What's the specialty of ink-jet painting company

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Introduction: What is the advertising inkjet industry? What is his current situation in China? And what is the future development trend? Let's get to know about it with our editor!

1、 Basic information

Advertising ink-jet printing generally refers to the output of outdoor advertising images, which is relatively large. The main advertising platforms used are outdoor highways, large supermarkets, high-rise buildings and many other billboard images. Advertising ink-jet printing can be traced back to the middle of the 15th century. German Berger invented metal movable type, which has promoted the development of the newspaper printing industry since then, As the printing advertising industry has entered a new era, it has laid a good foundation for the birth of advertising inkjet!

2、 Industry status

At present, China's advertising industry has a rather chaotic industry structure. A small number of professional advertising companies with strong strength and high quality coexist with a large number of "mom and pop stores" and "mill style processing stores". Compared with other industries, advertising industry has the characteristics of less investment, low risk and large business market. Therefore, many investors have entered this industry in order to get a share. However, it is obviously not enough to have a fixed customer group, and it may also face the problem of customer churn. The production process of advertising companies is extremely complex. As an advertising industry, there is no unified standard. It is precisely because of the complex process that advertising companies are prone to errors and low efficiency.

3、 Future development

Nowadays, in this commercial era, all kinds of things and contents are gradually integrated into the elements of commercial promotion, constantly enriched and diversified. Starting from the design of corporate culture and brand concept, and these abstract brand contents, after processing and refining, they are integrated into each sign through artistic expression. In today's era, many companies are constantly developing and exploring channels and opportunities to promote their own brands. Signage is undoubtedly a highly cost-effective publicity channel, and brand logo will become more and more important in promoting the development of brand promotion.

What are the graphic design majors

Graphic design is pretty good.

Employment direction of graphic design:

1. Graphic design of advertising company: this is the industry with the most requirements for graphic design. It focuses on image and color processing and requires creativity and aesthetic taste.

2. Printing factory: this mainly focuses on prepress typesetting, and requires less artistic creative design.

3. Ink jet printing, engraving and copying agencies: these are small companies, which can be solved mainly by using PHOTOSHOP and CORELDRAW, which are relatively simple and generally paid.

4. Press: There is also a large demand for graphic design, focusing on text layout. Sometimes some advertisements are designed, but most advertisements are produced by advertising companies.

5. Digital printing: This is an emerging industry, similar to printing, but relatively simple. Sometimes it is necessary to design something, and the formal treatment is better.

6. Planning department of a large-scale company: What is needed here is all-round talents, who need to know some about graphic design, copywriting and network. Relatively speaking, the workload is less than that of advertising companies.

7. Network company: the website front desk artist mainly uses PHOTOSHOP, and it is better to understand some languages and procedures required by the network back desk.

Blue sky and clear water 2024-06-15 18:06:38

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