Who is Cao Ying's husband? Personal information and photos of Cao Ying's husband Wang Ban

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Cao Ying used to be a very famous host, and then turned into an actor. Cao Ying, who is a regular actor, is also very good. Cao Ying got married after experiencing the host and the actor. Who is Cao Ying's husband? Don't worry, I will present the material photos of Cao Ying's husband Wang Ban and their love history. Come and have a look!

Cao Ying falls in love with her husband

Recently, Tianjin Satellite TV launched the outdoor dating reality show "Star Dream" and held a pre broadcast meeting in Tianjin. This program is led by Cao Ying (micro blog) as a "star matchmaker group". Tu Lei, Wang Liyun and Cao Cao together bring their own friends to the blind date. On the same day, Cao Ying attended the meeting in a light dress. She not only watched the preemptive version of the program in advance with the audience, but also had no taboo interaction with fans. Her generous response to Wang Ban was her first love, and her friend Wang Han was a god.

I have talked about my first love for 20 years and worshipped my friend Wang Han

At the meeting, Cao Ying faced questions from the audience and fans with her always cheerful personality. "Have you ever had a blind date?" "Is Mr. Wang Ban your first love?" Cao Ying responded generously and shared her emotional experience. "In the fifteen years before marriage, except for fever and illness, I didn't rest for a day, and all of them were working. At that time, I was the female nerve and the female man. I knew Mr. Wang Ban when I was 19 years old. I had no blind date experience. I fell in love with Mr. Wang at first sight. Then I stayed together for such a long time. I also thank Mr. Wang for his tolerance, which can give me space and time to do things I like. " Cao Ying and Wang Ban are also admirable "model couples" in the circle. Cao Ying gradually faded out of the screen after marriage and birth. She said she was pushing her work deliberately and hoped to have more time to accompany her son's growth. Joked that since the birth of the child, Mr. Wang Ban's status has dropped from the first to the fourth, because the first three are all princes.

A few days ago, Wang Han's rescue scene in a live broadcast emergency was pushed to the "altar of presiding", causing people to worship. As for the wit and talent of friends in the same industry, Cao Ying said, "Based on my years of understanding, he is a very professional and excellent host. No matter what happens, he will respond to the situation." In the circle of friends, except Cao Ying, who has been promoted to become a mother, friends Li Xiang and Han are also parents. He Jiong is even more "both sons and daughters", taking the godfather responsibility of Angela and Prince (Cao Ying's son). But usually a few old friends seldom get together. Cao Ying said regretfully, "In fact, this industry is really poor. Everyone is busy, and when they have time to spend with their children, they are all in their spare time. There is no time to get together again, so such gatherings are rare. In fact, I envy that people get together and let each other's children have a playmate, which we can't do now. Our children are more or less short of playmates in life. " Facing the future planning, Cao Ying said with a smile: "Because I am also an only child, I hope the prince can have a brother or sister. Because now he is too old, I still need to think about it."

Cao Ying leads the matchmaker group and finds the feeling of being a "mother-in-law"

At the Star Dream Meeting, Cao Ying also exhibited her "matchmaker talent" and called on the audience to interact with each other, so that the original strange men and women could eliminate the sense of distance in the game. The atmosphere was very hot. Fans sent red lines on the spot, wishing Cao Ying could win the last matchmaker king, and use this red line to deliver happiness to more men and women.

In the Star Dream, Cao Ying, Tu Lei, Wang Liyun and Cao Cao together turned into a "matchmaker", bringing their close friends who are still single to go on a blind date. In this process, in addition to the matchmaker function, their identities are more like big parents, who strictly check for their "family" and provide them with advice at all times.

Cao Ying mentioned in the interview: "The first recorded program brought two men to the blind date, and found the feeling of mother-in-law. It was very strange. I always thought it would be the feeling of a sister, but leading the male team to the blind date was like selecting their daughter-in-law, and every female guest was measured according to the criteria of selecting a daughter-in-law."

It is reported that there is a certain competitive relationship between the four star matchmakers. Through the accumulation of programs, the star with the most success in "leading the red line" will be awarded the title of "matchmaker king". As a result, although Stardream is an outdoor matchmaking, it also shows the different characteristics of star matchmakers, and thus shows different ways of "leading the red line".

Cao Ying said: "I am the star matchmaker with the least competitive spirit in Star Dream. If I want to win, I will inquire about the other party's situation, and I will tell the team members who will succeed in choosing. This may be good for the game. However, I think that will affect their choice and judgment, causing regret. Maybe he really likes a female guest in his heart, and I hope he will fight for it. If I told him in advance that the girl might like someone else, he would be timid and give up. I hope they can really express themselves and try their best to win. There will be no regret if they win. "

At the event site, Cao Ying said that after receiving the program invitation, she sent a circle of friends, and this information was almost overwhelmed. I didn't expect so many friends to have emotional problems. The industry is really busy, and there is no time to fall in love in today's society. When asked how she didn't help her friends to succeed, Cao Ying generously replied, "In fact, there is no time in life to get to know each other so closely with friends. My feelings with friends have deepened when I participate in this program. For me, bringing friends will deepen the friendship."

Data Background of Cao Ying's Husband Wang Ban

Ethnic group: Han

Height: m

Constellation: Cancer


Specialty: guitar, horse riding, painting, swimming

Education: Graduated from the Department of Performance, Central Academy of Drama, and obtained a bachelor's degree.

Actors of Beijing People's Art Theater National First Class Actors

Cao Ying and Wang Ban are college classmates. Cao Ying said that Wang Ban was her first love, so this relationship was attributed to campus romance, which belongs to the love model of growing up like a pair of couples in the early days and the late months, with a hint of "childhood sweetheart".

Cao Ying made a rare appearance with her husband and called her "leader"

Cao Ying is a famous TV host and actor, Wang Ban is a famous drama actor, and this year's winner of the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award. They are also husband and wife in their lives. Since his low-key marriage, his son has been more than two years old, and the two stars still rarely appear in front of the media at the same time. Wang Ban said that this was deliberately done, because they both have a working world, there is no need to show love and join in the fun. It is better to have fun secretly. However, this principle was broken by a play. Yesterday, Wang Ban and Cao Ying appeared at the launch of the first self-made small theater play "Doll's House" at the National Grand Theater at the same time. The reason is that there are only two words "classic".

Wang Ban is the "leader" on the stage

Although they appeared at the same time, they still sat at one end of the room with a low profile, separated by director Ren Ming and Deng Yijiang, vice president of the National Grand Theater. Only at the press conference, at the invitation of the media, did they stand together for interviews.

This Ibsen's "Doll's House" is Cao Ying's first play. Although she has a lot of stage experience, she is still very worried. A few days ago, she complained on her microblog, "Obviously it was very difficult, and finally, she would agree? If you have a time machine, go back immediately to wake me up that day, or else at this time, she would have taken her children on a trip." Cao Ying continued to complain in yesterday's interview, "If you have read the script, you can hardly see me stepping down from the first sentence. The heroine Nora has encountered many things in her life. The amount of lines and performances is very large, and for the first time, the person who plays a drama is brave enough, and the pressure is even greater." Cao Ying also teased herself that she was a fatiguing "Nora" student, who not only had to read "classics", but also had to "go to work" I played in the rehearsal hall every day.

Wang Ban is not worried about his wife Cao Ying at all. In addition to emotional support, Wang Ban's analysis is also very objective. "This is a small theater drama, and the requirements for sound lines are different from the big theater. Cao Ying has hosted a party of thousands of people, and it is also live broadcast. She should have such psychological quality." Cao Ying frankly said that Wang Ban is an excellent actor professionally, She is also her absolute "leader". If there are differences in performance, you must listen to him.

Don't let my son not know me

Since the play was put on, the living conditions of the two people have changed. They used to be busy with their work and get together less and leave more. Now they go to the rehearsal hall and home every day. Wang Ban said, "It's very happy to stay at home in Beijing." There is also a tacit understanding between the two people that after going out of the rehearsal hall, they try not to take their work home and set aside time for their children. However, the son also knows that Dad Mom is now rehearsing a play, and her name for Cao Ying has changed to "Nora".

Since she had children, Cao Ying has reduced her workload a lot. She should try her best to spend more time with her son before he goes to primary school, "otherwise he will not know me". Cao Ying's description was not exaggerated. She remembered that she made a TV play after her baby was born. When she came back, the child looked at her with strange eyes. When her son called out the word "mother" for the first time in the month, Cao Ying heard it through video on the set, which made Cao Ying very sad.

Recently, "Where's Dad Going?" was very popular. When asked if she intended to let her son participate, Cao Ying said that her son was just over two years old, which was too young. Even the next season's age was not appropriate, "I don't think it's necessary to be on the show. Take more of my children out for a walk. Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. Every parent should have this idea."

Play "Couple" in the Couple Drama

The upcoming "Doll's House" is a tribute to the debut of Ibsen's "Doll's House" in China.

Wang Ban said that this relationship is an advantage in stage performance. Cao Ying is smart and lively, Wang Ban is calm and introverted, and has something in common with the leading men and women in the play. However, Wang Ban stressed that "our endings are different, and we should not sit in the seat by the right sign." Cao Ying also laughed, "If you can't see our quarrel in life, you can have fun in the play."

Both Wang Ban and Cao Ying said that they would integrate life experience into the performance, especially in the last scene, when there was a long conversation between husband and wife, Wang Ban hoped that the audience would be inspired by it, "People of our age are particularly suitable for playing and watching this play. We have been married for some years. It is at the crossroads of marriage that we suddenly found that couples really need to change, tolerate, understand, and be free. These words sound wonderful, but they are especially difficult to do. We hope that the audience can enter the theater and have a cup of emotional coffee of their own."

Unexpectedly, Cao Ying and her husband fell in love for so long before they got married. In the entertainment industry, there are really few couples who want to stay in love for a long time and finally get together. Cao Ying's husband, Wang Ban, seems to be an emotional person too. I wish Cao Ying a happy family of three, and I hope it can continue to be so happy.

People are as light as chrysanthemums 2024-04-15 13:23:36

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