How much power does the Pope have

Walk in the rain
Selected answers

In the hierarchy system of the Catholic Church, the Pope enjoys the highest legislative and judicial power, can formulate or repeal church laws and regulations, designate people to form the Holy See, create parishes, and appoint bishops, and "there is no error in ethics and belief".

In addition to his religious office, the Pope is also the head of state of the Vatican with independent sovereignty. The country is also known as the "Sancta Sedes". The Vatican is surrounded by the city of Rome. Before 1870, the region under the papal rule once extended to the whole central Italy. Its territory, the Papal State, is known as the "heritage of St. Peter".

The Holy See (SanctaSedes) is the official name used by the Pope and his advisers when giving instructions to the Roman Catholic Church around the world. As the "central government" of the Roman Catholic Church around the world, the Pope authorized the Bishop Council to manage the daily affairs of the Vatican.

As bright as spring flowers 2024-06-21 16:39:41

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2. Command. From the "Records of the Historian · History of Xiang Yu": "King Huai made Xiang Yu the supreme general, and both Dangyang Jun and Pu General belong to Xiang Yu."
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