What's the major of junior high school technical school

Sakura of Fog Island
Selected answers

1. Junior high school graduates majoring in computer

Computer major has always been a very popular major, which is the first choice for many junior high school graduates. Indeed, the development prospect of computer major is very good, so it becomes such a popular major.

In recent years, the development of Internet technology has greatly promoted the development of the computer industry, and computers are increasingly connected with people's lives. In addition, there has always been a big gap in the demand for computer professionals in society. If junior high school students can learn computer professional knowledge and skills, they will not have to worry about employment.

2. Good employment for e-commerce majors

Although e-commerce is a specialty developed in recent years, according to the current market situation, the development of this industry will be better and better.

As we all know, online shopping and online marketing are very popular nowadays, and many enterprises have gradually established e-commerce departments in order to maximize their interests. In addition, with the development trend of society, e-commerce will certainly have a greater development space. However, for the majors that have emerged in recent years, the society has a shortage of talents in this field, so it will be relatively easy to graduate from junior high school and study e-commerce in the future.

3. Civil aviation is very easy to get employed

Civil aviation is a very good employment and high salary major. At present, China has a great demand for civil aviation talents, and the development prospect of this major has always been good. According to relevant statistics, the average annual salary of excellent flight attendants of domestic mainstream airlines is about several hundred thousand, which is higher abroad.

If the physical condition and other aspects of the graduated junior high school students meet the enrollment conditions of the civil aviation specialty, studying the civil aviation specialty is a particularly good choice, and the employment salary is very secure.

In addition, there are communication majors, accounting majors, civil engineering majors, finance majors, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation majors, nursing majors, business management majors and so on. Junior high school graduates can choose one of the most promising majors to study according to their own interests.

What majors are available in technical schools for junior high school students

1. E-commerce

The traditional marketing model has been difficult to meet the needs of today's enterprises. This is a high-speed information age. The rapid and fast spread of network information enables enterprises to find blue oceans on this platform. In contrast, the society increasingly needs e-commerce professionals.

2. Electronics and Information Technology

The learning contents include computer application, electronic engineering drawing, electronic component identification, analog electronic circuit, digital circuit, household appliances, electronic circuit, etc., so you can enter the factory without worrying about finding a job.

3. Mechatronics

If male students want to study technical secondary school, it is good to learn this major. Although there are not few engineering students applying for this major now, it is a technical major at present. After graduation, most of them need to have a certain professional foundation, so it is good to learn this major for employment.

4. Accounting

There is no threshold for learning accounting. In fact, no matter they are on the job, unemployed or some junior high school graduates, they can learn accounting. As long as they can study hard and get the certificate they should get, they need not worry about not finding a job when learning this major. Many companies are short of people.

5. Nursing

What is more reliable for girls to learn nursing is that they can basically find a job as long as they can get the nurse qualification certificate. It's just difficult to go to a good hospital, but general hospitals can go if they are willing to recruit, and it's better to take a college or undergraduate self examination.

What majors are suitable for junior high school students in technical schools?

There are many majors in technical schools: such as computer related majors, automobile repair related majors, preschool majors, e-commerce majors, flight attendants, electronics majors, medicine and other majors. Choose your favorite major. I suggest you find a better major and choose a school. You can start to choose a school by taking the following aspects into consideration:

1、 First of all, it must be a formal school. The school with high reputation is strong in running a school, with strength and security.

2、 Teaching equipment. The auto repair industry is a highly professional industry, and the technical innovation of the auto repair industry is also very fast. Therefore, whether the equipment is professional and advanced is within the scope of our investigation.

3、 Practical training courses. Some majors focus on practical training to test their practical ability. While learning basic knowledge well, intensive practice is even more important. Practical training courses determine the teaching quality of a school. The proportion of practical training courses is higher than that of theoretical courses. Only by combining theoretical training with practical training can the learning effect be maximized.

4、 To see whether the management school is good or bad, we should not only see whether it can teach technology, but also consider whether it can improve personal quality. Only when we do not have good personal quality and superb technology, can we have long-term development in social work.

5、 In terms of employment security and employment, it is necessary to carefully consider whether there is any guarantee for the employment of employed students, whether there is long-term reliable cooperation with well-known cooperative enterprises, and whether entrepreneurship assistance is perfect for entrepreneurial students.

First, look at the school brand, big brand, scale, and general teaching quality. Second, look at the school training. The main thing to learn about auto repair is to operate it manually. After a semester of practice, I can't even feel how to learn. It also depends on the proportion of training to normal class hours. Third, look at the strength of teachers. To a large extent, the level of teachers makes you avoid detours. Fourth, look at service. A good school has employment services. When you graduate, the school will recommend employment. When you start a business, the school will have entrepreneurial guidance. I suggest you go to the school site to experience it.

Finally, interest is the best teacher. It is good to choose a school after choosing a good major.

To the past 2024-06-15 18:06:25

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"Silence" means not talking and keeping silent.
Provenance: Ming · Feng Menglong's "Awakening Episode: Meeting in the Adjacent Boat of the Wu Yamen": "Xiu E is obsessed with remembering the Wu Yamen, sitting beside her, speechless, intoxicated, not touching a drop of wine, and not moving her chopsticks."
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Up and down are words.
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Citation explanation:
1. High and low; Top and bottom.
"The First Message of Mencius": "Mencius said: 'Water trust is not divided into things, is it not divided between top and bottom?'"
2. It refers to heaven and earth.
"Songs of Chu · Tianwen": "At the beginning of the ancient times, who preached? How can we test it?"
3. It refers to the gods of heaven and earth.
4. It refers to gods and figures.
5. It refers to the high and low position, just as it refers to the monarch and his subjects, the seniority and the inferiority, the seniority and the youth.
"Yi Tai": "The superior and the inferior have the same ambition." Kong Yingda Shu: "The superior is the monarch; the inferior is the minister."
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7. Height; Advantages and disadvantages; Win or lose.
8. First and second.
The 63rd chapter of A Dream of Red Mansions: "Those who draw this lot are not allowed to drink, so they only ask the upper and lower families to drink one cup each."
9. It means from head to foot.
The 21st chapter of The Scholars: "Guo Tiebi put his pen in his hand and looked at Pu Lang from top to bottom."
10. It still speaks of ancient and modern times.
The Book of the Han Dynasty, Narrative and Biography II: "The content of a book is comprehensive, and it is accessible from top to bottom." Wang Xianqian added: "The top and bottom are ancient and modern."
11. Even before and after.
Wang Chong of the Han Dynasty "Lun Heng · Wen Kong": "The words of the sages and sages are inconsistent from top to bottom, and the scholars of the world cannot know it."
12. Still around. It is used after the quantifier to express the approximate number.
13. Still pitching.
The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, the Spring Official, the Diving Master: "Where divination is conducted, it is necessary to distinguish the yin and yang above and below the tortoise, so as to give orders to the tortoise, and the imperial edict is applied to the tortoise."
14. It is like saying a lot.
"Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, Land Officials and Lin People": "The number of countries above and below the age is enough to satisfy their needs." Jia Gongyanshu: "Up and down are rich and fierce."
15. In other words, they are almost equal.
Tang Hanyu's "Essay with Feng Su": "Li Ao has learned a lot from his servants... Zhang Ji, who is older than Ao, also learns from his servants, and his literature is similar to Ao."
16. It's like saying something.
17. The honorific title for parents in the Six Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties.
Book of the Song Dynasty, Biography of Filial Piety and Justice, Guo Yuanping: "I am too cold this year, but Jian'an is good, so I will honor my upper and lower ears."
18. The honorific title for tolerance after the Song and Yuan dynasties.
19. In the old days, I asked the elder's name, also known as "up and down". It is like saying one word above and one word below.
20. Lifting.
"Songs of Chu · Buju": "Is it possible to flood like a teal in the water? Is it possible to steal my whole body from the waves up and down?" Wang Yi notes: "Follow the crowd and humble yourself."
21. Increase or decrease; Change.

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How pale the water is, and how steep the mountains and islands are.
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The autumn wind is bleak and the flood is surging.
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Sentence making:
1. The emperor spat out a mouthful of blood, glared at his eyes, and passed away. A generation of Xiaoxiong came to an end.
2. Give Xiang Yu 1000 chances, he can't beat Liu Bang, which is the difference between heroes and Xiaoxiong.
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4. He did not see what should be seen, but saw it. Such a person is a wise man. He can't even see what should not be seen. Such people are Xiaoxiong.
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