the unified examination should be the same, and the transfer to major students can be made if they meet the conditions. After the reallocation system is opened, check which schools have received the reallocation. If the conditions are met, fill in the school's reallocation specialty, and then wait for the notice. After confirming the submission of the reallocation volunteer, the enrollment unit will feed back the notice of whether to participate in the reexamination as soon as possible. Please log in to the dispatching system in time to check the volunteer status and the feedback notice from the enrollment unit. If you receive the notice of reexamination, please go through the relevant procedures according to the adjustment requirements of the enrollment unit.

The training objectives of professional masters are different from those of academic masters. Professional masters cultivate high-level applied professionals who have solid basic theoretical knowledge, the ability to solve practical problems, and the ability to undertake professional and technical work. At present, there is a shortage of such talents in the country, and the country vigorously supports and encourages professional master education. Students who choose this degree type to study and graduate will be well employed. After employment, they will enjoy the same treatment as the graduates.

Three volunteers can be filled in for the adjustment of postgraduate entrance examination. The three volunteers are parallel and have no order. However, it should be noted that once the candidates fill in the form, their volunteers will be locked for 12 to 36 hours. Due to the different number of students applying for transfer in different schools, the time required for teacher review is also different, and the locking time of different schools is slightly different. Therefore, the first three volunteers must fill in the school they want to go to most.

Smile and see the world 2024-06-07 20:20:19

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