Beautiful playground composition 450 words

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Beautiful playground


450 words

Article 1: Beautiful playground


Walk into our campus, turn left, walk through the South Teaching Building, and you will come to our beautiful playground.

Standing at the entrance of the playground, the first thing to jump into view is a row of privet trees in the north of the playground. In the west of the playground, there are two rows of tall poplar trees. No matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, they always faithfully guard our happy garden. In spring, poplars grow things like caterpillars, and privet trees grow fresh leaves. In summer, these two kinds of leaves are not idle. They are dense. When students are tired, they can enjoy the cool under these two kinds of trees. In autumn, poplar leaves fall down one after another, and these fallen leaves dance in the air like naughty little butterflies. In winter, the leaves of poplar trees fall off, revealing strong and strong "muscles". Little Snow put on a white cotton padded jacket for Poplar Grandpa.

The privet tree has no intention of losing all its leaves all the year round... Especially in winter, they stand there bravely and bravely, looking very energetic.

Standing on the playground, there is a table tennis table in the west, where many people fight and struggle every day. Even when it rains, those fans cannot stop.

In the middle of the playground, there is a 200 meter circular runway. Whenever I see it, I see the lively scene of the autumn sports meeting. On this track, our class has won exciting honors, and I seem to hear the cheers of students again.

The basketball court on the playground is the favorite of boys. Whenever we have PE classes, we boys always meet to play basketball. We don't rest for a while until we are tired and sweaty. After a brief calm, the two teams begin to play basketball again. You compete with me and try your best to "kill".

On the left side of the basketball court, there is a bunker for long jump. When there is no one with us, we occasionally play some small games, such as digging tunnels

The playground not only gives us a healthy body, but also allows us to have many beautiful memories. I love our playground because there are precious memories of me.

Article 2: Beautiful playground


My school is in Peixin Primary School. Although the school playground is extremely ordinary, if you look carefully, you will find it is a beautiful place.

In the playground, the most striking ones are the eight basketball stands in the center of the playground. One by one, they look like a hunchbacked old man, some like a tap, some like a robot bent to pick up things, and some like a dog. How interesting! The students all like to play there.

The playground is surrounded by a plastic runway. There are many osmanthus and cinnamomum camphora trees around the runway. In spring, those trees have sprouted new buds, which is the new life given them by Spring Girl. In summer, the osmanthus trees are luxuriant with buds, and cinnamomum camphora trees stand on both sides of the runway like small sentries. This is Sister Xia's military training; In autumn, the osmanthus tree sends out a strong smell. Even the camphor tree has perfumed itself. This is Aunt Qiu holding a perfume party; In winter, the cinnamon tree has no leaves, but the camphor tree still stands upright. A gust of wind blows, and its leaves dance with the wind. This is Grandpa Winter testing their tolerance to the harsh environment.

In the morning, the students were doing exercises. A group of birds flew overhead and stayed on the roof, as if watching us do exercises! At noon, the students refused to come out of the classroom, even the birds disappeared. In the afternoon, there were only a few birds on the playground, but many students were having PE classes, and the playground was still singing and laughing. At night, the playground was quiet, as if the whole campus had fallen asleep, but it became a paradise for birds! It is a happy place for birds.

How about our school playground! I like my school, but also love our school that beautiful playground.

Article 3: Beautiful playground


My school is a beautiful campus. Our school has a wide basketball court, beautiful flower beds, beautiful bulletin boards... but the playground is the only one I like best.

The day after entering the school, the first thing I saw was the beautiful playground. Looking around, rows of big banyan trees are like a group of dutiful soldiers guarding the entire playground. When a gust of wind blew, Mr. Leaf on the tree began to dance gracefully, as if holding a grand dance. The leaves are thick or light, dense, without a little gap, very beautiful.

Go inside and you will find a colorful circular runway. The red runway, green court and white sideline are very beautiful. The runway is very soft and very elastic. We usually train and run on the track. Even if we fall, we will not feel pain. There is also a piece of green grass in the middle of the plastic runway. The green grass is surrounded by the runway. From a distance, it looks like a big belt is attached to the grass. Just after a spring rain, the grass covered the whole grass with "little pearls". The grass peeped out and sucked the "little pearls" hungrily. The grass became greener. The white lines outlined by the red runway are like dancing skirts on the playground. This is really a beautiful scenery of the campus playground!

Go further and you will see the flag raising platform. A red flag fluttered on the long pole, and the red star red flag fluttered in the wind. The pole is made of solid stainless steel. Under the sun, the bright red scarf is very beautiful.

I love the campus, but also the beautiful playground.

Trample a dead pig 2024-04-16 12:29:02

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3. The first part of Zheng Guangzu's "Wang Can Climbing the Tower", Yuan Dynasty: "Great men rely on the aspirations of swans and are based on the talents of heroes.".
4. The Biography of Zhang Ding and Zhang Gui in the Northern History: "When they are depressed and have not met, they can also know that they have lofty aspirations!"
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6. Yu Dafu's poem, "In the autumn, when a diplomat was dismissed for trying to rush eastward, I don't know when to return home", said: "The swallow doesn't know the ambition of the swan, and the phoenix will cherish the feather wound!"

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