What is skin cancer? Skin cancer precursor pictures

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What is the symptom of skin cancer

1. Squamous cell carcinoma is often transformed from keratosis, mucosal leukoplakia and other precancerous diseases. It grows fast and forms ulcers at the early stage. Some are nodular or cauliflower shaped, with less deep invasion and movable base; Some are butterfly shaped, with obvious infiltration to the deep, destructive, often involving bones. Squamous cell carcinoma is often accompanied by suppurative infection, odor and pain. Regional lymph node metastasis is common. The author encountered a huge squamous cell carcinoma of the head, which has a foul smell, more purulent secretions, and is easy to bleed; Cervical lymph node metastasis occurs. The squamous cell carcinoma at the junction of mucosa and skin develops fastest, and the mucosa patients are more likely to metastasize. 2. The onset of basal cell carcinoma is often asymptomatic. At the initial stage, most of them are plaque like papules with a hard base, some of them are verrucous, and then burst into ulcers, irregular, with raised edges, like fire passes, uneven bottom, and slow growth. The metastasis is rare. First, the marginal translucent nodule bulges shallow in the ulcer, and then gradually expands, which can erode the surrounding tissues and organs and become an erosive ulcer. 3. Squamous cell carcinoma is more common at the age of 30-50 years, and basal cell carcinoma is more common at the age of more than 50 years. The former has a rapid onset and often grows rapidly in a short period of time; The latter is slow. Squamous cell carcinoma often occurs in the lower lip, tongue, nose, vulva, and at the junction of skin and mucosa. The ulcer edge is high, red, hard, circular, and cauliflower like. The peripheral inflammatory reaction is significant, and most of the regional lymph glands are swollen. Basal cell carcinoma usually occurs in the orbit, inner canthus, nose, cheek, forehead and back of hand; The edge of the ulcer is waxy, nodular, rolled up, and some are black. The inflammatory reaction is slight or no, with little metastasis, and it mainly infiltrates into deep tissues.

What is skin cancer? Skin cancer precursor pictures

What symptom does skin cancer have? How to treat?

The first type of skin cancer is malignant melanoma. The symptoms of skin cancer include the following four points: 1. Most of the colors have mixed colors, especially brown or dark black, and sometimes red, white and blue. 2. Asymmetry. The nevus with asymmetric shape should be noticed if the surface is not smooth. 3. The edge is rough, and sometimes there are cracks, which is just the opposite of the smooth edge of a normal mole. The second and third types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The common symptoms of skin cancer include the following four points: 1. Pay attention to those with scaly skin surface and secretions or surface induration or failure to heal. 2. Attention should be paid to the parts exposed to the sun, such as the head, neck, back of the hand, chest, back, etc., such as protruding growth, which has not disappeared for a long time. We should also be alert to acne that has not disappeared for a long time. 3. Bleeding condition. These two types of skin cancer only need to be slightly stimulated to bleed, while most common skin diseases do not have this feature. 4. Scab condition. If the skin crusts for no reason, especially if it does not disappear for a long time after the crusting, it should be paid high attention.

What symptom does skin cancer have?

Early skin cancer mostly presents erythematous or papular lesions slightly higher than the skin surface, often accompanied by scaly scaling or scab formation on the surface, with symptoms similar to psoriasis, eczema, inflammation and other benign skin diseases. Further development of the lesion will lead to some characteristic signs, such as a shiny, translucent papuloid small nodule with blood seepage on the surface and accompanied by telangiectasia. The early symptoms of skin cancer are easy to find, and we must treat them in time after finding them

What kind of disease is skin cancer? Is the cure rate of this disease high?

It mainly means that there are some malignant tumors on the epidermis of the skin, usually on the face or hands, mainly because of frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays, or exposure to some carcinogenic substances. If it is still well treated in the early stage, it can be removed by surgery or applied with some ointment, but it will spread and mutate after the late stage, so the probability of treatment is very low.

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer is a malignant tumor of the skin. It has different names according to the source of tumor cells, including epidermis, skin appendages, skin soft tissue, peripheral nerves, melanocytes, skin lymphoreticular tissue and hematopoietic tissue

A picture for your own reference

What is skin cancer

What is skin cancer

What is skin cancer? There are many reasons for skin cancer in life. Many friends have not even heard of it, and many friends are troubled by skin cancer. Skin cancer disease must be treated in time, or it will cause death of patients. So what is skin cancer?

What is skin cancer 1

Skin cancer usually refers to malignant tumors originating from the skin, and can also refer to malignant tumors involving other parts of the skin.

However, the cancer cells of skin cancer are essentially different from normal cells. This cancer cell has lost its normal growth control and can grow, divide and expand without restrictions. It will invade the surrounding normal tissue cells, and can also involve other distant parts through lymph and blood metastasis. Finally, if not treated, it can lead to death.

There are also many types of skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, skin melanoma, skin lymphoma, etc. The common feature of these cancers is that they are composed of malignant tumor cells, invasive, and can also metastasize remotely. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and other tumors on the surface of the skin are easier to find in the early stage, so there are more opportunities to get radical treatment.

Compared with visceral tumors, skin cancer has a better prognosis. Melanoma and other invasive relatively high, sometimes early metastasis can occur, so we should pay attention.

1、 What is skin cancer

Skin cancer is actually a malignant tumor occurring on the skin. Due to the different origins of tumor cells, skin cancer has different names, such as malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, etc. The incidence of skin cancer is closely related to ultraviolet radiation, and early detection and treatment is the key.

2、 What are the symptoms of skin cancer

1. Local skin color changes

Although our skin color varies from dark to light, if there is a local color change, and it has become a special color, such as red, blue, brown, or the original mole has changed, then it may be suffering from skin cancer.

2. Eczematous skin changes

If the skin has a bulge like eczema, red spots or bleeding, but it does not work after the use of eczema treatment drugs, it should be suspected that it is the precursor of skin cancer, and it needs to go to the hospital for detailed examination as soon as possible.

3. Skin ulcer

Skin ulcer is also a common symptom of skin cancer. Because of the rapid development of this kind of cancer, when oily substances are produced, large area of ulcers will quickly form. If there are such skin ulcers on your body, you should go to the hospital in time to see if you have skin cancer.

4. New nevus appears on the skin

Nevus on the skin is actually a common phenomenon, but most of them are brought out from the womb. If a new nevus is suddenly found on the skin, and its diameter is greater than 0.6cm, or there is a phenomenon of mottle bleeding, it can be considered as an early manifestation of skin cancer, and it needs early inspection and treatment.

5. Growth of unknown cause

If the skin often exposed to the outside, such as the face, neck, back of the hand, has growth of unknown reasons, and has not disappeared for a long time, it is better to go to the hospital early for inspection, which may be the disease.

What is skin cancer 2

1. Ultraviolet damage: skin cancer can be easily induced in the head, face, neck, back of hand and other body exposed places exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun after long-term activities in the hot sun. 80% of skin cancers occur in these sites.

2. X-ray and thermal radiation: For example, the risk of skin cancer is higher for those engaged in line adjustment radiation technology personnel, uranium miners, or those receiving radiotherapy for other diseases.

3. Hereditary disease: the risk of skin cancer is significantly increased in patients with sun intolerant genetic diseases, such as xeroderma pigmentosum and albinism.

4. Exposure to chemical substances: if frequently exposed to petroleum, asphalt, kerosene, tar, arsenic and other substances, skin cancer is likely to occur.

5. Chronic skin diseases: such as short scars of chronic inflammatory skin diseases, long-term skin ulcers, fistulas, sinuses, and burn scars can lead to canceration.

Wenzhu arouses a middle-aged style 2024-05-04 12:55:48

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