Read the following classical Chinese and complete the question Qiu Chuji, a native of Qixia, Dengzhou, named Changchun Zi. When I was a child, those who had a good image called it a different day

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Read the following classical Chinese and complete the question

Qiu Chuji Transmission

Qiu Chuji, a native of Qixia, Dengzhou, called himself Changchun Zi. When I was a child, some people called him the Immortal Master. In nineteen, Quanzhen learned from Chongyang Wang Zhenren in Kunlun Mountain of Ninghai with Ma Yu, Tan Chuduan, Liu Chuxuan, Wang Chuyi, Hao Datong and Sun Buer. When Chongyang sees the opportunity, it is a great thing. In the Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, envoys were sent to summon them instead of going there.

At the age of Ji Mao, the Emperor Taizu ordered his close officials Zha Ba'er and Liu Zhonglu to take an imperial edict. One day Chuji suddenly talked to his disciples and asked them to dress up, saying, "The angel came to call me, and I should go." The next day, two of them arrived. Chuji and eight of his disciples went together to see him. Next year, I will stay in the north of the mountain to express my gratitude. My fist will stop killing. Next year, the interesting envoy will return to Fuzhou, covering more than ten countries. Covering the bloody battlefield, avoiding the rebellious territory of the bandits and the desert of grain, it has been four years since the Kunlun Calendar. When riding in the deep snow, I immediately raised my strategy, which was less than half of the snow. Seeing that the Emperor Taizu was very happy, he gave food and set up a tent.

When the Emperor Taizu marched westward, he attacked and fought every day. Those who wanted to fight for a day at every word of opportunity must care not to kill. The policy of "asking questions" is to respect the heaven and love the people. If you ask for the way to live a long time, you will be told to be pure hearted and have few desires. The Emperor Taizu deeply agreed with his words and said, "The immortal of tin in heaven, I hope to build my ambition.". Therefore, the tin tiger charm was accompanied by a seal, which did not name it, but called it "Immortal". One day, when the thunder shook, Taizu asked and took the opportunity to say, "Thunder is also the power of heaven. No one is more guilty than being unfilial, and unfilial is disobedient to the sky. Therefore, the power of heaven shook to warn. It seems that there are many unfilial people in the country. Your Majesty should know the power of heaven to guide others." Taizu followed it. At the age of fifteen, Taizu hunted in the East Mountain. Ma Chiao took the opportunity to say, "The way of heaven is good. Your majesty is high in spring and autumn. It is not appropriate to hunt several days." Taizu has been a hunter for a long time. When the soldiers trampled the Central Plains, especially in Henan and North China, the people were captured and killed, and there was no place to escape. Take advantage of the opportunity to return the Yan, so that his disciples will hold an ultimatum to ask for more than the war, so that those who are slaves can be restored to good, and those who die with the shore can be more alive, not to worry about twenty or thirty thousand people. Zhongzhou people have been praised so far.

At the age of Yiyou, the fireflies attacked the tail. They occupied the Yan and prayed at the right moment. Ding Hai also prayed for drought, expecting three days of rain, which was named Ruiying. It was intended to change the name of the palace to Changchun, and sent an envoy to ask. The system said, "I often recite the immortals, and the immortals never forget me." In June, I bathed in Dongxi. The next day, it was a thunderstorm, and the north water of the Taiye Lake bank entered the East Lake. It was said that the fish and turtles were gone for miles. The pool dried up, and the high bank of the north entrance collapsed. Chuji sighed, "The mountains are almost destroyed, and the pools are almost dried up. I will be with them!" So he died at the age of 80. Yin Zhi, his disciple, was equal to others, and he inherited his religion with a seal and sent a gold seal to Dajian.

(From History of the Yuan Dynasty, Vol. 202, Biography 89)

Subtitle 1: The incorrect explanation of the words with dots in the following sentences is ()

A. Chongyang deals with the situation at first sight, which is a great tool: pay attention to

B. The Emperor Taizu was so happy that he gave food and set up a tent

C. Taizu hunted in the East Mountain, and his horse rushed forward: fell down

D. Counting is not suitable: Subtitle 2: In the following groups of sentences, the one with the same usage and meaning is ()

A. For Quanzhen to learn from the Kunlun Mountains in Ninghai, Mo Zhinengye

B. Therefore, Tianwei shakes to warn people to do what they want

C. There is no greater sin than unfiliality, which is blamed on princes

D. Subtitle 3: The following groups of sentences all show that Qiu Chuji loved the people

① Both Jin and Song sent envoys to summon them. ② They expressed their gratitude first, and their fists were advised to stop killing

③ Bloody battlefield, avoiding bandits and rebelling against the territory, and desert without food ④ Anyone who wants to spend a day must care not to kill

⑤ Make his disciples hold an ultimatum to ask for moves after the war. ⑥ The mountain is almost destroyed, and the pool is almost dried up. I will do the same




D. ② ④ ⑥ Subtitle 4: The correct one of the following analysis and summary of the original content is ()

A. At the age of 19, Qiu Chuji became a monk and converted to Immortal Wang Chongyang, becoming the eldest martial brother of the "Quanzhen Seven Sons" passed down by Immortal Wang.

B. After rejecting the conscription of the Jin and Song dynasties, Qiu Chuji and his 18 disciples traveled a long distance, experienced hardships, and arrived at Genghis Khan's residence after four years. Their trip was intended to stop killing. For this reason, they often picked up scriptures and discussed with each other even in the snow.

C. When Genghis Khan asked Qiu Chuji about the art of longevity, Qiu Chuji said frankly that the key is to be pure hearted and have few desires. Instead of blaming Qiu Chuji, Genghis Khan held him in high esteem, gave him tiger charms and seals, and called him "immortal".

D. With the tiger seal book, Qiu Chuji's disciples saved a large number of Han people in the name of religion, which was praised by the people. Later, Qiu Chuji's prayer displaced the evil spirit that was not good for Yandi, which caused three days of rain in the arid area, benefiting the people. Subtitle 5: Translate the following sentences into modern Chinese (6 points)

(1) If Wang Ruoyin was innocent and died, what would he choose? (3 points)

(2) This is only to save the dead, but I'm afraid not to support it. What about the etiquette of Xi Shizhi? (3 points)

Best answer:

Subtopic 1: D

Subtitle 2: D

Subtopic 3: B

Subtitle 4: C

Subtitle 5: (1) If you can't bear to see it go to death without guilt, what's the difference between cattle and sheep? (2) This is to save people in danger and if it is not thorough, how can it be managed by etiquette?

Answer analysis:

Subtitle 1:

In the reading of classical Chinese, to distinguish whether the meaning of important words is correct or not, it is sometimes necessary to guess the meaning of words according to the specific context, that is, the interpretation of classical Chinese guessing method D is not correct, which can be seen from the general meaning of the sentence "Taizu has been a hunter for a long time" in the original text. So choose D.

Subtitle 2:

Analysis of test questions: This kind of classical function word questions generally need to determine the specific usage and meaning of a function word in combination with the specific context. D is a conjunction, indicating a turning point. A The first "Zhi" is an auxiliary word, and the second is a pronoun; B The first is a conjunction, and the second is a preposition; C The first is the preposition "bi"; The second is the preposition "and". So choose D.

Subtopic 3:

Test question analysis: the idea for answering such questions is to analyze the given example sentences sentence by sentence, select the sentences that meet the requirements of the question stem, and then judge and select them according to the grouping. When answering questions, you can also use the exclusion method to directly exclude the options that obviously contain sentences that do not meet the requirements of the question stem, so as to save the time for answering questions. ① It shows Qiu Chuji's indifference and seclusion;

③ It shows Qiu Chuji's courage;

⑥ It shows Qiu Chuji's calm before his death. It has nothing to do with "caring for people";

② ④ ⑤ all showed that Qiu Chuji "cared for the people", so B was chosen.

Subtitle 4:

Analysis of test questions: This question should be returned to the original text with options for comparative analysis and judgment on the basis of accurately grasping the meaning of the text. A The original text did not mention whether Qiu Chuji was the eldest brother. In fact, the eldest brother was Ma Yu, and Qiu Chuji ranked fourth. B They didn't often discuss it, but just used the whip to explore the depth of the snow. D The original "three days of rain" means that it rains for three days, not three days of rain. So choose C.

Subtitle 5:

Analysis of test questions: on the basis of accurately grasping the meaning of the text, this question should understand some key sentences in the text, such as key content words, function word meanings, judgment sentences, passive sentences, object preposition, component ellipsis and flexible use of parts of speech, and express it in standard modern Chinese. The key words that should be paid attention to when translating this question are: concealment, choice, support, death, ridicule, leisure, and the adverbial post sentence "governance etiquette".

Reference translation:

Qiu Chuji, a native of Qixia, Dengzhou, called himself Changchun Zi. When I was a child, some physiognomes said that he would become an immortal or a master in the future. At the age of 19, Qiu Chuji became a monk and became a Taoist. He studied in the Kunlun Mountains in Ninghai and joined Ma Yu, Tan Chuduan, Liu Chuxuan, Wang Chuyi, Hao Datong and Sun Buer to learn from Immortal Wang Chongyang. When Wang Chongyang saw Qiu Chuji, he attached great importance to him. At the end of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, both the Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty sent people to invite Qiu Chuji, but Qiu Chuji did not go.

In the year of Yimao (1219), Genghis Khan, the Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty, ordered his trusted followers Zhaba'er and Liu Zhonglu to invite Qiu Chuji with an edict. One day, Qiu Chuji suddenly told his disciples to pack up quickly, saying, "The messenger of the Son of Heaven came to see me, and I should go." The next day, two messengers came, and Qiu Chuji decided to go with the eighteen disciples to pay a visit to Genghis Khan. The next year, when the group stopped in the north of the mountain, Qiu Chuji sent people with memorials to Genghis Khan to express his gratitude and sincerely advised Taizu to stop killing. A year later, Qiu Chuji and his party met the envoy sent by Genghis Khan to urge them to go, so they set out from Fuzhou, covering dozens of countries and more than 10000 miles. During this period, he stepped on the battlefield, evaded bandits in rebel areas, and cut off food in the desert. It took four years from Kunlun Mountain to reach the Snow Mountain. He often rode his horse forward in the deep snow, and raised his whip to test the depth of the snow. The whip mark was less than half the depth of the snow. When Qiu Chuji paid a visit to Genghis Khan, the great ancestor, Genghis Khan was very happy and respectfully gave him food and arranged accommodation.

At that time, Taizu was leading his army to the west and engaged in offensive operations every day. Qiu Chuji often told Genghis Khan that the main reason for unifying the world was that he did not like killing people. When Genghis Khan asked Qiu Chuji about the general plan of governing the world, he replied that he should regard the fear of God and the love of the people as the basis of governance. When Genghis Khan asked about the art of immortality, Qiu Chuji told him that the key was to keep the mind clean and reduce desire. Genghis Khan agreed with Qiu Chuji and said, "God gave me the fairy to make me realize my due ambition." Genghis Khan ordered his followers to record Qiu Chuji's words and use them to teach his son. Later, Genghis Khan rewarded Qiu Chuji with tiger amulets and imperial edicts, not calling him his name directly, but honorific calling him "immortal". One day when it thundered, Genghis Khan asked Qiu Chuji about the reason for the thunder. Qiu Chuji said to him, "Thunder is a manifestation of the majesty of heaven. No one's sins are more than unfilial, and unfilial is disobedient to heaven's order. Therefore, heaven uses thunder to warn unfilial people. I seem to hear that there are many unfilial people in your rule. Your Majesty should show the majesty of heaven to teach people. ”Genghis Khan obeyed his words. At the end of the decade, Genghis Khan was hunting on a large scale in Dongshan Mountain, and his horse fell down. Qiu Chuji asked, "Heaven cherishes life. Your Majesty is getting older, and he often hunts, which is not appropriate." Genghis Khan has not hunted for a long time since then. At that time, Genghis Khan's army trampled on the Central Plains, and the military disasters in Henan and Hebei were serious. People were captured or killed, and there was often no place to escape. After returning to Yandi, Qiu Chuji sent his apprentice to hold the imperial court's documents to solicit believers when there was no war. Therefore, people who became slaves of others had a chance to return to being good people. Those who were about to die from despair had a chance to get a way of life. The number of people rescued in these two categories does not need to be counted more than 20000 to 30000. People in the Central Plains have always praised Qiu Chuji.

In the year of Yiyou (1225), Mars collided with Weisu (the division of Yandi in ancient times, the main disaster). Disaster may come in the area of Yan (today's Hebei). Qiu Chuji prayed for a wedding ceremony, and finally the disaster star disappeared; In the year of Dinghai (1227), when there was a severe drought, Qiu Chuji prayed again and predicted that it would rain in three days. The auspicious omen was sure to appear, and it came true. Genghis Khan ordered the Tianchang Hall to be renamed Changchun Temple (today's Baiyun Temple), and sent envoys to express condolences. His edict said: "I often miss the immortals, and I hope they often miss me." On June 21 (lunar calendar) this year, Qiu Chuji took a bath in Dongxi; Two days later (June 23), a thunderstorm broke out in the sky, and the bank of Taiye Pool collapsed. All the water flowed into the East Lake. The sound of the water could be heard from miles away. All the fish and turtles flowed away with the current. The north entrance collapsed, and the Taiye Pool dried up. Qiu Chuji sighed, "The landslide collapsed, and the Taiye Pool dried up. I will probably go west as a crane." A few days later (the fourth day of July), Qiu Chuji died at the age of 80. His disciples Yin Zhiping and others inherited the position of leader of Qiu Chuji according to the order of the imperial court, and were awarded a gold seal by the imperial court during the Yuan Dynasty.

Test core:

Reading of classical Chinese: "Classical Chinese refers to the written language of ancient Chinese formed on the basis of the spoken language of the pre-qin period and the language in the works of the writers of the past dynasties who imitated ancient Chinese". Classical Chinese, that is, articles written in classical Chinese, that is, ancient classical Chinese works and works imitating it in previous dynasties. As a stereotyped written language, classical Chinese has been used for two or three thousand years, ranging from pre Qin scholars, Han Dynasty poetry, historical prose, to Tang and Song ancient prose, Ming and Qing stereotyped writing. In other words, classical Chinese is the written language of ancient China and the source of modern Chinese. Classical Chinese has a large proportion in middle school textbooks. To learn classical Chinese well, first of all, understand the words in the language environment, constantly accumulate, skillfully grasp the application of classical Chinese sentence patterns, accurately translate the text and deepen the understanding of the text on the basis of familiar reading and recitation, and consciously improve their literary appreciation and evaluation ability.

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