How to deal with children who are always bullied by classmates

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Every parent is very angry when they find that their children have been bullied by their classmates. However, parents need to pacify their children in a timely manner. After the children calm down, they can take appropriate education methods to actively enlighten them and help them solve the problem perfectly.

How to deal with children who are always bullied by classmates

1. Parents should learn to adjust their emotions. Emotions can affect each other. If children come to tell us about their school experiences, and if we are angry or depressed, we should not have the heart to listen to what the children say, or even anger the children. So we should be able to recognize our emotions, adjust our emotions, and then interact with children.

2. Understand the process of things with children. Parents should understand that most of the conflicts between children can be solved by themselves, because many times, when children have conflicts today, they may be reconciled tomorrow, or even "don't fight and don't know each other". Sometimes because of a little conflict, the two become good friends instead.

So when children tell themselves that they have been bullied at school, parents should first ask the truth of the matter. Sometimes children's expression ability is limited, and parents can also communicate with teachers to understand the situation. In this way, parents can correctly guide and teach their children how to deal with the situation according to the specific reasons, instead of blindly letting their children attack others or tolerate.

3. Let the teacher adjust it first. The contradiction occurs in the school, and the teacher must know more about the specific situation than the parents. Moreover, teachers have more deterrent and persuasive power for children than parents. Therefore, when conflicts and contradictions occur between children, parents can let the teacher come forward to adjust. If the teacher's unilateral preaching or criticism can be resolved, parents can avoid coming forward to prevent deepening conflicts.

4. You can consult with the parents of the other party. Some children are skinny and don't listen to their teachers very much. They feel that they have been criticized by their teachers, but it is the other party's complaint that causes them to bully their children. At this time, parents need to make an appointment with the other party's parents to communicate well.

Parents of the other party should pay attention. After all, their children's own education is the most effective and can play a better deterrent role. But try to be calm when communicating with the parents of the other party to avoid deepening conflicts.

Ways to avoid children being bullied

1. Let children learn to stop each other in time. Let the child have the courage to say "no". If the other party does not stop, let the child run away in time. In psychology, there is a role-playing method, which is used to solidify the psychology and behavior of the parties. It is very suitable for children. Parents can play role-playing with children at home like playing games, and train children with some preventive measures against bullying.

2. Let the children turn to the teacher in time. This is very important, because in the school, the teacher is the most authoritative person in the child's heart. But most of the time, students are embarrassed, afraid that their classmates will say that they report to the teacher, so they stop and endure. As a parent, it is very correct to change the child's cognition and tell the child to report to the teacher.

3. Words intimidate the other party. At the same time, children can be told that if someone bullies them and makes them really uncomfortable, they can just push them away, and then quickly tell the adults around to solve the problem. Let the children protect themselves instead of having a positive conflict with each other in terms of language or body. You can also teach the children to intimidate each other. If you are doing this, tell the teacher.

Letting children "fight back" is indeed one of the ways to solve the problem, but it also has many disadvantages

1. It hinders the development of children's ability to solve problems. Just imagine, if the child finds that it is effective to call back, and every time he calls back, other children dare not hit him or rob his toys, what incentive does the child have to think of other ways to solve conflicts? Then it will not promote the development of its thinking logic, which is not conducive to intellectual development.

2. It hinders the development of children's emotional intelligence and social ability. Gorman and other researchers believe that EQ is composed of five characteristics: self-consciousness, emotion control, self motivation, cognition of other people's emotions, and dealing with the relationship between them.

Therefore, letting children "fight back" will make them think that "force" is recognized, and then they can't control their emotions, and they can't deal with each other's relationship, which will aggravate conflicts.

Breeze boiling wine 2024-06-11 16:10:39

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