What's the specialty of the garrison vocational high school

Selected answers

What majors are there in vocational high schools? Vocational high school majors include computer architecture, e-commerce, planting, breeding, kindergarten teacher, electromechanical, auto repair, tourism, a financial secretary, cooking, etc. Vocational high school. Mainly for. Professional and technical high schools not only need to learn the basic courses of high school in vocational high schools. Including Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physical Chemistry, Moral Education, History and Social Information Technology, Sports.

Vocational high schools cultivate high-quality, laborers and technical talents who adapt to the requirements of China's socialist modernization drive, have comprehensive professional ability, and work at the front line of production and service.

They should love the socialist motherland. They combine the realization of their own values, medical care services and the people of the motherland, have basic scientific and cultural literacy, the ability to continue learning and the spirit of innovation, and have good professional ethics to master the necessary basic knowledge of cultural knowledge, professional knowledge and relatively familiar knowledge. It has the employability and certain entrepreneurial ability of Zhejiang Province, has a healthy body and psychology, and has the basic ability to appreciate and create beauty. Vocational high school is a kind of middle school education that combines general education with vocational education. Secondary education.

The employment rate of vocational high school vocational education is high, and the country is vigorously developing. Vocational education nowadays more and more students choose to attend vocational high schools. Majors:. Automobile maintenance specialty. The main thing is to choose your favorite major. The major you are interested in.

What's the major of the vocational high school?

Major of Vocational School

Accounting, auto repair, nursing, kindergarten teacher, cooking, tourism, numerical control, clothing design, performance, computer, tourism, electrical and electronic, architecture, film and television later stage, etc.

2. Professional recommendation of vocational schools

Preschool Education

According to the statistics of relevant departments, China's population base is close to 1.4 billion, which has laid a solid customer foundation for China's preschool education market; According to the current average birth rate, there are more than 20 million newborn babies born every year in China. Children aged 0-6 account for nearly 100 million, and urban children account for nearly 40 million. The national average family educational consumption is 82000, and the annual urban educational consumption reaches hundreds of millions of people's dollars. Therefore, preschool education has a bright future.

Automobile maintenance

The automobile industry is known as one of the industries with the most potential for development. As we all know, the automobile industry in China has developed rapidly, especially the rise of domestic automobiles in recent years, and the increase in the number of automobiles in China, all of which have led to the rapid development of the automobile repair industry. Its market output value has reached 100 billion yuan, and the market development has gradually increased the demand for professional talents, The industry lacks professional auto repair talents.

Urban rail transit

With the rapid development of China's domestic economy, bullet trains, high-speed railways and subways have been put into operation in large and medium-sized cities all over the country, and there is a great demand for relevant professional service talents. 150 people/vehicle ratio:

1. In the next 10 years, all major and medium-sized cities in China will need nearly 200000 professional service talents. So far, the new posts of railway passenger service personnel are huge. High speed train attendants and high speed train passenger services have a bright future, and there is a strong demand for professional talents.

What's the major of vocational high school? Which major should I choose

1、 What are the majors of vocational high schools?

The majors of vocational high schools include: computer technology, construction engineering, e-commerce, planting, breeding, kindergarten teacher, electromechanical, auto repair, tourism, health care, accounting, secretarial, cooking, industry and commerce, flight attendants, clothing, animation, numerical control, logistics, foreign language, marketing, performance, nursing, accounting, electronic electrician, music, commerce, art, film and television production Buildings, printing, advanced protection, high-speed railway, aviation, etc; These majors cover 80% of the majors in vocational high schools, basically meeting everyone's choice needs.

2、 What should be paid attention to when choosing a major?

There is not much to pay attention to when choosing a major, but there are also several points to pay attention to. For example, when choosing a major, girls should try not to choose such a major as architecture. This major usually works on the construction site, and the environment is not acceptable to most girls. Also, try not to choose the major of cooking. Although this major does not bask in the sun, the environment is not very good, and cooking also requires high physical strength, especially arm strength, which is not suitable for girls to choose.

Second, don't choose a major blindly. Choosing a major blindly will only harm you. Many people choose the same major as their brothers, and they learn it with interest. They hate it more and more. Most graduates also change careers, so you don't need to choose blindly or follow the trend.

What are the majors of vocational high schools? All of the above majors can be used for reference to see which career you are suitable for. If you don't know how to choose the one that is suitable for you, you can do some professional qualification verification, which can help you to a certain extent. There are so many majors in the secondary vocational high school. In addition to not choosing blindly, you should not choose a major because of your major. Choose a major that is suitable for you, Choose a major that you are interested in, or choose a major that conforms to the current industry trend of social development.

What's your major in the vocational high school

Vocational high school majors include: computer, architecture, e-commerce, planting, breeding, kindergarten teacher, electromechanical, auto repair, tourism, health care, accounting, secretarial, cooking, etc. Generally, vocational high schools are run by middle schools, and students obtain technical secondary education when they graduate. Vocational high school students can choose to continue their college education after three years of graduation. That is to say, on the premise that the self-taught examination is successful, it will take vocational high school students 6 years to get a college diploma. In fact, many vocational high school students are less likely to continue their studies after they start working due to their busy work and mentality. Sichuan Yijiayi Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. is recruiting interior designers. However, from the current job market, education is still a threshold for finding a job. Under the severe situation of difficult employment of college students, the employment rate of "skills+academic qualifications" technical talents has been booming. Sichuan Xinhua Computer School has been running for 25 years. The employment rate of graduates has reached 100%, and they are highly paid workers. In contrast, vocational high school students generally work as front-line technical workers in factories after graduation, which is called "blue collar". Why are the graduates of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China both technical talents? There is such a big gap between ordinary vocational high school students and Sichuan Xinhua students in terms of employment? The reason is that Sichuan Xinhua Computer School not only cultivates students' skills, but also guarantees employment from their academic qualifications. Junior high school students who apply to Sichuan Xinhua Computer School need at least 2 years less time to obtain a college diploma than vocational high school students. After graduation, they can obtain a college diploma from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, as well as a Xinhua diploma issued by Xinhua Education Group. The length of schooling for junior high school students to apply for Sichuan Xinhua Computer School varies according to their age of enrollment, which can be divided into four years, three years and two years. If you only want to learn skills but do not want to obtain academic qualifications, you can also apply for the one-year system. However, junior high school students are too young, so it is not recommended to choose the one-year system. The specific age of enrollment is suitable for several years. For details, please click online teachers as professional IT talent training institutions. Sichuan Xinhua Computer School is China's excellent IT talent training base, and the national demonstration base for information education. The specific advantages are as follows: 1 Advantages of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School: Sichuan Xinhua Computer School, the largest computer education base in southwest China, is affiliated to the famous Xinhua Education Group. It is a large-scale computer education institution approved by the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Sichuan Province (formerly the Department of Labor and Social Security of Sichuan Province), and a national demonstration base for information education The largest education base for computer application talents and network technology talents in southwest China, the national training plan base for digital art talents in short supply, the national training plan base for information technology talents in short supply, and the top ten influential brands of computer education in China. 2、 The professional advantages of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School The school's integration of theory and practice ensures that students have a strong ability to practice, the classroom is not boring, and they can easily move to work. Student works of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School - living room renderings of student works of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School - student works of Naruto Sichuan Xinhua Computer School - cover design of Kangping magazine from the perspective of professional settings, According to market demand, Sichuan Xinhua Computer School combines computers with various industries and offers the following majors: E-BOSS senior e-commerce, architectural performance master, senior engineer of software development, environmental art design, computer art design, 3D film and television animation design, 3G software development, etc. From the perspective of employment, graduates of the above majors are very popular with enterprises when looking for jobs, and they are often "robbed" by enterprises before graduation. More majors can be [online consultation] or [free call], or [online appointment registration]. 3. The educational advantages of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School. In order to enable students to graduate and find jobs smoothly, Sichuan Xinhua Computer School and the National "211 Project" and "985 Project" key construction colleges, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, jointly run schools, and jointly launch "skills+education" leading majors, The qualified students will be awarded the diploma of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. 4、 Employment advantages of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School "Vocational education is employment education" at the large-scale IT talent recruitment fair of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School, and the employment rate is the "touchstone" to test the success of school running. Sichuan Xinhua Computer School has always attached great importance to student employment services, covering the national employment network, organizing the construction of "Xinhua Talent Network", regularly holding large-scale talent double elections, order oriented training of talents in school enterprise cooperation, and national alumni associations, and other five employment guarantees to enable students to find jobs after graduation. To choose a good school is to choose a good future. The consultant teacher of Sichuan Xinhua Computer School provides professional answers, and one communication can change one's life. Top down (1) 100% Step down (0) 0%

How can I rely on my strength 2024-06-14 19:06:41

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Origin of "outline":
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2. Preface to Sending Li to Pangu: "My heart is deep, and my heart is full."
3. "Xunzi": "Narrow and narrow, broad outline."
"Outline" sentence:
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